Already out in front of the southerly camps were parties of men who were provided with ladders.
It was the loud report of a rifle ringing out of the southerly border of the chaparral, and the taller of the four Comanches pitched heavily to the ground.
The southerly prairie was nearly level, traversed along its farther border by a winding stream of water.
One of these sombre considerations was the condition of about ten yards of the southerly wall of the plaza.
In one of the upper rooms, at the southerly corner of the building, sat a sort of frontier Committee of Ways and Means, having very important affairs of state and war under discussion.
They rode back to the pond and around it to the southerly side.
Altogether ignorant of the religious fate intended for them, the Texans gained the southerly bank of the river, but their guide did not pause there.
They take thence a southerly and south-westerly course, until they unite a few miles above Orense.
Cadiz, the most southerly province of Spain, includes the capes of Trafalgar and Tarifa, and the Punta de Europa, or the English Rock of Gibraltar.
For two days we have been enjoying a steady southerly breeze.
A shelving ridge on the eastern side of the cove had only to be known to be avoided, and the run of sea upon the beach could be disregarded in any but a strong southerly wind.
At one o'clock that afternoon we resumed our march in a southerly direction, through forest and swamps and across bottom lands.
The westerly half is a repetition of the easterly, and the southerly half duplicates the northerly.
It contains some twelve or fifteen hundred inhabitants, and is the most southerly town on the globe, as well as the most undesirable one in which to live, if one may express an opinion upon such brief acquaintance.
Not far from Cape Forward, near the middle of the strait, which is the most southerlyportion of the American continent, three native boats were seen during our passage.
We have said that Punta Arenas is the most southerly town on the globe.
There was evidence of such a purpose being already in progress on our second visit, two large steam dredging machines being anchored at the southerly end of the harbor.
We are south of Shackleton's last camp, so, I suppose, have made the mostsoutherly camp.
Through this march they were helped on their way by a southerly breeze, and as the air was at last dry again their tents and equipment began to lose the icy state caused by the recent blizzards.
The sastrugi seemed to increase as they advanced, and late in the afternoon they encountered a very rough surface with evidences of hard southerly wind.
Steering was the great difficulty on this march, because a light southerly wind with very low drift often prevented Scott from seeing anything, and Bowers, in Scott's shadow, gave directions.
For nearly ten consecutive days this gloomy weather continued to harass them, but on the 20th it cleared as they were on their march, and on the following day with a brisk southerly breeze and their sail set they traveled along at a fine rate.
Reluctantly the decision was made that this camp must be their last, and consequently their southerly limit had been reached.
But instead of the proposed advance the whole day had to be spent in the tent while a strongsoutherly blizzard raged without, and when they got up on the following morning they found themselves enveloped in a thick fog.
He excepted from this deed only that water-front lying between the middle of Washington Street and the middle of Franklin Street and extending southerly to a line parallel with First Street.
Wednesday, 21st of November At sunrise the Admiral steered east, with a southerly wind, but made little progress, owing to a contrary sea.
He ordered sail to be made, owing to the great danger there is off these islands in being at anchor with a southerly gale, and as the wind was S.
Sailing vessels are advised,[446] under such circumstances, to stand to the eastward for sixty miles or more, and regain their northing beyond the influence of the southerly current.
Austin, on horseback, for Herculaneum, by the way of Hazel Run, a route displaying a more southerly section of the mine country than I had before seen.
This is an Algonquin term, meaning puckered blankets, and has reference only to the most easterly and southerly division of the race.
They believe, like the more southerly tribes, in the general tradition of a deluge, and of a paradise, or land of future bliss.
The stallion was swift, our boat waiting in the lee of the Ness, the wind southerly and fresh, the White Wolf ready for sea, with sail hoisted and but one small anchor to get on board or cut away if need were.
The southerly wind has evidently driven her northward.
The superdreadnaught was under orders to proceed on a southerly course, and parallel with the coast, for some considerable distance.
After communicating with the Navy Department by wireless, Captain Trevor decided to send the steam runner into Hampton Roads with the injured man, while the battleship continued her southerly course in compliance with her orders.
When the winds blow from southerly and easterly directions, the reverse of this happens, and the waters are then proportionally low.
The wind was southerly during the fore part of the day, and towards evening it became quite calm.
The normal seasonal march of pressure-change produces a maximum gradient in December and January, and a minimum gradient in April; but for every month in the year the mean gradient is for winds from southerly and westerly quarters.
The southerly component in the wind is as a rule most marked in the winter months, the westerly component predominating in summer.
They would have made it all right, the Agent thought, had not the southerly gale which blew them a long way out of their course been followed by many days of calms and alternating winds.
Eighteene Miles more Southerly from Plymouth is a good Towne called Sandwich a Towne which affords good store of Provisions, and some yeares a quantity of Whalebone made of Whales which drive up dead in that Bay.
This point, the most southerly of New Zealand, had never been visited by a European before.
This was the most southerly point of New Holland, and was called, from its discoverer, Point Hicks.
Our rigging is richly garnished with split codfish, which we hoped would dry and keep; but a warm day in Disco Fiord, and much rain with a southerly gale in the Waigat, have destroyed it for our own use.
The season appears forward, and the ice much decayed; but southerly winds prevail, retarding its disruption and removal.
All yesterday the harbor was full of ice set in by southerly and westerly winds, and so closely packed that one might have walked over it to the shore; to-day it has nearly all drifted out again.
He marched direct for Cape Felix, King William's Land, whilst I kept a moresoutherly course.
It was then blowing a southerly gale, with overcast murky sky, and a heavy sea running.
A heavy southerly gale has increased the ice movements; happily we are undisturbed.
The most North Easterly of these islands are said to be so near the most Southerly of the Fox Islands, that they seem occasionally to have been taken for them.
Southerly and Westerly winds; and from that time to the fifteenth East, with the wind at West.
The third or most Southerly one is separated from the last mentioned promontory by a deep bay.
The vessel was towed along the Southerlyside of the bay as far as the island Sabadèi.
Aleütian Isles; these must be either part of the Andreanoffsky Isles, or the most Southerly of the Fox Islands.
For there is no reason to expect a successful voyage by taking any other direction; as all the vessels, which have steered a more southerly course, have sailed through an open sea, without meeting with any signs of land.
That connected more immediately with the Southern Ocean would have been the warmer of the two, from which a copious supply of vapour would be carried by the southerly winds, and be condensed as rain in its passage northward.
Only New Caledonia, the most southerly of the larger islands, differs somewhat from the rest in its comparatively cool climate and scanty flora.
Our line of travel did not therefore bring us within view of the Mormon settlements which had already been established at the southerly end of the great inland sea.
From being closely beset, a couple of hours saw us in an apparently open sea with no ice in sight, and bowling along before a fresh southerly gale at the rate of seven knots.
They were apparently recent, and travelling in a southerly direction.
The strong southerly wind now blowing will, in all probability, be succeeded by a calm or a breeze from the northward, either of which will have the effect of opening the ice.
On the morning of the 4th of August, a southerly gale having blown all the previous night, a channel of open water was visible as far as Cape Sabine.
The thermometer invariably rose during the southerly gales experienced in the winter, and this was very naturally attributed to the wind blowing across a large expanse of open water.