From hence our Sauerne hasteth to Vffington, Preston, and betweene Chilton and Brampton taketh in the Terne, a faire streame and worthie to be well handled; if it laie in me to performe it.
But what haue I to deale whether they be profitable or not, sith my purpose is rather to shew what plentie we haue of them, which I will performe so far as shall be needfull?
Wherefore I passe it ouer to others, hoping that some man yer long will vouchsafe to performe that at large, which the famous clearke Doctor Turner hath brieflie yet happilie begun, touching the effects & working of the same.
But yer I take the same in hand, I will insert a word or two of the commodities of the said riuer, which I will performe with so much breuitie as is possible.
Whereas this Court is well satisfyed That Doctor Prudjon is desireous to be excused from reading the next Anatomicall Lectures This Court doth Order That Doctor Goddard be desired to performe the same.
The viceroy with great care and diligence did performe the kinges commandement.
Soe I required a writing at his hand of sending the goshon from Ximina Seak, and therin he promised me to use meanes to retorne it to me, and would goe to morow with me to Nangasaque to performe it.
They are not suffitient to performe what they have undertaken, for they spoile all they take in hand; so that what you have agreed with them for is meerely cast awaye and lost to the Honnorable Compa.
Honnourable our Genneral and Councell in India, for disolveinge this factorie and comeinge all awaye with the firste of the moonsone for Batavia; which, God willinge, wee entend to performe with all convenientsie.
If the full quantetie cannot be provided in dew tyme, then furnish what you cann, for wee will that no busines shall hinder the shipps and your coming awaye from thence in dew tyme to performe her voyage unto this port of Batavia.
IOHN PORY, one of speciall skill and extraordinary hope to performe great matters in the same, and beneficial for the common wealth.
Marginal note: The sea doth euermore performe this circular motion, either in Suprema, or concaua superficie aquæ.
They made much of us, and called us men indeed, to performe our promisse to come and see them againe.
I perceived well that he alone was not able to performe the voyage; there was the other sick of the other boat, that did row but very slowly.
It restes then that ye discourse vpon their practises, fra they be passed Prentises: for I would faine heare what is possible to them to performe in verie deede.
To the effect that they may performe such seruices of their false Master, as he employes them in, the deuill as Gods Ape, counterfeites in his seruantes this seruice & forme of adoration, that God prescribed and made his seruantes to practise.
Trew actyf lyuers that set her ententis ¶ The dedis to performe of mercy and pyte ¶ Contemplatyf people that desyre to be.
They be seruile arts, they ought to performe that which they promise.
Such as Callimachus the chiefe caruer to Calathus the sonne of Iupiter did neuerperforme or come neere in the erected sepulcher of the Corinthian Virgin, beautified with draperie of double Achanthis.
The hogshead was euen come to the hauncing, and nothing could be drawne from him but dregs: yet the emptie caske sounds lowder than when it was ful; and protests more in his waining, than he could performe in his waxing.
Frende, you will finde it hard, to performe my description of this Feate.
And that he may be able to performe these thinges, he hath nede of atteynyng and knowledge of the best, and most worthy thynges.
The Lorde of Heaven send us all well to returne, and send us the good hope to do her Majestie acceptable service; to performe which wee have already suffered miche.
Towards the mainteyning of them, the king doth leaue in his testament great reueneues, and the successor in the kingdome doth accomplish and performe the same with great diligence and care.
He did performe that which she said, and carried her with him vnto that kingdome, whose inhabitantes were great magicians, and threw oyle into the sea, and made it seeme that their shippes were all on fire.
Whle the Sarazens continued their siege against Ioppa, two hundred saile of Christian ships arriued at Ioppa, that they might performe their deuotions at Hierusalem.
And this Turneham seemed to the Prince most worthy to performe that office: so that he being appointed as it were a standard bearer, went into Syria with the English army, and performed his duety with good commendation.
The Marble Pauement clozes, he is enter'd His radiant Roofe: Away, and to be blest Let vs with care performe his great behest.
Good my Liege, The day that she was missing, he was heere; I dare be bound hee's true, and shall performe All parts of his subiection loyally.
The deuill himselfe is not such a deuill as he, so be he performe his function aright.
More mildly was it accepted, in that she whom he defended, was a towne borne child of that Citie, or else the pride of the Italian would haue preuented him ere he should haue come to performe it.
And thus eftsoones requiring and commanding you as aboue sayd, to performe my request, I bid you most heartily well to fare, and desire God to blesse you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "performe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.