The false refuges in which the atheist or the sceptic has intrenched himself.
The false refuges in which the atheist or the sceptic have intrenched themselves.
Military Department of Washington aforesaid, and within the fortified and intrenchedlines of said military department, together with said John Wilkes Booth and John H.
He attacked the citadel in which Augustine intrenched himself amid the desolations of a dissolving world; he laid the axe at the root of the tree which sheltered all those who would fly from uncertainty and despair.
They have all broken through the enemy's intrenched lines, taking some forts, guns, and prisoners.
General Grant telegraphs as follows: "We are now up and have a continuous line of troops, and in a few hours will be intrenched from the Appomattox below Petersburg to the river above.
The use and importance of field-fortifications, intrenched camps, &c.
A system proposed by Vauban, and advocated by Rogniat, consisting of lines of very strong works, placed at considerable distances from each other and covering large intrenched camps.
The old system of intrenched camps and lines of contravallation is unsuited to the spirit of modern warfare.
Such should always be the system adopted in camps of practice or manoeuvre, in cantonments, winter-quarters, or in intrenched positions.
Forced to retire before numbers vastly superior to his own, Napoleon concentrated his forces on the island of Lobau, and intrenched his position.
General Taylor's operations at Monterey partook more of the nature of an attack upon an intrenched position than of a regular battle upon the field.
With the return of spring Howe, finding that he could not reach Philadelphia by land without passing in front of the Continental army stretched out on a strongly intrenched line across New Jersey, went by sea.
Fifteen thousand gallant men against an impregnable hill held by seventy thousand intrenched soldiers, backed by the deadliest and most powerful artillery.
On July 1st, McClellan reached the shelter of his gunboats and intrenched himself on the heights of Malvern Hill.
Intrenched within these massy walls, the people of this gay capital cannot realise war.
Intrenched as she is in the impregnable fortress of her people's heart, she might well despise the intrigues of a bolder and worthier spirit than Antiochus.
So that I have, as I still judge, wisely intrenched myself behind indifference.
The intrenched hill sloped down to a rich plain, spreading out for many miles, traversed by the great north road, and dotted over with hamlets.
Losing their hold on the Spanish Peninsula, the Moors were still intrenched in Africa; and in 1415 a Portuguese fleet, crossing to the northern point opposite Gibraltar, took and plundered the fortress and city of Ceuta.
And it was the Dutch, intrenchedin the European fisheries partly through favors granted by Elizabeth, who imported into England two thirds of the fish so extensively consumed by the nation.
It was the Arab middlemen that made the difference: the enemies of Christendom, intrenched in Jerusalem and Egypt, guarded the easy highways to the East and took rich toll of all its commerce.
The Portuguese were still intrenched in the East, and Dutch prosperity was in no small part founded on privileges granted at Lisbon.
We on the left were exposed to the fire from the enemy's intrenched line, not ten rods distant, and our flank was entirely exposed to a heavy cross-fire.
The enemy was found to be strongly intrenched beyond the railroad, with a winding ravine in front, through which flowed a small creek, the banks of which immediately in our front were covered with a dense thicket.
The picket line was an intrenched work about one hundred and fifty yards in front of the fort, and about the same distance from the rebel picket line.
Each of these movements had brought us face to face with the enemy strongly intrenched to dispute our further progress.
Many in hiding and about 1,000 intrenched themselves.
Terrible fight yesterday, but my line is now strongly intrenched about three-fourths of a mile from town.
The Bridge of Spain is the one most crossed in passing between the old walled city and the newer town that was not walled, but was formidably intrenched where rice swamps were close to the bay.
Priests of rival gods had set themselves up within the empire; spies from without and conspirators within were secretly undermining the power of the intrenched despot.
My vis-a-vis, an old gourmand, had intrenched himself behind a rampart of delicacies.
They then intrenched themselves, partly at the cellar-door of the house next the fort, and partly behind a rock on the sea-shore.
Thus they lived for ten years within the narrow limits of an intrenched camp, a picket lodged within an enemy's country, until the settlement in Massachusetts Bay enabled them to draw breath.
We suppose an intrenched camp drawn across the island from the sea to the harbor, having town, fleet, and transports under its wing, and batteries on all the points and islands.
As the shores are for some miles intersected by creeks intrenched behind sandy downs, the route follows a level shelf along the high land.
The ground we took up was superficially intrenched at first, the plan not looking to a protracted stay there, but to an advance on the railroad and pike, the taking of Petersburgh and a march on Richmond and its southern communications.
He found that officer intrenched in a village, from whence he drove him with precipitation, and made himself master of the French cannon.
At the same time the marquis de Boufflers, with a considerable body of forces, intrenched himself before Liege with a view to bombard that city.
Their vanguard appearing on the evening of the thirteenth at Dentreghem, he changed the disposition of his camp, and intrenched himself on both sides.
When baron Dieskau set out from Ticonderoga, his design was only to surprise and cut off the intrenched camp, now called Fort Edward, at the Carrying-place, where there were but four or five hundred men.
His intention was to have given battle before the enemy had intrenched themselves; but prince Eugene insisted upon delaying the action until the reinforcement should arrive from Tournay.
Major Laurence was again detached with a thousand men, transported by sea to Chignecto, where he found the French and Indians intrenched in order to dispute his landing.
He now took possession of a very strong camp between the Elbe and the Mulda, which he intrenched in every part that was accessible, and fortified with two hundred and fifty pieces of cannon.
In April, they attacked the king of Sardinia, who, with twenty thousand men, was strongly intrenched among the mountains of Villa-Franca.
With this force, though greatly inferior in number to that of the enemy, he resolved to attack the Austrians, who were intrenched at Lissa, near Breslau.
But by the time he arrived at Erfurth, which was on the fourteenth of September, the enemy had retreated towards Gotha; and upon his further approach, they retired to Eyesenach, where they intrenched themselves in a very strong camp.
A large crowd of men were set to work, and by early morning a pontoon bridge nine hundred feet long was swung across the river, and all points seized were protected by artillery and intrenched troops.
The latter was well intrenched at the new site of Fort Donelson, and bravely resisted two savage attacks, then charged over his works and captured nearly half a hundred of the enemy.
When the Austrian reserves arrived the Italians had intrenched themselves on the southern slope and were able to make use of the captured guns.
They intrenched themselves at Magonzhio, the first village on the way to Khori, whence they battered the Turks with their heavy artillery until the arrival of Russian reenforcements.
The Turks retired and intrenched themselves about 2-1/2 miles southeast of the Ferry post.
The Turks occupied intrenched positions at the entrance of Kut-el-Hai Channel on the main line of communication between the Tigris and Bagdad.
Gorges, commanding a British naval and military force and four field guns, sailed up the Wuri in launches and found the enemy intrenched near Jabassi.
In the battle of Festubert the enemy was driven from a position which was strongly intrenched and fortified, and ground was won on a front of four miles to an average depth of 600 yards.
The British had repulsed all attacks, but the most difficult part of their task now lay before them, for the Turks were strongly intrenched near Basra some four miles from the British lines.
A reconnoitering party reported that the Austrians were intrenchedin a large villa beyond a stream outside the town.
Finally it became apparent that further advance was impossible without reenforcements and the French intrenched for the night.
Despite all further attempts the British troops were able to make no further advance at this point and intrenched for the night.
Furthermore, the difficulties of landing a force in the face of an enemy strongly intrenched on the heights were not lessened by the circumstance that the cliffs rose to a height of 300 feet, almost straight from the water's edge.
Along the many miles of coast of the Peninsula of Gallipoli there were but few places where, even under the most advantageous of conditions, it was possible to effect a landing in the face of a strongly intrenched enemy.
The British and French having intrenched themselves, the British guns began a vigorous bombardment of the forts.
At morning a little detachment of French had entered by the breach of St. Pancrazio, and intrenched itself in a vineyard.
Instead of attacking him, Wallenstein took possession of the height of Zirndorf, in the neighborhood of the city, and strongly intrenched himself.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intrenched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.