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Example sentences for "normals"

Lexicographically close words:
normal; normality; normalization; normalized; normally; normative; norme; normous; norms; norra
  1. Normals from the defective strain may marry normals of normal ancestry, but must particularly avoid consanguineous marriages.

  2. The borderline types of high-grade feeble-minded and low-grade normals may therefore prove exceptions to the general rule.

  3. The feeble-minded are primarily quantitatively different from normals in mental and social qualities, and do not constitute a separate species.

  4. The clear eugenical rule is then this: Let abnormals marry normals without trace of the defect, and let their normal offspring marry in turn into strong strains; thus the defect may never appear again.

  5. The middles are going to get even with the normals and have just begun fighting.

  6. The normals wore uniform, but the middles had discarded their uniform and put on Japanese civilian clothes, which made the distinction between the two hostile camps easy.

  7. I suppose that's one of the little things that annoys Normals so much.

  8. I think she wants to find them because it's one of the reasons normals didn't want us to go.

  9. Life on the asteroid had undergone a not so subtle transformation now that there were no longer any normals around to be compared with, to make the disastrous self-comparison to.

  10. And they hate us normals as--devils out of hell would hate us!

  11. They co-operate delightedly in attempting to make normals like themselves.

  12. We normals had planned to blow up the landing grid so no other ship could land and be lifted off again to spread the .

  13. Some normals try to keep you from getting near'em, but you can do as you please.

  14. More and more of us are being born all the time; the Normals are becoming fewer and fewer.

  15. The Normals feared losing their identities to Controllers, and the Controllers feared death at the hands of the Normals.

  16. He, personally, had more to fear from the Normals than from another Controller.

  17. The Normals had long since discovered that the only way to overcome a Controller was by force of numbers.

  18. Always before, on Earth, they had kept their thoughts to themselves, fearing to broadcast too much, lest the Normals find them out.

  19. Normals could kill or imprison him, while a Controller would have a hard time doing either, directly.

  20. A hatred of the Normals who had done this to him, and an even more terrible hatred for Houston, the "traitor.

  21. Only the certain knowledge of impending death, and a complete freedom from the hatred of Normals can free the mind.

  22. But it wasn't quite enough for the bloodthirsty desire for vengeance that the Normals held for the Controllers.

  23. His thought came through to Houston: So the stupid Normals have a Controller working for them!

  24. He couldn't tell her that he pitied her in perhaps the same way that the normals pitied him.

  25. If I don't the normals will come looking for me.

  26. Why don't they admit that we've lost, that the normals own the Earth?

  27. This is possibly due to the delicacy of the waltzers, which are certainly much more difficult to rear than normals are.

  28. There is therefore a large excess of normals over the expected 3 to 1.

  29. On the other hand if mated to normals only one-eight of the next generation would be carriers.

  30. In other words, the principal axes of inertia at P arc the normals to the three confocals of the system (33) which pass through P.

  31. The angles between the normals to adjacent faces are 60 deg.

  32. The angles between the normals to the faces are 109 deg.

  33. The points at which these normals intersect the surface of the sphere are called the poles of the faces, and by these poles the positions of the faces are fixed.

  34. The calculation of the angles between the normals of faces and between zone-circles is then performed by the ordinary methods of spherical trigonometry.

  35. The crystal is considered to be placed inside a sphere from the centre of which normals are drawn to all the faces of the crystal.

  36. Here the plane of projection is tangent to the sphere, and normals to all the faces are drawn from the centre of the sphere to intersect the plane of projection.

  37. Tangents and normals to plane curves, whose equation in linear or polar coordinates is given.

  38. The normals to a warped surface along a generatrix form an isosceles paraboloid.

  39. Descartes’ theorems upon the intersection of the normals at the successive points of contact: cycloids, epicycloids, involutes, and evolutes.

  40. This center is the point where two infinitely near normals meet.

  41. These conjugate normals to q, joining as they do corresponding points in two projective point-rows, form a pencil of rays of the second order.

  42. The involution of points PP’, RR’ therefore projects to the two points F and F’ in two pencils of rays in involution which have for corresponding rays conjugate normals to the conic.

  43. In any point of a bounding surface the normals to the reflected and refracted waves, whatever be their number, always lie in the plane passing through the normal to the incident waves and that to the surface itself.

  44. Some of these normals must be expected therefore to be heterozygous unless some selective fertilisation occurs.

  45. The point in question is the genetic behaviour of the dominant normals produced under the abnormal conditions.

  46. If the black specimens from Grenada were put with the normals which are almost certainly nothing but a recessive form of the same bird, the variation would strike the eye on even a superficial glance at the drawer.

  47. These normals were the result of the breeding of parents declared to be at the same time giving off many recessive gametes.

  48. In these islands no black forms have yet been taken, but Grenada, the next island to the south, has both normals and blacks.

  49. To a world of perfect normals I may look strange, but we have to avoid the family portrait effect.

  50. Contributing to progress in ways normals cannot do.

  51. With the ideal of a democracy of the normals ever before him, the statesman could go on to construct and modify his social machinery.

  52. Adequate action of it is present throughout the range of normals who evidence sufficiently ripened judgment as they progress through life.

  53. If P is the pole of the plane p, the lines through P are the normals to the plane p.

  54. Since the normals of the ellipsoid of rotation do not in general intersect, there consequently arises an influence of the height on the azimuth.

  55. Before obtaining this result it is shown that spherical trigonometry is unchanged, and that the normals to a circle or a sphere still pass through its centre.

  56. When the radius of the circle or sphere becomes infinite all these normals become parallel, but the circle or sphere does not become a straight line or plane.

  57. A (metrically) particular case of great interest is the complex generated by the normals to a family of confocal quadrics, and for many investigations it is convenient to deal with this complex referred to the principal axes.

  58. Also if p is any plane containing proper points, and P is its pole, which is necessarily improper, then the lines through P are the normals to P.

  59. The crystal and the circle are then rotated together until the image from a second face is brought on the cross-wires of the telescope, and the angle through which they have been turned is the angle between the normals to the two faces.

  60. It may be added that the given curve is one of a series of curves, each cutting the several normals at right angles.

  61. The recessive normals cannot transmit the affected condition whatever their ancestry.

  62. Affected (all males) represented by black, and normals of both sexes by light circles.

  63. The affected members are indicated by black and the normals by light circles.

  64. Once free they are always free, and can marry other normals with full confidence that none of their children will show the deformity.

  65. The F1 insects were then paired together and gave a generation consisting of 3 normals : 1 lacticolor.

  66. The breeder who has only a few individuals of a rare sport feels their loss more than that of normals and the general impression left in his mind is that the sport is less capable of maintaining itself than the normal form.

  67. In mating 20 the normals were not recorded.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "normals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.