XII-27] The sorcerer is stated by one native to have brought the soul on a small stick and thrown it back into the head of its body.
Then the servants bid the sorcerer to wait, and they went in and told Quetzalcoatl how an old man without affirmed that he would see the king and would not be denied.
At last the god-sorcerer cried out, on one such occasion, What is this?
And the old sorcerer spake again, How is thy body, and how art thou in health?
XII-26] The Aht sorcerer even sent his own soul down to chayher to recover the truant, in which he generally succeeded, unless the spirit of the sick man had entered a house.
Quetzalcoatl continued his journey; and there came another sorcerer to meet him, saying, Whither goest thou?
Then the old sorcerer said again, Drink once more, my lord, since it is good; so thou shall be the more perfectly healed.
Then the dead sorcerer spake again, saying, Cast this body outside the town, for many Toltecs die because of it.
At last when Yehl found himself completely helpless in the darkness, he began to weep and howl; upon which the old sorcerer put on his hat again, and the fog vanished.
So the people took up stones and killed the said sorcerer and his little dancing manikin.
But when the body of the sorcerer had lain in the market-place for some time it began to stink and to taint the air, and the wind of it poisoned many.
Come, Lady; while Heaven lends us grace, Let us fly this cursed place, Lest the sorcerer us entice 940 With some other new device.
And at his words there was such a great shout of approval that the wicked Sorcerer seemed to shrink within himself, and his pale face grew paler than it was before.
So the Elders met once more, and, after long consultation, it was agreed that the Sorcerer should be summoned, and asked what his other remedy was.
By Hades, swears Arbaces, thesorcerer of Egypt, that Ione shall never wed with Glaucus.
The sorcerer or sorceress tempting the woman; and then the woman tempting the man; this seems to be, certainly among savage peoples, and, alas!
If that's so, then you must be a sorcerer sure enough, if you do your business without having your hand greased!
As for myself, I require to know beforehand who the people are who come to consult me; for you understand that I am no more of a sorcerer than other men.
I trembled, I blushed and turned pale in quick succession; never was a sorcerer so timid; but I had forgotten my role, and Clairette had unconsciously assumed it.
Simon Magus, who believed himself attended by Moloch and Beelzebub, two princes of hell, under the respective forms of a leopard and a serpent, was the most remarkable sorcererin the time of Christ.
The magician and the sorcerer are in the ascendant.
What Lelius had begun at the private instigation of a sorcerer on the little stage of Antioch, too insignificant for historical notice, had been repeated by the butcher of Rome on the theatre of the world.
Great magician and sorcerer as he has been and is still, he is a noble and generous man.
It is said to have been originally applied to a doctor or sorcerer of considerable notoriety and skill amongst the Hottentots or Namaquas some generations back, in consequence of his having received some injury in his knee.
More probably, like Unkulunkulu among the Zulus, Tsui Goab is an ideal, imaginary ancestral sorcerer and god.
Even in practical life the change of a sorcerer into an animal is accepted as a familiar phenomenon, and the power of soaring among the stars is one on which the Australian Biraark, or the Eskimo Shaman, most plumes himself.
Mr. Welton seems to have been a believer in mesmerism, animal magnetism, and similar doctrines, but the coincidence of his story with that of the African sorcerer is none the less remarkable.
To a dead lame sorcerer from the Infinite is a fall indeed.
To the Tarahumares the brilliant little bird, often mentioned in their songs, is a good and mighty hero-god, but the sorcerer perverts his great power to his own evil purposes.
A sick person also is supposed to improve when the sorcerer who made him ill is punished; but if accidents and misfortune continue to happen, the accused man may be killed.
When the star has passed, they know that somewhere a man has been killed, and that now the sorcerer is taking out his heart.
A terrible thing in the hands of a sorcerer is a humming-bird stripped of its feathers, dried, and wrapped in pochote wool.
The occupation of Tata Dios in heaven is to run foot-races with the angels, while the Devil vies with the sorcerers in making the lives of the Tarahumares uncomfortable, he being the chief sorcerer of all.
When Tarahumares see a shooting star they think it is a dead sorcerer coming to kill a man who did him harm in life, and they huddle together and scream with terror.
The power of the sorcerer to do evil is as great as the ability of the good shaman to cure it.
The sorcereris feared by all; pregnant women, especially, go out of his way, as he may hinder them from giving birth to their children.
The greatest sorcerer they have among them, according to the Interpreter, who arrived shortly afterward, sang and blew upon the child to cure him.
The sorcerer replied: "That is very good for you people; but, for us, it is thus that we cure our sick.
The sorcerer approached the patient, and blew all over the body, as I conjectured, for I could not see what he was doing, but I heard his breath drawn from the depths of his stomach.
Again I met a sorcerer who was blowing upon the body, but [263 i.
Still less will I stay my pen to tell of the sorcerer of Courtray, whose ring had a demon enclosed in it, to whom it behoved him to speak every five days.
As soon as he had read, lifting up his hands to heaven, he exclaimed: 'Almighty God, how long wilt thou endure the iniquities of the sorcerer Palumbus?
The stranger folds his arms and inclines his head to one side, so as to expose his cheek, upon which the sorcerer deals a terrible blow, sometimes felling him to the ground.
In some Victorian tribes the sorcerer used to burn human hair in time of drought; it was never burned at other times for fear of causing a deluge of rain.
When a sorcerer entered he was so much alarmed at seeing his reflection in the water transfixed by a knife that he turned and fled.
Also when the river was low, the sorcerer would place human hair in the stream to increase the supply of water.
Before the reapers begin to cut the rice, the priest or sorcererpicks out a number of ears of rice, which are tied together, smeared with ointment, and adorned with flowers.
When a sorcerer in New Britain wishes to make a wind blow in a certain direction, he throws burnt lime in the air, chanting a song all the time.
Amongst the Eskimos of Cumberland Inlet, when a stranger arrives at an encampment, the sorcerer goes out to meet him.
Next the sorcerer in his turn presents his cheek and receives a buffet from the stranger.
Let us enter, For my mind with such a master, For my love with such incentive, Will the sorcerer Cyprian's name Live before the world for ever.
These are all but the enchantments Which this sorcerer effected At his death.
One of them having offered a coin for bread, was taken up as a sorcerer who had discovered hidden treasure and concealed it.
On James declining to punish him, the sorcerer felt he was defeated, and cast his books into the sea, and became a disciple of James.
The sorcerer pursued by Intialo bases all his power to resist on the mere fact that he is beloved by a beautiful witch.
The demon or spirit, intent on causing remorse or despair (ad affretare il rimorso), threatens the sorcerer with terrible maledictions.
Intialo has threatened to make the victim a sorry cur who comes at a call; the sorcerer replies that he will make "a swine's snout" of Intialo.
I have elsewhere explained that the fata in these traditions is a witch orsorcerer become a spirit.
And we should note here that the Italian sorcerer who subdues the devil by simple will and pluck is no Manfred or Faust drawn from the religious spirit of the Middle Ages.
I will bear thee to the graveyard To dig up the newly dead; Then if thou hast thirst or hunger Thou mayst suck the blood of the corpses,' To her the Sorcerer said.
The grand mission of the magus or sorcerer in all the occult lore of all antiquity, whether he appear as Buddha or any other man of men, is to conquer all enemies by tremendous power won by penance or by iron will.
Indeed Simon the Sorcerer was in course of time regarded by some as having been identical with St. Paul--that is to say, it was believed that St. Paul had been none other but Simon Magus in disguise.
Cyprian was a sorcerer of Antioch whose diabolical arts failed to overcome the sanctity of Justina.
Then the invalid became a heretic or sorcerer; as heretic or sorcerer he suffered, and sought to cause suffering.
When they saw this, the monk exclaimed, 'This man is indeed a sorcerer of the sorcerers!
It is not Sergius Paulus, pro-consul though he was, who is the central figure of interest to Luke, but the sorcerer who was attached to his train.
But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith.
There was an allusion in it to Cornelius Agrippa, and Mr. Hunt explained and dilated on this great sorcerer to me till I became half crazy to read the "Occult Philosophy," which I did at a roaring rate two years later.
One evening he came into my room clad in scarlet dressing-gown, and having altogether the appearance of a sorcerer just out of a Sabbat.
Hollander) doctor, who had a reputation as a sorcerer or wizard.
What is more common than implicit faith in their youthful day-dreams,--a faith that lives, though dream after dream vanish into common air when the sorcerer Fact touches their eyes?
In fact, the sorcerer is the priest of backward tribes, and the priest is the developed sorcerer.
The Red-skin to become a sorcerer or to secure a revelation from his totem, or the Eskimo to become Angekok, will endure the most appalling fasts.
The sorcerer sinks in proportion as the priest rises.
And when the sorcerer had borrowed a silk hat and a gold watch he caused the skies to darken and Colombo saw that which men refuse to believe.
Whom are you", said he, "to be thus wandering in the very unspeakable forest of the very unnamable sorcerer Thyrston?
If two tribes are at war, and one of either happens to fall sick, it is believed that the sickness has been produced by a sorcerer of the opposite tribe, and should the pringurru have been burnt, death must necessarily follow.