The advance, then, whether consciously grasped or not, is in due proportion to the purity and fidelity of the soul, purity in its act of cleansing, fidelity in its subjection to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
It has to yield itself to the promptings of God, be eager to catch His every whisper, and quick in its obedience to His every call.
After the man had gone, Thomas knelt and offered up a silent prayer to the Lord, telling him that he had acted according to the promptings of His Spirit, and that he would leave the result with Him.
Sister Underwood cautioned the Elders not to attempt to baptize while it was light or let the guests at the hotel know what they were going to do, lest they might raise a row.
On opening the door a voice outside was heard to inquire.
It is ye who have taken counsel together regarding them, ye that have preferred to follow the promptings of your own desires, and forsaken the commandment of God, the Help in Peril, the Almighty.
Have ye clung unto the promptings of your nature, and cast behind your backs the statutes of God?
Following the promptings of his evil and corrupt desires, however, Chosroes waxed arrogant before God and tore up the Tablet.
We testify that that which wakened thee was not their cry but the promptings of thine own passions, for We tested thee, and found thee wanting.
Ye dealt with Us neither in accordance with your own principles and standards, nor with those of any man living, but in accordance with the promptings of your evil and wayward passions, O ye concourse of the froward and the arrogant!
Follow not, under any condition, the promptings of thine evil desires.
Follow not the promptings of your evil desires, but keep the law of God all your days.
Follow not the promptings of your own desires, nor the whisperings of the Evil One in your souls.
I know that you think lightly of any promptingsto duty which spring only from a sense of honor; and before you shall have finished my letter I fear that you will be tempted to deny me any claim to the title.
Dutch had been so fully occupied, and so determined not to listen to the promptingsof his fancy, as he called it, that he refused to take any notice of the way in which the Cuban had settled down in his house.
Thus too did the monarch translate her behaviour to him, for he was well versed in human nature, young as he was, and could appreciate the promptings of a young and trusting spirit, such as she exhibited in all her intercourse with him.
Perhaps there is no feeling more desolate and forsaken in its promptings than that realized by one who finds himself alone in a crowd.
So far as her companions were concerned, therefore, she could hardly have been more happily situated than she was, and for their kindness she strove to manifest the kind, affectionate promptings that actuated her heart.
He needed such promptingsto enable him to combat the rough associations of the camp, and the hardening duty of a soldier in time of war.
Jenny wrote regularly and affectionately because she felt that it was her duty to do so, for, unlike Lucy, who was heard from only when she wanted something, she was a girl who obeyed sedulously the promptings of her conscience.
His desire controlled him so absolutely that he obeyed its different promptings under the belief that he was obeying the principles whose names he borrowed.
There was nothing for me therefore, but to follow the promptings of my own insatiate soul, and travel on alone in the fear of God, hoping that things would get better, and my prospects grow brighter by and by.
Allah is great," was the Basha's glad welcome of this answer to those insidious promptings of his Sicilian wife.
There is the way suggested by Fenzileh at the promptings of her malice.
I did not refuse his offer because the situation of the country frightened me, but because, above all, I had to remain faithful to myself, and obey the promptings of my conviction.
I overcame these prejudices, because I have always striven to select the servants of the state, not according to the promptings of personal whims, but of sensible reasons.
But all suchpromptings require regulation for the same reason that, it is now becoming generally recognized, the promptings of even charity itself require regulation.
When all the promptings of liberality or selfishness or ostentation are well regulated, we will be in the ideal world.
What could he deduce from her behavior except that she was a cold, ungrateful, irresolute creature who did not know her own mind or the promptings of her own heart!
Marjorie was aware of this and the utmost effort was required of her to respond solely to the less alluring promptings of her firm will.
Let us not be deceived by the promptings of a misguided sentiment, "The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.
They must be practised in calling up feelings that will counteract other promptings which if followed blindly are inimical to social welfare.
It has lured me on, and in obedience to periodical promptings I have travelled the world around and experienced adventure, sport, and fighting in many a foreign land.
The real cause of the transformation of Italian opinion was no mere mechanical action; it was the inner promptings of the nation's soul.
And this work must be her own, must lie within the sphere of her own relations to others, and she must engage in it from a sense of duty that takes itspromptings from her own consciousness of right.
She is sensitive to control; why, then, let her see the hand that must lead her, sometimes, aside from the way she would walk through the promptings of her own will?
Mr. Riley was a man of business, and not cold toward his own interest, yet even he was more under the influence of small promptings than of far-sighted designs.
You are afraid of freedom, and you mock thepromptings of genuine feeling, from fear that some ignoramus may suspect you of being sincere.
To follow freely the promptings of the heart does not always give good people happiness.
By the time most men reach mid-life they are entirely dependent upon exterior promptings for their mental activity--the passage entirely closed between their intrinsic content and the brain that interprets.
The inevitable scorn of custom had long taken hold upon her being, and she had been driven to that state when the soul founds a republic within itself, and creates its ethics from the promptings of the heart.
A gradual stupor saw her cataleptic; she stood impotent, played upon by the promptings of another soul.
The expensive habits acquired under the promptings of large profits and a sure market are difficult to overcome, and people who never anticipated the present state of affairs are now forced to exercise economy and self-denial.
The Jiva whose Pranas, Indriyas, Manas and Buddhi function without the promptingsof self-centred desires is freed from the attributes of the body though dwelling in the body.
When you have devoured it, I presume you will yield to the promptings of respect due to my position and wishes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "promptings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.