In the course of the exudation and the contraction of the inflammatory exudate the brachial plexus is interfered with.
As such fact, how can it be accounted for, when we know, at the same time, that the stone is nothing but a plexus of subjective states?
It must be something inherent in the principle of apprehension itself, or the plexus of impressions would necessarily stay within us.
Cabanis, some spicule or plexus of matter, there, "which secretes thought as the liver secretes bile.
The external face is convex, covered by a plexusof veins, and slightly overhangs the pedal bone.
The veins of this plexus discharge themselves in two directions: (1) By a central canal or canals running along the bottom of the lateral lacunæ of the plantar cushion to gain the deep layer of the coronary plexus.
Here they lie under shelter of the lateral cartilages, and assist in the formation of the deep layer of the coronary plexus of the extra-osseous system.
In Selachians also a plexus occurs in the neighbourhood of the cardinal veins and extends over the viscera: it receives visceral branches from the anterior spinal nerves.
At the posterior end of the hemisphere a small area of its wall remains thin and membranous, and this becomes pushed into the lateral ventricle by an ingrowth of blood-vessel to form the huge lateral plexus ( = plexus hemisphaerium).
Physiologically the velum is frequently important from the plexusof blood-vessels which passes with it into the III.
In Cyclostomes it is apparently represented by a fine plexus with small ganglia found in the neighbourhood of the dorsal aorta and on the surface of the heart and receiving branches from the spinal nerves.
In Teleosts the plexus has become condensed to form a definite sympathetic trunk on each side, extending forwards into the head and communicating with the ganglia of certain of the cranial nerves.
This has been attributed by some to an effect on the solar plexus or reflexly on the cardiac plexuscausing a fatal inhibition.
The third exhibits the pineal body (soma konoeides) or conarium, concealed by a membrane with numerous veins, meaning that part of the plexuswhich is now known by the name of velum interpositum, and a complete view of the ventricles.
On the dorsum of the hand there is a plexus of veins, and deep to these the tendons of the extensor longus digitorum stand out when the wrist and fingers are extended.
In the second he exposes by successive sections the ventricles, the choroid plexus and the middle partition.
On the dorsum of the hand is a plexus of veins, deep to which the extensor tendons are seen on extending the fingers.
He describes shortly the lateral ventricles, with their anterior and posterior cornua, and the choroid plexus as a blood-red substance like a long worm.
What is a plexus of the sun, and how doth it blow on a bull?
Slowly she read the opening lines of a market report: "The bulls received a solar-plexus blow yesterday when it was reported that the C.
The ventricles contained no water; on the plexus choroides were some vesicles of the size of coriander-seeds, filled with a yellow fluid.
There were slight opacities in many parts of the tunica arachnoides; in the ventricles about four ounces of water were contained--some large hydatids were discovered on the plexus choroides of the right side.
There were some large hydatids on the plexus choroides: in the ventricles about a tea spoonful of water was observed: the consistence of the brain was particularly firm, but it could not be called elastic.
When highly developed, it contains unpaired ganglia and nerves, but may be represented only by an indefinite plexus (earthworm).
Just behind the œsophageal ring, the recurrent nerve forms a plexus with a pair of nerves which proceed from the back of the brain.
Fine branches proceed from the paired nerves of the œsophageal plexus to the salivary glands.
As I have said, the solar plexus is the great magnetic centre, keep it actively healthy, bathe it with sunshine.
From the brain to the solar plexus, across to the left side, then down to the procreative organs and thru to the right side, and up to the solar plexus again and thru to the left side and up to the brain.
You're morbidly blue because your solar plexus has gone to sleep; give it half an hour of internal vibration.
Stimulate life in your solar plexus and you will return to youth.
The solar plexus is the great sympathetic centre of the nervous system.
Untwist your solar plexusby cheerful thinking, get new life force into its withered and neglected condition.
The peritoneum must again be divided very cautiously at the point selected, and the aortic plexus of nerves carefully dissected off, in order that they may not be interfered with by the ligature.
The pulsation of the vessel between the forefinger and the first rib will prove a great assistance; yet care is required, lest one of the branches of the brachial plexus be secured instead of the artery.
The really difficult part of the operation now begins: to isolate the vessel from the spine behind, the inferior cava on the right side, and the plexus of nerves in the cellular tissue all round.
The isthmus itself has a large venous plexus over it.
The lowest cord of the brachialplexus lies immediately behind the artery, between it and the middle scalenus.
The stomach turned over to the animal's right, the Spigelian liver lobe cleared from the oesophagus, the mesentery supporting spleen and hiding solar plexus picked off, and the mesentery hiding sympathetic cleared.
The last three form the sciatic plexus going to the hind limb.
Separate Spigelian lobe from stomach, and look for vagus nerve descending by oesophagus, solar plexus around the superior mesenteric artery, and thrown up very distinctly by the purple vena cava inferior beneath, and the splanchnic nerve.
In sum, he is but a plexus of weaknesses; the singing chambermaid of the stage, tricked out in man's apparel, and mounted on a circus horse.
I am a plexus of weaknesses, an impotent Prince, a doubtful gentleman; and you yourself, indulgent as you are, have twice reproved my levity.
You can scarce refuse it, for your own dignity, to one who is a plexusof weaknesses.
One is drawn entirely into himself, into the merest speck, into the plexus solaris of the soul.
You must take something, marquis; you must confine yourself to a solid, strengthening diet, that your body may gain such force as to be able to resist this plexus solaris of the soul.
Thus far, then, I should be inclined to adopt the nerve-plexus theory.
It is scarcely possible to suppose a nerve-plexus here--the tolerance towards section being so great, although it varies in different cases.
So far, then, the matter seems favourable to the nerve-plexus theory.
The results of these experiments led him to infer the existence of a very fine plexus of nerve fibres, in which the constituent threads cross and re-cross one another without actually coalescing.
The 'muslin' in the hypothetical plexus seems to be very coarse in some specimens and finer in others--the young and active individuals enduring severer forms of section than the old.
The nerve-plexus theory, in particular, is coming out with greater clearness.
In the Frog, the seventh, eighth, and ninth nerves unite to form the sciatic plexus which gives rise to the large sciatic nerve extending along the thigh, and dividing above the knee into the tibial and peroneal nerves to the leg and the foot.
The brachial plexus is formed by four or five of the lowest cervical nerves; the last nerve of this plexus often marks the boundary of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.
The composition of the plexus varies much, not only in different species, but even individually.
This is particularly true of blows about the external genital region, or epigastrium, where the solar plexus is an active factor in inhibition.
From the appearance of their plexus of fibrils these are sometimes called moss fibres.
This fossa is roofed over by the epithelium lining the cavity of the ventricle, by pia mater and blood-vessels constituting a choroid plexus (fig.
The fibres give rise to an abundant plexus of fibrils in the granular layer, and many reaching into the molecular layer ramify there, especially in the immediate neighbourhood of the dendrites of Purkinje's cells.
The choroid plexusof the pia mater turns round the gyrus hippocampi, and enters the descending cornu through the lateral part of the great transverse fissure between the taenia hippocampi and optic thalamus.
There is also an abundant plexus of fine medullated fibres within the granule layer.
The vein is quite superficial, just below it and to the upper part of the incision is the brachial plexus of nerves, which surrounds the artery.
By carefully tearing this the length of the incision, the brachialplexus of nerves now is exposed.
These break up in capillaries and form a fine network plexus in the coats of the uterus.
The veins form a plexus around the gland and communicate with veins which empty into the internal iliac veins.
When it encroaches upon the posterior triangle the scalene muscles are attached to it, and the subclavian artery and the lower trunk and medial cord of the brachial plexus pass over it in a groove behind the scalenus anterior.
In other cases the pain appears to be neuralgic in character, and is referable to the fifth sacral and the coccygeal nerves, or to the terminal branches of the sacral plexus distributed in this region.
In contusions of the lower part of the neck the cords of the brachialplexus may be injured.
In other cases, the cords of the brachial plexus above the clavicle are stretched, or the axillary nerve is bruised, and these injuries are liable to be followed by prolonged pain, loss of abduction, and stiffness in the arm.
The muscles in the region of the shoulder may have their innervation interfered with as a result of various conditions, of which poliomyelitis and injuries of the brachial plexus at birth are the most important.
The subclavian artery, with its vein to the median side and the cords of the brachial plexus to the lateral side, passes under the middle of the clavicle, and may be compressed against the first rib immediately above this bone.
The axillary nerve may be stretched or torn, and this may lead to atrophy of the deltoid; or other branches of the brachial plexus may be injured and the muscles they supply permanently weakened.
The inferior thyreoid plexus of veins also lies in front of the trachea.
They give off numerous branches, the blood from which enters a capillary plexus (Plate 38, figs.
And here it was getting me in the same old place--that mushy spot under the solar plexus that non-anatomically trained poets confuse with the heart.
A filament of nerve from the solar plexus has been occasionally seen passing through the umbilical ring, and extending to a distance down the cord.