This was the first land skirmish of the war; it was a small affair of outposts only; and a long interval was to elapse before a more serious conflict could become possible.
During a dense fog at dawn, two battalions of the Russians attacked the Japanese outposts and endeavored to force the position.
Sidenote: Kuroki Completes his Plans] The numerous small skirmishes between outposts which took place on the Yalu and its tributaries during the earlier part of the month of April need not detain us.
Week after week went by without any incident other than trifling affairs of outposts being recorded in the meagre dispatches given to the world by the authorities at Tokio and St. Petersburg.
The consternation in the field was not greater than in every part of the city; many of the outposts were abandoned in panic and flight; and the walls were deserted, as they leaped down each in the part nearest him.
But Mutines allowed no room or time for delay or deliberation, but crossed the river, and, charging the outposts of his enemy, created the greatest terror and confusion.
Some preferring to die by the sword, even rushed alone upon the outposts of the enemy.
Many have seen him wrapped in a military cloak, lying on the ground amid the watches and outposts of the soldiers.
Independent of our civilization and distinct from it, there is another in the furthest East, whose centre is China, and whose outposts are Japan, and which embraces its hundreds of millions of men.
At daybreak the newly constituted Board of generals placed proper outposts in advance, and then convened the army in general assembly, in order that the new appointments might be submitted and confirmed.
So valuable was her work as a guide, so cleverly and often had she led Jackson's cavalry upon the Federal outposts in West Virginia, that the Northern Government offered a large reward for her capture.
As ordered by Hooker, General Geary took his division up the valley to Wauhatchie, crossed the creek and marched down the east bank, sweeping the Confederate outposts before him.
Driving the Union outposts to cover, the Confederates swept across the low approach to Beaver Dam Creek.
Therefore Early wisely picked out the northern outposts as the more vulnerable.
On the morning of May 25th Banks drove in the Confederate skirmishers and outposts and, with an army of thirty thousand, invested the fortifications from the eastward.
The army struck out across the strange country south of the Big Black River and soon had driven Pemberton's southern outposts across that stream.
The position taken over consisted of trenches and posts in the old British line, the Craters 6 and 7, advanced trenches in Crater 1, and Sackville center and outposts to the north.
Hundreds of fires stretched far up the sides of the cradle of hills in which our bivouac was formed, while a regular line of light marked the chain of outposts which crowned the surrounding heights.
All very well, my friend; but seeing that outposts are, in comparison with principal forts, about a hundred to one, your chance of avoiding them is rather slight.
There certainly are plenty of such outposts in the country, but you know very well that young fellows like you are seldom sent to such places.
Occasionally some of the outposts would be untenable by reason of the dash of waves, and often inspection and relief of the posts was effected with great difficulty because of the icy condition of the ground.
Constituting the outposts of an army which trusts to them, they must be always alert against surprise.
It was almost an hour after he left Chester that he reached the most advanced American outpoststoward the north.
Nearing the German outposts toward the north, however, he found it necessary to advance with greater caution.
And all the time, at the far-flung outposts of the King's Empire, the Mounted Police at home in Canada were keeping the British peace and looking after the administration of British law where the banner of Britain flew.
The position taken over by General Watson consisted of the tenable trenches and posts in the old British line, the Craters 6 and 7 and the advanced trenches in Crater 1, and Sackville Centre and outposts to the north.
The successive regiments who held the outposts were from the very outset at a great disadvantage compared with their enemies.
I was relieved to hear theoutposts were twelve miles out.
Except on the shores of Cook's Straits, it only planted a few scattered outposts in the South Island.
His early possession of official power in remote, difficult, thinly-peopled outposts gave him self-reliance as well as dignity.
The outposts of either army kept a careful watch, and the soldiers of Argyle slept in the order of battle which they were next day to occupy.
Reports have reached our outposts that the Camerons are assembling their full strength on the skirts of Ben-Nevis; this must be to join the advance of Montrose, and not to cover his retreat.
Auchenbreck would willingly have commenced the battle by an attack on the outposts of the enemy, but Argyle, with more cautious policy, preferred receiving to making the onset.
Outposts were set, with orders to signal should the enemy appear, and the rest of the party set to work.
They areoutposts of the surrounding shores, and become therefore the first objective of every expanding movement, whether commercial or political, setting out from the adjacent coasts.
They tell the geographer a far different story from that of the small detached French holding of Kwang-chan Bay and Nao-chan Island on the southern coast of China, which are outposts of the vigorous French colony of Tongking.
The history of similar scattered outposts of political expansion in America, India and South Africa teaches us to look for extensive consolidation.
These lonely clearings are outposts of the broad band of Muscovite settlement which stretches across southern Siberia from the Ural Mountains to the Angara River.
The Belgian outposts were twenty-seven miles away and the place undefended, so nothing could be done.
On the night in question he had already once conducted some reinforcements to Colonel Pattoun's assistance, but the fighting at the outposts still raged with unabated fury.
As night came on, and we drew in sight of the first range of hills, which are the outposts of the Alleghany Mountains, the scenery, which had been uninteresting hitherto, became more bold and striking.