As you are aware, the synapse operates on the binary 'yes-no' choice system of an electronic calculator.
This produces utterly disorganized activity, every involved neuron and synapse being activated simultaneously by the drug.
Repeated exercise may probably bring a synapse from a very loose condition to a state of close interweaving and excellent power of transmitting the nerve current.
Communication across a synapse is always in one direction, from end-brush to dendrites.
The simplest reflex arc consists then of a sensory neurone and a motor neurone, meeting at a synapsein a lower or reflex center.
The more a synapse is used, the better synapse it becomes, and the better linkage it provides between some stimulus and some response.
This particular synapse between the visual and the speech centers, being thus exercised, is left in an improved condition.
Exercise makes a synapse closer, disuse lets it relapse into a loose and poorly conducting state.
Obviously this {124} theory can be elaborated and applied parallel with the neuroglia theory except that here we are substituting synapse resistance for the hypothetical, undemonstrated action of the glial cells.
It reachedsynapse and a tiny blip registered on cue.
Unerring and resolute the sound came up, slowly at first and then faster, gathering strength into a steady drone as if every synapse were dredging, dredging deep into the sensitized structure .
We began by resurrecting a huge number of "Summaries"; we dredged into Dead File for at least three years back, re-ran them under a synapse intensifier.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "synapse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: brain; ganglion; nerve; neuron; plexus; synapse