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Example sentences for "neckwear"

Lexicographically close words:
necklet; necklets; necks; necktie; neckties; necnon; necrology; necromancer; necromancers; necromancy
  1. Every thing in them is pell-mell, and the dresses not folded straight, and the neckwear and such like, topsy-turvy.

  2. The knots of pale ribbons, the neckwear of soft lace!

  3. Theodora trusted you, and you allowed a lot of vulgar, unscrupulous women to ransack her trunks, wear her new dresses dirty, and spoil all they touched, and carry away with them neckwear and jewelry they had no right to touch.

  4. The "rush" had begun when Miss Johnson was transferred in this Christmas week from the neckwear to the muffler department on the first floor of one of the cheaper stores.

  5. She had returned to the neckwear factory, and was earning $6 a week.

  6. After this, the demand for neckwear had increased again.

  7. In the last year since her arrival, two and one-half years before, she had first been employed for seven months in a neckwear factory, where she earned from $2.

  8. She left the tobacco factory and found employment as a neckwear worker.

  9. Atchison inquired gravely, touching his own neckwear as he examined the pin.

  10. There was a predominance of exquisitely ironed white "shirtwaists" among the costumes of the women, but as these were helped out by much elaborate and dressy neckwear of lace and ribbon the general effect was unquestionably festive.

  11. Since the day they moved the Gents' Furnishings across from the Ladies' Neckwear she's had you spotted.

  12. Good-night, Milt; and mind you put up that order of assorted neckwear yourself.

  13. It was not there; but, suddenly and without warning, she was dragged out of Blouses and Neckwear and dumped into Toys.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neckwear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.