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Example sentences for "rode away"

  • Thus saying, Fred bade the general good day, and early the next morning he rode away, taking the road to Danville.

  • May God keep all of those we love from harm," and he rode away.

  • Yes, rode away to the death wrestle--to where the guns were spitting fire.

  • Yes, rode away in the descending shadows, over the hills, through the glades, to Manassas and to death.

  • Except for a greater kindliness of manner, with delicacy quite foreign to his harsh exterior, Benson gave no hint of his understanding up to the moment he rode away.

  • Mounting, he rode away to the northward, and not till he had covered many miles did he rein in his beast, so suddenly that it fell back on its haunches.

  • After helping Lee to mount, he vaulted into his own saddle and rode away, driving the mares and foals before them.

  • Now there were many present of the kin of Sir Marhaus, but none dared have ado with Sir Tristram; so, slowly he rode away, and with his squire took ship again for Cornwall.

  • Still not a word spoke the Black Knight, but passing the butt-end of his lance through my horse's reins, rode away, leaving me shamed and on foot.

  • Thus he took vengeance for his mother's death, of which she had been the cause, and, well content, rode away.

  • Then he armed himself, and mounting upon his steed, rode away, leaving the lady to weep beside her lord.

  • He rode away in silence; not to Paris, but in the direction of Montalban, that he might seek vengeance for his overthrow.

  • So Percival mounted his good horse and rode away.

  • And setting spurs to his horse, he rode away laughing.

  • In the early morning, before the sun was up, the king mounted his horse and rode away alone to Muntabure.

  • He rode away disappointed, and began to think he must consult Father St. Clare; which, for some reason or other he had felt a disinclination to do.

  • Saddles were accordingly shifted, and the stranger, after professing a profusion of thanks, rode away on the livery horse by which my employer had arrived.

  • The deposed trail boss accepted an invitation to accompany us and spend the night at one of our wagons, and we rode away to overtake the drifting herd.

  • A hint was sufficient, and including five of my best-mounted men, a posse of twenty of us rode away.

  • As we rode away, the bugles were calling the troopers.

  • It was about midnight when I set out to reach a camping-place at which I should not be so threatened as at the present one, and after filling my gourd with water I rode away, faintly lighted by the waning moon.

  • It was about midnight when I reached the Fort, where I found everybody up and also cheered by wine, for I had ordered Koenigstein, when I rode away, to give them a treat.

  • On getting directions from me as to where he would find our holding, he rode away, and I again rode off to the right, leaving Rod Wheat with their catch.

  • But I'm almost certain to meet you," he called back as he rode away.

  • All the bucks in the band, numbering about forty, now joined us, and we rode away to the herd.

  • The Prince took the carpet and rode away.

  • Every one wondered who the hero could be, but as soon as the battle was won he rode away so swiftly that no one had a chance to question him and no one knew what had become of him.

  • The Prince promised to do this and then he rode away to the palace of the Tsar.

  • The Prince took the loaf and rode away with it, but he could not forbear from peeping into the napkin to see what was there, and what he saw filled him with admiration and wonder.

  • Emperor apparently suffering more than the dying soldier, and he rode away.

  • Farther and farther he rode away, stopping at other regiments, till at last only his white plumes were visible to Rostov from amid the suites that surrounded the Emperors.

  • He has not been in the house since five o'clock this morning, when he rode away on one of his wild expeditions.

  • I did not like the man's tone, and the request was too much like an order; but I made no further comment; though a load seemed lifted from me when he rode away, and I started with my foreman to haul home prairie hay.

  • At length all was ready, and turning in the saddle as we rode away, I waved my hat to Sally, who stood in the doorway of the homestead with eyes suspiciously dim.

  • Abe Lincoln and Harry and Samson and Sarah and Jack Kelso and his wife stood with the Rutledges in the dooryard of the tavern when he rode away.

  • They got their breakfast, fed and watered their horses and rode away.

  • Nothin' would have happened, if it hadn't been for Masten," he told himself as he rode away.

  • He rode away, grinning coldly back at them, still watchful, for he knew Chavis, guiding his pony toward the declivity on the other side of the basin.

  • So long," Randerson told them as he rode away.

  • A little later, after waving his hand to Ruth from a distance, he rode away, his mind active, joy in his heart.

  • But when the troops had all marched past and the reviewing party rode away, they could not get away from him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rode away" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another half; branch from; cloth dipped; final victory; greater portion; had looked; here described; hundred and thirty years; many generations; multiparty system; public address; rode away; rode back; rode down; rode forth; rode forward; rode over; rode through; rode upon; sedimentary rocks; shall deal; single combat; social work; trust you; turning from; woman could