The appearance of Clotel on the auction block created a deep sensation amongst the crowd.
Currer was first ordered to ascend the auction stand, which she did with a trembling step.
The less valuable slaves were first placed upon the auction block, one after another, and sold to the highest bidder.
He bought for cash, going into lower New York in search of the cheapest market, frequenting auction sales of merchandise, and often entering into combines with other grocers to bid off large lots, which were afterward divided between them.
The auction itself was regarded as an occasion of such public interest that the proprietors of the Garden, where it was held, charged a shilling admission fee to it.
Give us three prime chaps; none a' yer old sawbones what ye puts up at auction when ther' worked down to nothin'.
He told about how we boys started into the Bazar and about how Skip came to town and about the auction Skip broke up and about the threats he made and the chattel mortgage and about his trip to town.
The auction went along like that for an hour, everybody having the finest kind of a time.
You can bet no more kids interfered with Mark's auction that day.
Everybody was interested in the auction and we were answering questions about it all day.
He turned to the crowd and says, "Owin' to the law bein' called down on me, this auction is called off.
Nobody in Wicksville ever owned such a thing--so I'm a-goin' toauction it off.
We knew he was just pretending, and that he knew all about the auction all the time.
Mark," says he, "lemme see your permit to have this here auction in the street.
Can I not imagine a new "Auction of Philosophers," and what wealth might be made by him who bought these popular sages and lecturers at his estimate, and vended them at their own?
And, should he go down to New York and make arrangements to have his sister's possessions taken to an auction room, he would feel on entering the flat as though the ghosts of Carolyn May's parents would meet him there.
Nor could he decide to go down himself to sort over Hannah's little treasures, put the remainder in an auction room, and close up the apartment.
In 1849 the German Federal fleet was sold at auction as useless; Austria was again in the ascendant and German subjects in Schleswig were handed over to the Danes.
At least Germany knows nothing of this weekly auction of privacy, this nauseating snobbery which is a fungus-growth seen at its strongest in British soil.
The railway company, requiring the site of his business premises for the construction of their line, had bought the place, and an auctionsale that day had disposed of the well-worn effects that were being carted away.
Gillott immediately packed off every Mueller picture he possessed to an auction room in London, with directions that they should be extensively advertised as his property, and sold without the slightest reserve.
There a lot of jockeys and coarse-looking dealers were on hand; and an opportunity was afforded them to try the horses before the auction began.
And to think that they were being led ignominiously to the auction mart to be sold under the hammer--knocked down to the highest bidder!
A few years later, Martin Janson, who had inherited the estate of Moe from old Lars, failed in consequence of his daring forest speculations, and young Lars was enabled to buy the farm at auction at less than half its value.
Great quantities of prize goods were sold at auction this year, taken principally from American vessels.
The Government mills at Dartmouth, under charge of Captain Clapham, were sold at auction in June.
Monday last at the auctionof Mr. Utterson's library at Messrs.
In that auction Caste comes first, then wealth and position.
Another of our children sold by auction in the Village of the Lake is one who used to be such a pretty little thing, with a tangle of curls, and mischievous, merry brown eyes.
The game of hearts, the auction of hearts and the auction of valentines are old but excellent ways of amusing a company.
For the auction of hearts the girls are in a separate room and a clever auctioneer calls off their charms and merits and knocks them down to the highest bidder, who does not know who he has bought until all are sold.
I stopped my horse lately where a great company of people were collected at an auction of merchants' goods.
The people heard it, and approved the doctrine, and immediately practiced the contrary, just as if it had been a common sermon; for the auction opened, and they began to buy extravagantly.
I thought the auctionturned out well for you, but I never heard for certain, and maybe you haven't got the money for the boat.
The inspector of police boasts of the price he paid for his easy-chair, recently upholstered, at the auction of a departing bank manager, the same mahogany frame having once supported the portly person of an old-time Protestant Archdeacon.
Thus the bidding at Hyacinth's auction was brisk, and the prices such as gave sincere satisfaction to the auctioneer.
In New South Wales they are sold by auction as applied for, and put up at 20s.
A mock auction allured the crowd, where the drugstore had long gathered the degenerates, and a gaudy "Bargain Bazar" flourished where once Lilienthal's inviting smile had wooed the unwary.
But in the Devil's auction of the corner building, man, woman and child were knocked down to the highest bidder, for the hell-minted price of human souls.
Nicol's stock was sold by auction at Evans's in 1825.
Montgomery, which was dispersed by auction at Antwerp the other day: 'Plain or Ringlets?
This auction is interesting, not so much on account of the books which were knocked down, or of the prices which they realized, but as being the genesis of the knock-out system.
The dispersal of books by auction developed in many ways.
It may be pointed out that the early auction catalogues are of the 'thinnest' possible nature.
For this service, the collector 'would willingly allow 3 guineas, which, the Auction continuing 24 Days, is 3 shillings over and above half a Crown a Day.
The march of improvement again overtook him, and the business was once more removed, this time to its present site at 115, Chancery Lane, which was specially erected for the peculiar requirements of a book-auction house.
The most celebrated family of booksellers, perhaps, who lived in Little Britain, was that of Ballard, or Bullard, as the original name appears by the auction catalogues.
The business of selling by auction was so successful that several other auctioneers adopted it, including such well-known booksellers as Richard Chiswell and Moses Pitt.
Leaving here, he succeeded to the business of James Edwards, Pall Mall, and was induced by George Nicol to undertake the sale by auction of the Duke of Roxburghe's library.
That auctionbell would ring for the interment of the past and the future which had of late given him trouble.
The piers of the gate were covered with auction bills announcing in a few days the sale of the lease and furniture.
They has to go to the auction but Old Man Denman say not to fret.
I knowed a slave call Ben Bradley and he was sold on deauction block and his massa chained him hand and foot and started for Texas.
Spec'lators on hosses drove big bunches of slaves past our place from one place to another, to auction 'em at de market places.
I seen some slaves sold off dat big auction block and de little chillun sho' would be a cryin' when dey takes dere mothers away from dem.
If there should happen to be a bookauction that morning.
The news of an auction still has the effect upon me that a bugle might exert upon some battered, superannuated cavalry horse.
Mentally I waved a sad farewell to the book auction and to any bargains it might hold and led the way to my study.
She had been the property of Captain Thomas Venture who had sold her at auctionto Hipps.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.