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Example sentences for "preconceptions"

Lexicographically close words:
precociousness; precocity; precognition; preconceived; preconception; preconcerted; precondition; precor; precordial; precursor
  1. Such an idea is only incomprehensible to those who smuggle materialistic preconceptions into their scientific theories.

  2. Let any one who has not yet learnt it go for a little while out into the world and look at it without preconceptions and with open eyes.

  3. The older formulation assumes the truth of the subjectivist standpoint; the Critical problem, when thus stated, is at least free from preconceptions of that particular brand.

  4. This romantic conception of the possibilities of rational science reveals more clearly than any other Cartesian doctrine the real bearing and perverse character of the rationalistic preconceptions which underlie the Cartesian systems.

  5. The source of his creative and original power is that more than other men he keeps facing necessities in himself, keeps casting off old selves, old preconceptions and breaking through to new ones.

  6. They gave heed to what we term metaphysical preconceptions as to laws governing natural phenomena.

  7. But a little consideration of the evidence and of the power of prejudice and preconceptions in estimating evidence makes it easier to understand.

  8. Naturally there is danger of people emphasizing strongly either one of these trends of Scripture and gathering certain proof texts according to their own prejudices and preconceptions of what ought to be.

  9. I look for these moulds, of course, in the dominant ideas, the intellectual preconceptions and preoccupations existing when the period begins.

  10. So the Vedas tell us little unless we separate ourselves from our preconceptions about 'primitive Aryans'; whose civilization may have been at once highly evolved and very spiritual.

  11. His style is lightened by frequent figures of speech, mostly illustrative, and really illustrative, of his ideas, while his intellectual ingenuity cannot fail to interest even those whom his prejudices and preconceptions repel.

  12. There are two preconceptions to be guarded against in making an approach to this question.

  13. To a modern reader it appears strange that both parties were so entangled in the meshes of their preconceptions regarding God as to be unable to break through the broader views.

  14. In this survey of the preconceptions of the early Greek philosophers I have employed the terms of the judgment without apology.

  15. Naturally they seized upon the most sweeping generalizations and the preconceptions which disclosed themselves in manifold forms.

  16. The impression the people gave him jarred altogether with his preconceptions of the struggle and confirmed the old man's faith in Ostrog.

  17. In a word, scientific empiricism was beginning to gain a hearing in medicine as against the metaphysical preconceptions of the earlier generations.

  18. The proud and enlightened white man despises his arts; and for him, therefore, these arts have no existence, for they work only through strong preconceptions of their reality, and through trembling faith in their efficacy.

  19. Vainly a man endeavors to reserve in a state of neutrality any preconceptions that he may have formed for himself, or prepossessions that he may have inherited from 'mamma;' he cannot do it any more than he can dismiss his own shadow.

  20. It is not enough to have a tradition that is clear, or as clear a one as will pass muster with the government and with the preconceptions of the people themselves.

  21. Having in this way proved their fundamental political orthodoxy, they proceed to interpret the phrases according to their personal, class, local, and partisan preconceptions and interests.

  22. In reality his strong preconceptions as to where he was distorted his calculations of the longitude.

  23. Columbus understood the natives to say these things because of his strong preconceptions as to what he would find in the islands off the coast of Asia based on his reading of the Book of Sir John Maundeville.

  24. No tangible effect did it produce at the time; but preconceptions of another's character are very dangerous things.

  25. A similar divestment of superstitions is reasonably to be looked for also in that domain of preconceptions that lies between the supernatural and the mechanistic.

  26. Which in turn evidently is due to the prevalence of certain habitual preconceptions among modern civilised men,--certain acquired traits of temper and bias, of the nature of fixed ideas.

  27. And the question touches not so much the temper and preconceptions of the British community as known in recent history, but rather as it is likely to be modified by the war experience.

  28. To the common man, with his preconceptions on the head of "restraint of trade," the proposed remedy seems more vicious than the evil it is designed to cure.

  29. But the Chinese tolerance of such a régime goes to argue that they are charged with fewer preconceptions at variance with the exigencies of life under these conditions.

  30. The purpose of the projected league is peace and security, commonly spoken of under patriotic preconceptions as "national" peace and security.

  31. There was a solemn and heavy greatness in his countenance, which corresponded to my preconceptions of his style and genius.

  32. One of the characteristics of experimental sciences is to proceed to the making of an experiment without preconceptions of any sort as to the final result of the experiment itself.

  33. We Europeans are still filled with prejudices and hedged about with preconceptions in regard to these matters.

  34. Let us, for a moment, divest ourselves of such preconceptions and proceed in a more simple way.

  35. My intention was to keep in touch with the researches of others, but to make myself independent of them, proceeding to my work without preconceptions of any kind.

  36. For how else could he have interpreted the scene he beheld, his preconceptions being what they were?

  37. Bounteous rain and glorious sunshine in combination might seem to constitute a climate unsuitable to persons of English birth, or at least trying to their preconceptions of the ideal.

  38. Preconceptions he must discard as unfit, if not fatal.

  39. Under the light of experience forecasts as to actual requirements were quite as vain as our preconceptions contrariwise.

  40. Besides my preconceptions as to the city, I arrived in Salt Lake City with certain preconceptions as to Mormons.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preconceptions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.