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Example sentences for "lean meat"

  • It was mentioned previously that there are several different kinds of protein in lean meat.

  • Sirloin steaks in general contain a larger percentage of lean meat and a smaller amount of fat than the porterhouse or club steaks.

  • The actual proportion of lean meat, fat and bone in the various cuts, their relative values of economy, fixes the prices to the consumer.

  • The greatest percentage of lean meat is found in the sixth rib, and the smallest in the eleventh and twelfth rib cuts.

  • Most people would prefer the strictly lean meat.

  • FLESH OR LEAN MEAT [Sidenote: Composition of lean meat] Lean meat is composed of the muscles of the animal.

  • The bacon curers still more strongly objected to the short sides and the very small amount of lean meat in the cured carcases.

  • Sparsity of hair is generally an indication of shortage of lean meat, whilst curliness and coarseness of hair are far too frequently associated with excessive fat and coarseness of meat.

  • I have for many years maintained good health upon a diet containing no more fat than one gets with lean meat once or twice a day.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lean meat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    average rate; central cavity; coming home; first session; general system; good hotel; lean beef; lean meat; lean upon; leaned back; leaned over; leaning against; leaning back; leaning forward; leant back; leant forward; made with; mother used; outer margin; prick them; several parts; static electricity; that nature; vacuum tube; what authority; would not live alway