Powers of observation and comparison were still untrained and untried; superstition was rife, and a necromanticorigin was frequently ascribed to the unfamiliar products of the mystic East.
Perhaps the Stygian girdle about Conan's waist could have told why their necromantic spells had proven so weak and so quickly exhausted.
The forms of magic dealt with in the preceding part of this chapter belong therefore to the second half of these categories, that is to say, to Necromantic Magic.
These necromantic exhibitions were in reality a cover to darker crimes.
My coffers are exhausted; I have need of supply; and surely it would be an acceptable act in the eyes of Heaven, to draw forth this wealth which lies buried under profane and necromantic spells, and consecrate it to religious purposes.
The shining cavalcade wound up the road that leads among the mountains, and soon came in sight of the necromantic tower.
The Indian "art and mystery" of hunting is a tissue of necromantic or mythological reliances.
Necromantic magic is divided into Goëtic, maleficent, and theurgic.
The sound of l is sometimes heard in their necromantic chants; but, although it appears to have been known to the old Algonquin, it is supplied, in the Odjibwa of this day, exclusively by n.
A necromantic fan was issued by Gamble; 'Dear Doctor consult the Stars,' representing an old necromancer being consulted by ladies.
Gypsy, fortune-telling and necromantic fans form a large class, and were common during the latter part of the eighteenth century.
Therefore, if it be lawful to adjure the demons, it is lawful to make use of necromantic incantations, which is evidently false.
Further, many make use of necromantic incantations when invoking the demons by something Divine: and this is an adjuration.
This deed of thine, in setting Bruno free From his and our professed enemy, Shall add more excellence unto thine art Than if by powerful necromantic spells Thou couldst command the world's obedience: For ever be belov'd of Carolus!
These great commendations of this necromantic woman of Endor, and of Saul's martial courage, when yet he knew he should die in the battle, are somewhat unusual digressions in Josephus.
Now Saul Upon God's Not Answering Him Concerning The Fight With The Philistines Desired A Necromantic Woman To Raise Up The Soul Of Samuel To Him; And How He Died, With His Sons Upon The Overthrow Of The Hebrews In Battle.
The stages in the history ofnecromantic practice follow the lines of growth of psychical and theistic beliefs.
He felt himself urged by the consciousness of his power to new trials of bravery, skill, and necromantic prowess.
For had I not exercised a kind of necromantic art, and roused without awaking the slumbering dead?
But the past of the Assyrian sculptures is quitenecromantic enough without conjuring for them a necromantic future.
He had been greatly disappointed by the absence from the domiciles of these good ladies of all the traditionalnecromantic implements and tools.
Her prophetic feet rested on a wooden stool; her oracular neck was bound with a bright-colored shawl; her necromantic locomotive apparatus was incased in a great number of predictive petticoats, and her whole aspect was portentous.
The clairvoyant branch of the fortune-telling business seems to require a certain amount of respectability in its practices, and they sneer at the grosser deceptions of the more vulgar of the necromantic trade.
Magic and necromantic prowess was equally recognised in Southern Europe.
The divining or necromantic faculties have been generally regarded in the East as honourable properties; whereas in the West they have been degraded into the criminal follies of an infernal compact.
Benvenuto Cellini, the Florentine engraver, in his amusing Autobiography, astonishes his readers with some necromantic wonders of which he was an eyewitness.
Physically, the cause seems discoverable in the fact that the natural constitution of women renders their imaginative organs more excitable for the ecstatic conditions of the prophetic or necromantic arts.
As the story of the necromantictower is one of the most famous as well as least credible points in the history of Don Roderick, it may be well to fortify or buttress it by some account of another marvel of the city of Toledo.
In that awful space of time, passed before his thoughts all his errors and his crimes, and all the evils that had been predicted in the necromantic tower.
When Don Roderick heard that legions of turbaned troops had poured into the land from Africa, he called to mind the visions and predictions of the necromantic tower, and great fear came upon him.
My coffers are exhausted; I have need of supply; and surely it would be an acceptable act in the eyes of Heaven to draw forth this wealth which lies buried under profane and necromantic spells, and consecrate it to religious purposes.
If he fell into a slumber, he beheld in his dreams the shadowy phantoms of the necromantic tower, or the injured Florinda, pale and disheveled, imprecating the vengeance of Heaven upon his head.
My necromantic knowledge is greater than the sum of all the knowledge of other men,' he said; 'yet I do not know the full power of the jewel.