My mind is not moved by a scientific computation of chances, nor can any law of averages affect my particular case.
Again, there are physicians who excel in the diagnosis of complaints; though it does not follow from this, that they could defend their decision in a particular case against a brother physician who disputed it.
No law is carried out, except in cases where it acts freely: how do I know that the law of death will be allowed its free action in my particular case?
Of course Mercator's projection was not originally arrived at in the manner above described; the description has been given to show that Mercator's projection is a particular caseof the conical orthomorphic group.
This gives either the group of conical projections with rectified meridians, or as a particular case the equidistant zenithal.
Particular case called principle of the conservation of areas.
Particular case of the circle; value of the normal acceleration in terms of the velocity of revolution or the angular velocity of the radius vector.
Particular case called principle of the conservation of the motion of the center of gravity.
As a particular case, from a metrical point of view, we have L.
If therefore anyone, while knowing something in general, were to pronounce an opposite judgment in a particular case, he would have two contrary opinions at the same time, which is impossible.
But passion causes ignorance of law in a particular case, by preventing universal knowledge from being applied to a particular act, which passion the reason is able to drive away, as stated.
It was the case of the relation that local preachers sustain to the Church, a particular case.
This is the principle of all decisions in law, that when a particular case is decided in general terms, the scope and comprehension of the decision must be limited to the particular case itself.
And as this was a particular case submitted to the General Conference, and the decision was in general terms, it comprehends simply the case that was before it, and cannot be advanced to comprehend more.
This procedure is merely a particular case of the general method which in my book I name the 'method of extensive abstraction.
A particular caseof this axiom is that relative velocities are equal and opposite.
Also as a particular case of this axiom, if AB be perpendicular to r and in consequence AC be parallel to r, then D and E lie on opposite sides of B respectively.
This chapter is a very remarkable statement of the Nominalistic doctrine; perceiving or conceiving all the real specialties of a particular case, but attending to, or reasoning upon, only a portion of them.
It is a particular case of the struggle for existence, where man steps in as a third and (so to speak) unexpected living agent.
Mal nero of the Vine is a particular case of black spotting and streaking of the leaves for which no satisfactory explanation is as yet to hand.
The study of aetiology of disease is in fact only a particular case of that of aetiology in general.
The more one knows about asthmatic conditions the more does it become clear that special study of individual cases is extremely important for any definite knowledge of the causation in a particular case.
Not only should the treatment of obesity begin early in a particular case, but, in families where there is a recognized tendency to take on fat, it should begin early in life.
The limitation of development in a particular case lies in the cytoplasm rather than in the nuclei of the cells.
Two Federal judges in Kansas said the law is unconstitutional and granted an injunction against its application in a particular case.
Suppose in a particular case a consultant or the physician in charge holds that the mother is so ill that therapeutic abortion will only hasten her death, yet the fetal heart-sounds can be heard through her abdominal wall.
The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case.
For this purpose, they conceived space as a particular case of a manifold, and showed that various relations of magnitude (Massverhältnisse) were mathematically possible in an extended manifold.
The circular points are, analytically, a degenerate conic, so that ordinary Geometry forms a particular case of the above.
It aimed at no less than a logical analysis of all the essential axioms of Geometry, and regarded space as a particular case of the more general conception of a manifold.
Yet this result seems contradicted by Riemann, for this savant constructs an infinity of different geometries, and that to which his name is ordinarily given is only a particular case.
They express themselves badly; they evidently mean it is possible to verify various consequences of a more general principle, of which that of inertia is only a particular case.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "particular case" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.