There was a charm about Denby when he set himself to please a woman to which she, although no blushing ingenue, was keenly sensible.
Gabriel, to whom her face was as the uncertain glory of an April day, was ever regardful of its faintest changes, and instantly discerned thereon the mark of some influence from without, in the form of a keenly self-conscious reddening.
She kept the farm going, raked in her profits without caring keenly about them, and expended money on ventures because she had done so in bygone days, which, though not long gone by, seemed infinitely removed from her present.
Paine felt keenly the neglect of his former friends, who avoided him, when they did not openly cut him.
In him, originally, every moral fatuity and sensibility was as keenly strung as in any member of that remarkable family from which he was descended, and which has, whether in good or ill, borne no common stamp.
Some have felt so keenly the injury done by religious differences that schemes have been put forward for corporate union of a number of different Churches.
Fortunately, very many of the large landowners are themselves keenly interested in agriculture and take a pride in promoting it.
Bret Harte waskeenly alive to this aspect of New England character; and he has depicted it with almost savage intensity in The Argonauts of North Liberty.
No one realized more keenly than he did that to most things there is a comic as well as a serious side, and it seemed to make him vastly happy to put his finger on his own vulnerable spots.
As to the mystery itself, they were not as keenlyinterested as the girls were in solving it.
He was keenly interested in the war of 1914, and the last work which he initiated was the collection of field glasses for the troops.
The tour and Conference of the British Association, which had been so keenly anticipated by the people, were in a large measure circumscribed by the outbreak of the war.
Still, it can hardly be doubted that the relation of the individual to the community was more keenlyfelt by the Rabbis than by the leaders in any other society, modern or ancient.
Morton looked at the boy keenly and was pleased to see the way he drew up his shoulders and looked his father in the eye as he replied: "I think you can trust me, Father, I'll do my best.
But if he would be true to her, as to a girl whom he had a short time since so keenly rejoiced in "finding again," she was quite sure that she could be true to him.
The buxom woman probably knew what was going to happen;--was perhaps morekeenly alive to the truth than Lady Albury herself.
His serious face expressed neither approval nor disapproval to the man keenly watching it.
I heard you were coming," he said, keenly examining John's face.
Very soon he reached the edge of the shrubbery, and gazed keenly into the moonlit, park-like meadow below him.
Dante followed the realities of the world with the keenly penetrating eyes of an observer, and bore with him its image down to his hell.
The impression left by the objects was fixed on his keenly observant eye, but it was localized there, and had not penetrated further into his brain and flesh [?
Such a task awakened the greatest interest in my heart, for sad as the ceremony was, I keenly felt the privilege of rendering this last act of tender duty to a young prince so universally beloved.
I believe I can," Mr. Vandeford answered, after looking at herkeenly for a few seconds with the glance with which he had picked his winners or failures in the human comedy for many experienced years.
Then very suddenly Mr. Vandeford sat up and looked at Miss Mildred Lindsey keenly for half a second.
These arguments in its favour will keep us from observing too keenly how much the crudeness of some of the colours accentuates the dullness of others.
Imaginary accidents were therefore said to have happened, and the men keenly competed together to see who should remedy them most quickly and satisfactorily.
As they walked away the elder officer looked keenlyat the younger.
As we passed on, sliding easily through those rough crowds which at other times I dreaded so much, I felt keenly how good it is to be taken care of.
I had never shown Edward Vance the dear sketch for which I had once so keenly coveted his approval.
No one could be more keenly aware, or could more gracefully acknowledge than Moore the great help to a poet's present reputation of connecting his verse with national or local associations.
The old gentleman shook hands with Dolly and with both the men, looking keenlyinto their faces, but mentioning no names.
Yes," said Dolly looking keenly at him, "and I believe you know much more about them than you admit.
Really, he did not know, except that when his interest was aroused in any subject he was keenly alive to all facts bearing upon it, and seemed to find them whichever way he turned.
This play shows how keenly Shakespeare appreciated Homer, how delicately and exquisitely he could supplement the picture; but there is nothing in its five acts that shows him clothed in the garment of ancient thought as Milton wore it.
She loved music dearly, and had genuine talent; but it seemed as if she had never realized half so keenly before how little she knew about it, and how much she needed help and instruction.
There was no reproach in the words at all, but so much genuine humility and patience that Sylvia realized more keenly than ever how selfish she had been.
Though keenly feeling the indignity thus put upon him--and sensible of the great danger in which his life was now placed--he had other thoughts that were still more bitter to bear.
With his body half bent, and his eyes keenly scrutinising the ground, the Indian was moving slowly along the side of the house, parallel to the direction of the wall.
The first was a consciousness of having acted wrongly--of having failed in filial duty; and to a parent whose generous indulgence caused the dereliction to be all the more keenly felt.
From the fervour of his appeal, and the silence with which it had been received, Scarthe was beginning to conceive a hope; and kept his eyes keenly bent upon the countenance of his suitor.
Believe me, Mistress Wade," proceeded the hypocrite, "I keenly feel my position here.
With such evidence as Scarthe possessed against him, he felt keenlyconscious of danger--a danger threatening not only his liberty, but his life.
Moreover, as regards the coincident organization of society, we know at least of Plato that he was keenly conscious of the divisions of society into distinct classes.
Catholic Church or the Pharisaism of the Protestant was flagrantly paradoxical, and was keenly felt to be so on all sides.
The man's face grew gray with the great fear that clutched him, and he stepped back; then came forward again, looking keenly at the girl as though he doubted her.
Through the winding tunnel of foliage "Jip" was keenly alert.
He hung round, listening keenly while the boys squandered their vast wealth in various reprehensible ways, trying to get some idea about the new animal.
Vida must of been suffering too keenly herself to write me all the pitiful details.
Even if Dulcie's winter sports hadn't done the trick I guess it would of been done easy by her report that Bohemians was no longer thought to be smart in New York, Red Gap being keenly sensitive in such matters.