Follow the directions for the successive steps for makingPlacket A through "g," as the two plackets are the same to this point.
The left side of the facing will consist of an extension hem the same as in Placket A, the only difference in the plackets being the manner of finishing the right side or top facing.
This may be made in both legs or in the right one only, and may be finished with the gusset, placket A or placket B, keeping in mind that the back buttons over the front.
This is the placket used on dress skirts, petticoats and carefully tailored garments.
The first exercise of the "Placket Sampler" is done on one of these quarters.
To avoid soiling the cloth put the bands on before seaming the halves of the Placket Sampler together.
This is the placketused on children's drawers, night shirts, under garments, etc.
Allow three and one-half inches from the fold for the placket facings and bands, thus keeping the extra cloth in one large piece.
Placket A may be substituted for the gusset, if desired.
First section of the Placket Sampler: Fold the piece of calico with the warp, through the center and cut an opening on this fold five inches in length.
After turning the fold the length of the facing, place the edge of this fold to the stitching on the other side of the seam, and crease the facing through the center the long way, as in Placket A.
Finish the placket as before, then make a narrow hem round the top of the knickers, and thread a piece of tape through this to tie round dolly’s waist.
In joining up the little knickers you must first join each of the leg seams, then you join the two legs together from the front to the back, leaving a placket at the back as you did in making the petticoat.
Join the side seams of the skirt with French seams, then cut a placket two inches long in the centre of the back part of the skirt, and finish it as you were told how in the article on making dolly’s underwear.
Care must be taken at the bottom of the placket opening to make the seam of sufficient width so that it will not pull out.
If your pattern calls for an opening or placket at one side of the front, it will be appropriate to make a hem running lengthwise of the skirt as a finish at the placket, and the skirt will not be seamed with a simple seam at that place.
Yes, the long narrow strips are for the belt; some are for the placket facings.
Lap skirt in back with three buttonholes, one at waist and two below in placket lap.
Baste ¼-inch seams, holding strip all around the placket opening; and then stitch.
The girls who use serge can make the placket facings and bands of silk or sateen or some lining material which will be thinner.
Can you tell where to place the two strips for the bands, and for the placket facings?
A single strip may be used to bind this opening, or a regular placket may be made according to your pattern.
Do you know of any other kind of placket finish besides the one which you have made in the skirt?
The back seam is to be left open five inches at the top for the placket opening.
The placket opening on the under side of front can be bound with a two inch strip, sewing on right side at the edge and turning to wrong just at the edge.
If a strip is used, cut it lengthwise of the cloth and one inch longer than twice the length of placket opening.
Lap the wide hem over the narrow at the bottom of the placket and stitch across the wide hem two rows of stitching one eighth of an inch apart.
Matching the stripes] Have you ever noticed how the slit or placket of a petticoat or side opening of drawers is finished?
Cut theplacket two inches down through the centre back.
The placket hemmed] Now let us practise making gussets on a piece of paper.
Holding the wrong side of the skirt toward you, twist left side of gusset to left side of placket and over-hand to creased line, half way up the gusset (Figure 49).
Gather from the placket to the middle of the front gore, if a skirt, apron, or dress.
The simplest placket is made by cutting a slit and folding a wide hem over a narrow one turned on the face of the goods; this makes a pleat below the vent.
Sidenote: Placket] The placket may be finished before the two back gores are pinned to the front, if preferred.
Sidenote: Tape Faced Placket] The tape faced placket is stronger and may be used in children's drawers, etc.
The finish of collar, cuffs, girdle and placket are hallmarks of good dressmaking.
The placket of a skirt should have an underlap extending well below the opening.
If done before joining the gores the placket can be pressed better and the front is not so liable to be crushed.
Make a taped sleeve placket as shown in the illustration.