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Example sentences for "haunts"

Lexicographically close words:
haunters; haunteth; haunting; hauntingly; hauntings; hauocke; haustellate; haut; hautbois; hautboy
  1. There were no wild beasts to molest him, and the place chosen was remote from the haunts of the boa constrictor.

  2. Twas without doubt a cayman slipping off into deep water; and by the token, 'tis a guide for us, for the reptile haunts the banks of rivers, and sure the very creek we be looking for will be somewheres anigh here.

  3. He haunts dark densely jungled water-courses and ravines, and so is not likely to be seen about a hill-station; we will therefore pass him over without description.

  4. The favourite haunts of the chakor are bare grassy hillsides on which a few terraced fields exist.

  5. Through the transcendant sweetness and beauty of the face there is a something shining out that haunts me.

  6. With these upon my lips I roamed, an absurd pathetic figure, amid the haunts of the Scholar Gipsy, and the wayward upland breezes conspired with my truant moods.

  7. It may, indeed, be physically related to that transient bashfulness which haunts so many of us in our younger days only to vanish at maturity, swift as the belated ghost at cockcrow.

  8. Then turn for awhile from the heavenly smile That haunts thy fond fancy, young dreamer; Turn from the ideal to gaze on the real, And see if she be what you deem her.

  9. Yet this delusion haunts the human breast, Who from his soul its roots would sever?

  10. But one thing haunts me, the old song, That time is short and art is long.

  11. From the needs and greeds of primal passion, From the serpent's track and lion's den, To the world our human hands did fashion, Lead me to the kindly haunts of men.

  12. Apprehended there, they "jumped their bail" and returned to their former haunts in New York.

  13. And the child told of their haunts in the neighborhood, giving house-number after house-number.

  14. Remorse for Lensky's death haunts him, and he can find no satisfaction in love or folly.

  15. Robert tries to make him leave these haunts of witchcraft, but he refuses, and the Duke goes to summon his men in order that he may carry off his friend by force.

  16. We now turn to another division of the subject--the outdoor ghost who haunts the roadways, country lanes, and other places.

  17. The motive for the haunting is akin to that in the tale of the Scotch "Drummer of Cortachy," where the spirit of the murdered man haunts the family out of revenge, and appears before a death.

  18. Fish demons gleam out of the sides of the mountains, and the black bog-holes are the haunts of slimy monsters of inconceivable horror.

  19. The latest good verses of this class are attributed to an echo that haunts the Sultan's palace at Constantinople.

  20. Has robbed my bosom of repose; For when in sleep my eyelids close, It haunts me still, that Roman nose!

  21. Now they were venturing back to their old haunts on the Pincian, the Quirinal, or those favourite Colonna gardens, still ornamented by the ruins of Aurelian's Temple to the Sun.

  22. It always seems that something terrible haunts the very air there, and I feel a weight of grief and misery that horrifies me whenever I pass the spot.

  23. Here is a dim, dark tragedy, buried within this grassy knoll, but within these pages all the mystery which haunts the flower-bespangled hillock will be cleared away.

  24. He would stop there first and then strike for his old haunts and hiding-places.

  25. Thee, native soil, these happy walks and shades, Fit haunts of Gods?

  26. Even when returned amid the city's roar, The fairy vision haunts his memory yet, As in the sailor's fancy shines the shore.

  27. But go to the crowded mart, 'Mid the sordid haunts of men, Go there and ask thy heart, What answer makes it then?

  28. And the incoming stream of tramps and liners met the outgoing stream which carried the imagination seaward, to the islands of the buccaneers, and the haunts of all the heroes and villains of history, in the Old World.

  29. Suddenly the old haunts were desolate, the boon companions had gone.

  30. I come from haunts of coot and hern, I make a sudden sally, And sparkle out among the fern, 25 To bicker down a valley.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haunts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.