It comes Saturday evenin' an' the necromanceris in the tavern eatin' his supper.
Squar' Alexanders has posted Chet as to his dooties an' his orders is to prounce on the necromancer if he offers to enter the hall.
The place is like the strange and squalid plantation of some necromancerin Spenser's "Fairy Queen.
Dressed in an Eastern costume, this necromancer stands behind a table, covered, as the tables of professors of legerdemain usually are, with little boxes and cabinets, from which he takes the objects he employs during the exhibition.
The history of magic would be incomplete without a sketch of Cagliostro, the arch-necromancer of the eighteenth century, who filled all Europe with his fame.
It is written in Carlyle's characteristic style, and is, perhaps, more of a philosophical study of the genus quack than an impartial biography of the celebrated necromancer of the old regime.
Yet it is significant of the taste of our ancestors that we cannot venture far without encountering a spectre of some sort, or a villain with the baleful eye, disguised, it may be, as a Spanish gipsy, a German necromancer or a Russian count.
I am verily persuaded that the cursed necromancer Freston, who continues to persecute me, has transformed these giants into windmills.
In view of their unsatisfactory nature, the unhappy necromancerwas put to the torture, and an admission of the demonic nature of his familiar was quickly extracted from him.
Satisfied with the churchman's promises, the necromancer led his pupil to a remote apartment, first requesting his housekeeper to purchase some partridges for supper, but not to cook them until she had definite orders to do so.
The Princess was never stolen again--indeed the necromancer across the river who had kidnaped her was imprisoned for life on a diet of pop-corn which he popped himself.
Who but a necromancer could have made a child invisible, and stolen her away in the face and eyes of the whole court?
So was my princess employed when she blessed thee with her sight; but the envious malice of some base necromancer fascinated thy sight, as it represents whatever is most grateful to me in different and displeasing shapes.
And Abaris, so far from esteeming Pythagoras, who taught these things, a necromancer or wizard, rather revered and admired him as something divine.
The lowly one views but in the lofty a necromancer or a fiend.
The alchymist seldom confined himself strictly to his pretended science -- the sorcerer andnecromancer to theirs, or the medical charlatan to his.
The extreme liberality of this wonder awakening the jealousy of the beneficent Austrian Government, when exhibited in Milan, the Necromancer had the honour to be seized, and confined for five years in the fortress of that city.
An annuity of one thousand pounds has been offered to the Necromancer by the Directors of the Sun Fire Office for the secret of this wonder--and refused!
There was a glimmer of hope in this, and the shivering necromancer brightened up a little, actually rising from his ignoble position and once more standing erect, as he gleefully said, 'I agree.
A stone bridge was also broken by the necromancer and crowds precipitated into the river.
But the pilgrim was too wide awake, for if he had spoken of any number, bearing no cross upon it, the necromancerwould have had him, like a ball at bando-play.
They say that, in the ancient times, a mighty necromancer lived in the wilderness of Exmoor.
The Necromancer clearly smells a rat holding with Diderot: De par le Roi!
The Necromancer acknowledged his kindness in many words and, thanking him for his good offices, returned to his cell in the caravanserai.
Lastly, as regards the cure, directions are provided by which the wizard, witch, or necromancer is to be compelled to use certain dark ceremonies for the cure of the bewitched.
There was a notorious sorcerer and reputed necromancer in King James the First's reign, a certain Dr.
The necromancer then promised to restore the brothers and Bayard safe and sound.
Before leaving Paris, the necromancer went to the sleeping emperor, and asked him for the loan of his crown and sword.
When supper was over, the necromancer was taken to the place that was to serve him as prison, and the noble knights, who had undertaken to keep watch and ward, took up their places for the night.
Overmastered by fatigue, he presently fell asleep, and dreamt that a necromancer was stealing his horse.
As soon as the intense heat had cooled down, the necromancer descended into the abyss, and took up his position near the horse.
The next day, after having told the story far and wide, he went with some others to the place where the necromancer had his stall; but the latter, seeing them coming, vanished in the twinkling of an eye.
The necromancer disappeared as before, but on the spot where he had been standing they quickly threw down the dog's blood.
Mr. Yue sat with the light in his hand till morning, when he awaked to the fact that all these devils had been sent by the necromancer in order to kill him, and so evidence his own magical power.
So he refused, and was just going away, whereupon the necromancer said, "You grudge this trifling outlay.
Dreadfully frightened, he remained some time in a state of stupefaction, when the necromancer quietly observed that he possessed the power of averting this calamity by magic, and would exert it for the sum of ten ounces of silver.
Much troubled at this, he applied to a necromancer in the market-place[68] who was skilful at determining the various leases of life allotted to men.
Suddenly the brazen gates of the castle burst open, and there issued forth the Necromancer Ormandine, arrayed in all the terrors with which he could clothe himself.
To be sure he is," said thenecromancer angrily, "the Christian gentleman has destroyed the spell; tell us how he was dressed?
The necromancer then muttered before it his blasphemous enchantment.
The necromancer resorted to his art with as little effect.
Bolingbroke the necromancerwas hanged, Gardimain burnt, and the Duchess of Gloucester condemned to imprisonment for life.
Which done, he kissed Messer Torello again, and bade the necromancer speed him on his journey.