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Example sentences for "large excess"

  • This proceeding is necessary because the cotton still retains a large excess of strong acids, and when mixed with water gives rise to considerable heat, especially if mixed slowly with water.

  • With the exception of the nitration and the compression into blocks or discs, the whole process is worked with a large excess of water, and the probability of an explosion is thus reduced to a minimum.

  • Great care should be taken that the wrung-out nitro-cotton at once comes in contact with a large excess of water, i.

  • A large excess of the antiseptic in many cases produces a very decided diminution or total destruction of the fermenting power, and accompanying this a precipitation of the constituents of the juice.

  • The effect is extremely striking, since a mixture of glucose and yeast-juice fermenting in the presence of a large excess of phosphate at the rate of less than 1 c.

  • The use of a large excess has a tendency to increase the colour produced.

  • A large excess of the stannous chloride must be avoided.

  • It is well known that by buying the copper contents of pyrites by Cornish assay, burning off the sulphur, and converting the copper into precipitate, a large excess is obtained.

  • A large excess of acid is liable to interfere with the precipitation of the ‹last traces› of cupric sulphide and is avoided in exact work.

  • This excess, as just explained, is more than sufficient to prevent the precipitation of silver chloride from the cyanide solution, even by a large excess of potassium or sodium chloride.

  • By pouring silicate of soda into diluted hydrochloric acid (the acid being maintained in large excess), a solution of silica is obtained.

  • The carbonates of potassium, sodium, and ammonium throw down a green precipitate of carbonate and hydrate, slightly soluble in a large excess.

  • A large excess of the acid would exert a slight solvent action upon the chloride.

  • While a large excess will do no harm, the cost of this reagent is so great that waste should be avoided.

  • It is then concentrated to a sirup, and a large excess of 95 per cent.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large excess" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    common school; could not help saying; different degrees; large baking; large building; large business; large capital; large crowd; large extent; large families; large family; large flocks; large lake; large paper; large section; large tract; large village; large water; largely developed; largely self; larger amount; larger force; larger proportion; larger scale; quench fire; three bays