Half a dozen patrol boats, each with its tiny black gun, at bow and stern, were cruising to and fro over rough seas, that looked from that height very much like the wrinkles on poor old Peter's gray face.
I could take you cruising for a few knots, and let you test her sailing qualities, returning in abundant time for dinner and the amusements of the evening.
This ship, after cruising for some time in the vicinity of New York and New London, was attached to the command of Commodore Decatur, destined for a cruise to the East Indies.
On his arrival there, he was informed that a British ship had been cruising around in sight of the harbor for the last three days.
And sometimes he takes a notion to go cruising around the cabin country before he turns in.
They're always along here--standing by or cruising for any loose wreckage.
Illustration] [Illustration: Half way to the shore a triangular fin camecruising near him.
Half-way to the shore a triangular fin came cruising near him and the boys dreaded to see a tragic end to their island friend.
Cruising these wonderful seas in a yacht that's a beauty, even if her decks are all littered up like a cattle boat's, just about suits me.
After cruising along the shores of the mainland, he ascended the San Juan River and entered and sacked Granada, the capital of Nicaragua.
The boats aforesaid being in all four, set sail from Panama, and having spent eight days in cruising to and fro, and searching several ports and creeks, they lost all their hopes of finding what they so earnestly sought for.
Corsairs, after cruisingand robbing along the Spanish coasts, retired to Tortuga to refit and find a market for their spoils.
Shortly after, according to the memoir, an English ship of 30 guns appeared for several days cruising in the channel between Tortuga and Port de Paix.
From a life of this sort, cruising against Spanish ships, if not an unmixed good, was at least always a desirable recreation.
Summer Cruising in the South Seas' has become a classic in American literature, and the sequel bids fair to attain rank alongside of it.
With that caution which is inseparable from canoe-cruising in every part of the known world, I leaned over the side of my personal property, and penetrated the bewildering depths of the coral sea.
The navy, even that part that is cruising off the coast of Africa, to suppress the foreign slave trade, is in the hands of slavery.
One of a half-dozen American yachts now cruising the sea will be ready to pick me up.
These letters informed us that a yacht--one of three now cruising in the-Mediterranean--would call at an appointed port on such and such a day to take her out to sea.
He's been cruising about after jade and ruby mines one time and another, living among the people.
She will be cruising to and fro until she intercepts us.
Robert Culliford Comander,[5] as a volunteer before the Mast, and went out Cruising with him but tooke no vessel dureing the voyage though they Continued Cruising from May to December.
Cruise after a Spanish Privateer that was Cruising on the Coast and had taken Severall of Our English Vessells, also a Ship from Newfoundland and the Huming bird Privateer who had been to meet them to Gett some hands.
A Young Knight Errant, orCruising in the West Indies= By Oliver Optic 65.
Cruising about, waiting for some sign of the two men whom they had orders to bring off, the French sailors were not far from the bay.
I knew the cut of his rig the other day when he was cruising round about.
Either that, or in cruising up and down the coast here she may have run afoul of some of the rocks and maybe knocked a hole in her bottom or side," answered Jack.
I bet I'd make it so she wouldn't do any more cruising in a hurry.
It seemed that in cruising down some river in the States on a certain winter, with a single companion, he was playing Scullion to the Cook of his more experienced comrade; and consequently what the other said generally went.
And many a day and a night too did I spend cruising with these rough, kindly men, under whose auspices my intimacy with the sea began.
The new comers were an officer and part of the crew of a man-of-war that was cruising upon the coast, and which had been attracted to the harbor by the firing of the heavy swivel.
We officers are not masters of our own time, madam, and can rarely consult our own wishes as to a cruising ground; but I frankly own that it was something more than mere accident which brought me this time to Calcutta.
They strode down the hall together, entered the elevator, and when they reached the entrance of the building were fortunate enough to hail an owl cab which wentcruising by.
His uncle, feeling the need for quick re-enforcements, had evidently called on the Washington police and commandeered a cruising radio car.
A cruising taxicab, hoping for a passenger, pulled along the curb, but Bob waved the vehicle away.
We were cruising off Callao on the Pacific station when it all happened, and I daresay there are a good many others who will recollect all about it as well as myself.
Here we are cruising all over the lake with a thief, running away, and dodging a steamer sent after him; and we are getting into it as deep as he is," blustered Corny.
It was Sunday morning: he had been cruising for three days on the lake, and he was anxious to get home.
Our cruising "ground" lay between the island and town of Mozambique in the south, to about Magadoxa, some seven or eight degrees north of the Equator.
Instead of cruising about the lead in search of whales they are rather inclined to lie in wait for them at the edge of the floe, so that when the open water is wide many whales escape.
It so fell out, as the king was sailing past Spain, that some vikings who were cruising for plunder met him with a fleet of galleys, and King Sigurd attacked them.
Harald therefore went eastward into Svithjod, and sought shipmates, that he might enter into company with those who went out a cruising to gather property.