It terminates in the Nez de Jobourg, a rocky formation which in its detached fragments makes up the Chausey Islands and the northernmost of the Channel Islands.
At noon, perceiving the schooner and cutter had got round the Northernmost island, I stood round the S.
Corner with a party of men were sent with the yawl and tender to land on the Northernmost island.
In the evening we saw the Northernmost extremity of New South Wales, which forms the South side of Endeavour Straits.
Reduced to desperate straits by famine, he sighted Fonua Lei, the northernmost of the Tonga Group, which he called Margoura, believing it to be one of the Solomon Islands.
Jacob leads his band into the northernmost part of the land.
These royalists, or kingmen, were not as successful in obtaining the sympathy of the majority of the people as they anticipated; they therefore decided to remove in a body to the northernmost part of the land, and there establish the monarchy.
Seeing that their enemies, the tribes of the people, were too numerous to contend with, he commanded his followers to flee into the northernmost parts of the land, where they could build up a kingdom to themselves.
The northernmost is a round high island towering up with several heads or tops, something resembling a crown; this I named Crown Isle from its form.
Emerging from it, we leave Cape Commerell on our left side, and bid good-bye to Vancouver Island, for this is its northernmost cape.
Once more in Chatham Strait, with the ship's head pointed northward, we are on our way to the northernmost recesses of the inland passage, and with the greatest wonders of our wonderland ahead of us.
On the other hand, the dimensions of the entire skull show that the larger crania are of the northernmost subspecies and the smaller of the southernmost subspecies.
If more than one of these localities lies on the line of latitude that is northernmost for a given subspecies the western-most of these is recorded first.
The crania also vary geographically; they are largest in the northernmost part of the range of the species and smallest in the southernmost part.
Marginal records of occurrence for each subspecies are shown on the maps by means of hollow circles and these localities are listed in clockwise order beginning with the northernmost locality.
The southern boundary was to leave the Mississippi at "the northernmost part of the 31st degree of north latitude," then "to be drawn due east .
The families were ordered sent (1681), but plans were changed and the Indians of the northernmost missions were moved southward.
The northernmost countries of Europe were considered as isles of the German ocean, and therefore regarded as belonging to Germany.
Owen Sound, Collingwood and Oro were the northernmost resorts, so far as now known.
Pintados which is reached forty-eight hours after leaving Copiapo is the terminus of the longitudinal railway and here trains must be changed for Iquique and Pisagua, the northernmost nitrate port.
With the exception of the six northernmost provinces of Chile, Curico and Talca are to me the least attractive of any of the republic.
It is possible to make the trip from Santiago to Pisagua, one of the northernmost ports of Chile by rail.
Now I had no maps with me and did not know how to get to Peru, although I knew that Tacna was the northernmost province of Chile and the boundary line was no great distance away.
Arizona's Northernmost Village Fredonia is important especially as the northernmost settlement of Arizona, being only three miles south of the 37th parallel that divides Utah and this State.
The Author has found himself unable to write the history of northernmost Arizona without continual mingling of the name and the personal deeds of Jacob Hamblin.
This species has been brought from Victoria Lake and Floeberg Beach, in the extreme northern part of Arctic America, the northernmost point whence any salmonoid has been obtained.
The run begins earliest in the northernmost rivers, and in the longest streams, the time of running and the proportionate amount in each of the subordinate runs varying with each different river.
He is approaching Colesberg, the northernmost military station belonging to the Cape Colony.
Here is an account of his victory over a hippopotamus, on the banks of the Limpopo river, near the northernmost extremity of his journeyings.
The same thing is also seen at Walpi, on the west side of the northernmost cluster.
The plan shows the position of the four Spanish beams before referred to, the northernmost being the one that has the line and dot decoration.
In thenorthernmost subspecies of erminea (arctica for example) the postglenoidal length in some males is no longer than in males of frenata.
The northernmost records of occurrence, at "Clearwater River, Peace River, B.
In America the subgenus Mustela occurs from the northernmost land in Arctic America southward to Lake Titicaca in the Andes of South America, a distance of approximately 6900 miles.
Many a thought it brought to me as the Fram toiled on through the melancholy night, past the northernmostpoint of the old world.
He lived in the northernmost part of Helgeland, probably at Bjarköi, and sailed round the North Cape and eastward, even to the White Sea.
In the northernmost depot at Stan Durnova on the west coast of Kotelnoi, at 75° 37' N.