Danes with a nauieof 35 ships, were arriued on the English coasts, and began to make sore warre in the land.
Yet in the third yeare of king Edwards reigne, Adelwold his brother came with a nauie of Danes into the parties of the Eastangles, and euen [Sidenote: Essex yéelded to Adelwold.
Herevpon he returned to Lisbone, where he found three score and thrée other ships of king Richards nauie there newlie arriued, [Sidenote: Robert de Sabuuille.
After this, the king came backe vnto Chinon in Aniou, [Sidenote: The kings nauie is set foorth.
His nauie consisted in thirteene mightie great ships with triple sailes, an hundred carikes or rather hulkes, and fiftie gallies.
On the sunday following also came the French king thither, hauing lost no small part of his nauie by tempests of weather.
The same day also the kings sisters and the ladie Berengaria with the residue of the kings nauie entred the hauen of Limezun.
Now king Henrie hauing receiued these letters, interteined them that brought this message verie courteouslie, and promising them to send ouer aid with all expedition, he caused his nauie to be made readie for that voiage.
Also Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, with a nauie of ships sailed into Syria, where in the warres against the Saracens, he greatlie aduanced the part of the christians.
Brabanders: and so soone as the wind blew to his mind, he caused the sailes to be hoised vp, and the nauie to set forward.
Finallie, when king Henrie had visited the most part of the countrie, he came to Harflew, and caused his nauie to be decked and rigged, that he might saile ouer into England.
King Henrie then returning out of Normandie into England about the sixt day of August (as is aforesaid) caused a nauie of 400.
A great victorie of the English nauieagainst the Flemish fléet, Ia.
Sidenote: The English nauie is ouermatched and ouercome by the Spanish fléet.
A mightie great nauie of French ships at Sluis purposing to inuade Englād.
Sidenote: The English nauiescattered by a terrible tempest.
In the latter end of this eleuenth yeare was the earle of Arundell sent to the sea with a great nauie of ships and men of warre.
Sidenote: The nauiesetteth foorth, and is beaten backe by tempest.
This doone, he appointed the admirall of the nauie to saile about the Ile, [Sidenote: An hauen called Trutulensis, peraduenture Rutupensis.
Vpon confidence whereof he rigged his ships, and set foorth a nauie well decked with ordinance, and warlikelie furnished with all things necessarie, to the intent to saile forward shortlie, and to loose no time.
Richard sendeth foorth a nauie to scowre the sea ouer against Britaine.
Wherefore he gaue streict charge, and sore commandement, that no person should once presume to take land, and go to shore, vntill such time as the whole nauie were assembled and come togither.
Heere we: and if to morrow Our Nauie thriue, I haue an absolute hope Our Landmen will stand vp 1 'Tis a braue Army, and full of purpose.
After the death of Swaine, Canutus prepared a Nauie of one thousand saile for inuasion of England; and was aided with sixe hundred more by Robert le Frizon, whose daughter hee had taken to wife.
Likewise Swaine had furnished against England a Nauie of 200.
And further, hee prepared a nauie to guard the seas, and to impeach the passage of his brother into England.
For this cause the King with his accustomed celeritie returned into England, accompanied with the Duke of Normandie his brother; and led a mighty armie against the Scots by land, and sent also a nauie to infest them by sea.
This yeare the ladie Katharine of Spaine was sent by hir father king Ferdinando with a puissant nauie of ships into England, where she arriued in the hauen of Plimmouth the second daie of October then being saturdaie.
King Henrie hearing this, and hauing no mistrust in the promise of Maximilian, with all speed leuied an armie, and rigged his nauie of ships.
The French nauie laie betwixt Sluise and Blancbergh, so that when the king of England approched, either part descried other, & therewith prepared them to battell.
And moreouer at his instance the king rigged a nauie of ships, and appointed the earle of Penbroke as generall, to saile with the same into Aquitaine, and there to remooue the siege which the Frenchmen had laid to Rochell.
Sidenote: A great nauie prepared by the French king.
And to which Island (if neede were, and if wee should thinke so good) wee might allure the Northeast nauie, the nauie of Cambalu to resort with their commodities to vs there planted, and stapling there.
He caused indeed eight markes of siluer to be leuied of [Sidenote: A nauie in a readinesse.
To euerie mariner of his nauie he caused a paiment of 8 marks to be made, and to euerie master 12 marks.
Martine, returned into Kent, and lodged with their nauie in the winter following in the Thames, and oftentimes assaulting the citie of London, were still beaten backe to their losse.
This nauie did set forward from London toward the enimies, who hauing warning giuen them from Alfrike, escaped away without hurt.
Shortly after a greater nauie of the Danes came, and incountered with the kings fléet, so that a great [Sidenote: Alfrike a traitour to his countrie.
Other of the Danes with a nauie of 94 ships entered the Thames, and besieged London about our ladie daie in September.
The king yet caused a nauieto be set foorth at London, whereof he appointed earle Alfrike (whome before he had banished) to be high admerall, ioining with him earle Turold.
Englishmen, that with all spéed they made foorth a nauie full fraught with men of warre, the which in the yeare following came [Sidenote: Excester taken.
In the night following, Cnute remooued his campe in secret wise, and marched towards London, which citie in a maner remained besieged by the nauie of the Danes.
We are ouercome of the Danes, not with weapon or force of armes; but with treason wrought by our owne people: we did at the first prepare a nauie against the enimies, the which that false traitour Elfrike betraid into their hands.
He had also prouided a nauie of ships farre stronger than the French kings, readie to fight with them by sea, if the case had so required.
After this conflict, this towne was so hardlie handled with fierce and continuall assaults, that the capteins within offered to suffer the English nauie to passe by their towne without impeachment, vp to the citie of Rone.
King Henrie aduertised hereof, meant at the first to haue gone with his nauiein person to the succors of his men; but the emperor dissuaded him from that purpose, aduising him rather to send some one of his capteins.
When the vicount of Narbon perceiued the English nauie to approch, he couragiouslie set forward, and gat the possession of the mouth of the hauen.
She was shipped in the new Ellen of London, and in hir nauie the Iohn of Newcastell, the Marie of Salisburie, and manie other roiall ships, and on the morrow landed at Sluis in Flanders.
The king following his counsell, first appointed his nauie to scowre and keepe the seas, and to withstand (if it were possible) the arriuall of his brother by faire words.
I read of, and vpon the riuer Indus, but to his losse, for he was ouercome by hir power, & his nauie either drowned or burned by the furie of hir souldiers.
What shall we thinke then of the greater, but especiallie of the nauie roiall, of which some one vessell is woorth two of the other, as the shipwrights haue often told me?
It shall not be amisse therefore to begin at the nauie of Xerxes, of which ech meane vessell (as appeereth by Herodot) was able to receiue two hundred and thirtie souldiers, and some of them three hundred.
For albeit that the discourse hereof maketh little to the description of our present nauie in England: yet shall the report thereof not be vnprofitable and vnpleasant to such as shall reade among the writings of their capacities and moulds.
The nauie of England may be diuided into three sortes, of which the one serueth for the warres, the other for burden, and the third for fishermen, which get their liuing by fishing on the sea.
In the second warre of Carthage the nauie that went with Scipio was felled in the wood, and seene to saile on the sea fullie furnished in sixe weekes: which vnto them that are ignorant of things doth seeme to be false, and vnpossible.
And yet such a nauie was to be seene in the first war of Carthage, led thither by Duellius the Romane.
Secondlie, to furnish him and his people with a nauie of ships, and to store the same with victuals and all other necessaries.
He renued his power in Vera Crux, and brought thyther thenauie of Naruaez.
The nauie and men that Cortez caried with him to the Conquest.
The determination of Cortez to prepare a Nauie for discouerie.
He also besoughte Mutezuma to certifie him if there were any sure porte or harbor on the Sea coast, where the Spanish nauie mought ride in safetie: he aunswered that he knew of none, but that he woulde sende to make enquirie thereof.
And beyng at Sea, he willed all his nauie (as the vse is) to haue S.
These things thus ordered, king Richard sending his Nauie by the Spanish seas, and by the streights of Gibraltar, betweene Spaine and Africa, to meete him at Marsilia, hee himselfe went as is said to Vizeliac to the French king.
How part of the nauie and armie of the great Turke came before the citie of Rhodes.
In this ship went as Captaine Richard Gray, who long after died in Russia, Master William Holstocke afterward Controuller of the Queenes Nauie went then as purser in the same voyage.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nauie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.