Cardinal of Lorraine is said to have exclaimed in the prelatic consultation.
In the year 1707, the "Act of Incorporation" brought the church and kingdom of Scotland under degrading bondage to the anti-Christian, Prelatic and Erastian throne of Britain.
The western counties distinguished themselves by their opposition to the prelatic system.
But, when the successes of a prelatic monarch, against a presbyterian parliament, were paving the way for rebuilding the system of hierarchy, they could no longer remain inactive.
The walls of the prelatic Jericho (to use the language of the times) were thus levelled with the ground, and the curse of Hiel, the Bethelite, denounced against those who should rebuild them.
She was a woman, as I have by hint here and there intimated, of a prelatic disposition, seeking all things her own way, and not overly scrupulous about the means, which I take to be the true humour of prelacy.
For this the young man got a name like a sweet odour in all the country side; but that whimsical and prelatic lady his mother, just went out of all bounds, and played such pranks for an old woman, as cannot be told.
Thus fell this champion for the cause of Christ, a sacrifice unto prelatic fury, to gratify the lust and ambition of wicked and bloody men.
Thus the worthy gentleman, after he had in an eminent manner, served his day and generation, fell a victim to prelatic fury.
Being at that time unimpressed with spiritual truth, he was a defender of the principles and measures of the prelatic party in the Church.
Their prison chamber had received no prelatic consecration, but God was in their midst to bless them.
A system by which all their services are dispensed with, and priestly and prelatic pride is leveled with the dust.
Here and in many other passages of his other works Jeremy Taylor very unfairly states this argument of the anti-prelatic party.
There is something so shameless in this self-contradiction as of itself almost to extinguish the belief that the prelatic royalists were conscientious in their conclusions.
William has been said to have privately wished that Episcopacy might be established in Scotland; but, if so, such specimens of the prelatic spirit there must have gone far to extinguish that desire.
They insisted therefore on the adoption of the solemn league and covenant, founded on a similar association of their own, five years before, through which they had successfully resisted the king, and overthrown the prelatic government.
The Papal invention, he continues, had passed on into Prelatic England.
They were those who had given up all thoughts of the retention of a Prelatic Establishment, and who indeed regarded the deliverance of England from such an Establishment as the noblest accomplished fact of the time.
The wanton imposition of the prelatic oppression begat our field preachings, and the attempts to disperse us by the sword brought on resistance.
For no sooner had she got my brother and his three companions into the hay-loft, than she hies herself away to the town, and, in the hope of pleasing her prelatic lover, informs the captain of the troop there of the birds she had ensnared.
He scarcely recollected the cause of his resistance; all his powers were concentrated in holding out, and when after another "Now, vile prelatic spawn, is thy heart still hardened?
The angel of the church" is at once a symbolic and collective name, including also the idea of representation:--not a pope or any other prelatic personage.
The "twelve stars" are the doctrine of the apostles, or rather the apostles' legitimate successors; their legitimacy tested by their doctrine and order in opposition to the imaginary historical line of papistical and prelatic succession.
But on the royal office of Immanuel, their prelatic training and associations seem to have blinded their minds.
In vain did the victims of papal and prelatic cruelty plead, in their just defence in the seventeenth century, the constitution and laws of their native land!
Two considerations demonstrate the error of this prelatic interpretation, besides the fact that it is prelatic.
Political bias caused a learned expositor to interpret the third angel of this chapter as a symbol of the prelatic church of England!
Acts for disestablishing or disendowing the old Prelatic Church, and appropriating the revenues of the same, should hold good.
He made the Prelatic form of Church government, of which he was the recognized head, the bulwark of his assumed supremacy over the Church and his tyranny over conscience, and took every occasion to assert his power.
The Prelatic party henceforth held the power and ruled the Church with a high hand.
He had failed in his military operations; the Covenanters were stronger and more independent than hitherto; his Prelatic friends were aggrieved with his treaty of peace; his power to tyrannize over the public conscience was waning.
In his early life he accepted the Prelatic creed and entered the ministry in favor with the party.
That the administration of the Church shall be, to some extent, according to the Prelatic form.
They must attend the meetings of the Prelatic ministers.
Prelatic ministers were sent to fill the 400 vacant pulpits, but the people refused to hear them.
I esteemed the true ministers of the gospel; but the prelatic party, and the preachers up of good works I abhorred, and to this hour I account them the worst and most heinous of all transgressors.