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Example sentences for "caring"

Lexicographically close words:
carillons; carina; carinae; carinate; carinated; cariole; carioles; carior; carious; carissima
  1. The two men walked along in silence, Matt being too timid to question the doctor, the doctor not caring to give Matt the chance of worrying him with foolish fears.

  2. Never look sae glum, Davie, or I'll be thinking it is my siller and no mysel' you were caring for the night when ye thought o' my cloak and umbrella.

  3. I'm no caring for any company earth can gie me the night, James; but the morn I hae something to tell you I canna speak anent to-day.

  4. Well, my friend, I know it: you are a free desert hunter, caring very little for our paltry schemes.

  5. My friend and I are free hunters, caring very little for riches, which would be to us rather a source of embarrassment than of pleasure and enjoyment.

  6. And Phyllis, not caring to live longer, now that she knew that Guy was indeed dead, died too, and they were both buried in the same grave.

  7. Caring nothing for the sacred place, he rushed madly forward.

  8. The prejudice of the sanhedrists who excommunicated the man for his loyalty to Jesus led him in indignation to contrast their method of caring for God's "sheep" with his own love and sympathy and genuine ministry to their needs.

  9. He read and rocked himself to and fro, and simply cried like a woman without caring to hide it.

  10. This as an educational institution, and we can't waste our valuable plant in caring for defectives.

  11. How should I ever have dreamed all those months that you were caring for me when you acted so abominably S C O T C H?

  12. He is no exacting tyrant, but a Father caring for His sons.

  13. They are men who believe themselves to be called by GOD to give themselves for life to the particular work of caring directly for the spiritual interests of their fellows.

  14. After all, there is no danger of my caring for her.

  15. I sat in my wigwam or wandered in the forest, caring for nothing.

  16. I nodded, not caring to trust myself to words, and then, realizing I was doing the wrong thing, I shook my head.

  17. My chickens, which have been pretty well caring for themselves, have done as well as could be expected.

  18. And though he had boasted of speedy marriage, and caring no fig for Parson Chowne, he set off for the stables at a pace likely to prove injurious to his credit for consistency.

  19. Peter, caring little for such diversions, amused himself in company with Philip by detaching large stones from the mountainside and rolling them down in a contest of strength.

  20. Rejoicing in his return to life, his friends and neighbors overwhelmed him with caresses and they satisfied their eager interest by ministering to him and caring for his food, his drink and his raiment.

  21. Mrs. Furguson, the mother, was in very delicate health, caused by the shock produced by the visitation of the Klan four weeks previous, and the labor consequent upon nursing and caring for her sons.

  22. Our nation knows I will make a war, and therefore they do not stay here," said the medicine-man, caring nothing what Two Whistles might have suffered.

  23. I'm not caring to touch what's none of mine.

  24. The classes he scorned for caring to occupy themselves with so cheap and sordid a game as the ruling, robbing, and spitting aforesaid.

  25. I'm slow to suspect anyone of really caring about any one else.

  26. Yet--caring for her you can go on and marry another woman!

  27. He heard it vaguely, caring at this time very little how the fight was going.

  28. Every soul within the walls was occupied with a far more terrible and more engrossing matter, and officer and priest alike obeyed orders of Cyrus that passed through the lips of Amraphel, without caring whence they were issued or why.

  29. Those of the soldiers not quartered inside the city lay under the shadow of their tents, hardly caring to exert themselves to speak, sleeping if they could, drinking as much as was to be had if they could not.

  30. There was no light nor life in the house, for my mother was a helpless invalid, and my father had grown melancholy in his long task of caring for her.

  31. Not caring for harmony as set forth in color, form and sweet sounds, he is quite willing to deny all others these things which minister to their well-being.

  32. I asked a convict at Jeffersonville, who was caring for the flowers in front of the walls.

  33. After the interest you have so benevolently taken in me, you would have the courage to abandon me thus when almost dead, and not caring what may happen to me after your departure?

  34. Caring little for personal indulgence, not solicitous for self-gratification, he has both the spirit and the leisure for observation.

  35. Not caring to disabuse him of his error regarding my rank, I did not refuse him so flatly as I might, and he pressed the negotiation very warmly in consequence.

  36. At nightfall the combat was over and we were dragging off our captured cannon and standards, and caring for our dead and wounded.

  37. Lee held his ground that night and all the next day (the 18th), caring for his wounded and burying his dead.

  38. When darkness fell on this great tragedy, hostile movements ceased and the two armies were caring for the "butcher's bill.

  39. The contest went on until darkness stopped it, and the night passed entrenching where we stood, caring for wounded and burying dead.

  40. And so she walked away--a mile across the park,--neither of them caring to follow her.

  41. I have got beyond caring very much what people say now.

  42. And so she told her little story;--not caring very much whether it were believed or not, but finding it to be absolutely essential that some story should be told.

  43. The humane and philanthropic Joseph, who had previously inoculated himself with success, and thus avoided further danger from the contagion, now devoted himself to nursing and caring for his sick companions-in-arms with unwearied assiduity.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affectionate; benevolent; chord; concern; concerned; consideration; devoted; echo; empathy; fatherly; fond; helpful; identification; involvement; loving; maternal; pathos; response; sharing; solicitous; sympathy; tender; thoughtful; vibration