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Example sentences for "movies"

Lexicographically close words:
moves; movest; movet; moveth; movie; movimiento; moving; movingly; movings; movit
  1. The King of the Movies Meets the President of Hayti!

  2. The King of the Movies chuckled excitedly.

  3. Spanish letters, for years sunk into formalism, revived with the national spirit, and the new books in prose and verse began to deal vigorously with the here and now.

  4. She's slipped off and gone alone to movies several times to meet him, when she was supposed to be taking tea with her aunt.

  5. They were talking over their plans, which contemplated a visit to the movies with two young men--a supper and dance afterwards.

  6. After a while, this going to the movies has become such a frequent occurrence, that it is accepted as a matter of course, without bother or comment.

  7. And so vivid are Lucian's descriptions that as in all good movies soon we find ourselves participating in his adventures.

  8. Personally I go to the movies to escape from routine and from painful thoughts of our own times.

  9. In the court was at that moment one cameraman from WDSU, and he make--he did an interview to Oswald after the trial and he took some movies of ourselves, and later I receive one phone call from Bill Stuckey.

  10. Yet today our movies are shaped on identically the lines of the popular melodrama that was laughed off the boards a generation ago.

  11. One begins to understand why the movies are what they are.

  12. I cried until my father let me go to the movies nearly every afternoon and twice on Saturday.

  13. Poor little Sister had to confess that she had asked Grandmother to take them because she knew that in no other way could they get to the movies at night.

  14. I never went to the movies at night," she added pleadingly.

  15. But I'll tell you something--you wouldn't like going to the movies at night; you would go to sleep after a little while and lose half the pictures.

  16. If everybody can go to the movies 'cept me, I don't think it's fair, so there!

  17. It never entered her dear head that Mother Morrison might not wish Brother and Sister to go to the movies at night.

  18. Brownie might have gone to the movies and gone home again without anyone ever having been the wiser, if there had not been a film shown that night that no regular dog could look at and not bark.

  19. I do know the ropes among the movies pretty well," said Vincent.

  20. The movies tried it out in connection with a restaurant last season, but made a fizzle of it, the man in there tells me," reported Frank.

  21. Old Tyson told me I had the making of a smart man in me and advised me to cut away from the movies and become a second Vanderbilt.

  22. Anybody has a right to start a movies show; haven't they?

  23. Frank mentioned some of the movies accessories he had purchased and told of some novel features in the way of films for which he had contracted.

  24. Oh, he's been a hanger-on at the movies and a sponge and dead beat for a long time.

  25. You know when we closed up at Fairlands he said he would take a day or two visiting some relatives and looking over the movies business in the city.

  26. We've got too good a start in the movies race at Seaside Park, and we're bound to win.

  27. Thinking of my first and only appearance at that auction where you bought your movies outfit?

  28. Do you have plans for making movies or recordings out of your other science fiction works -- for example, the Foundation series?

  29. His movies often put the viewer to sleep.

  30. Leonard was born on the West Side, moved to New Jersey at the age of 4, and became hooked on old movies by the time he was 8.

  31. Now, with longer broadcasting hours and the abundance of new channels, vintage movies are enjoying a second life, often with a bigger audience than the first time.

  32. When something is put into the movies it can be changed, often for the worse.

  33. It's like going to the movies and seeing a commercial.

  34. Well-known for his roles in Irish plays -- especially those by John Millington Synge -- he has also been seen recently in movies and television.

  35. Why, Page, there is oodlums of money in movies and think of the life!

  36. Of course she knew that movies existed, but she could not grasp the joy of them, as she had nothing to go upon but the memory of a magic lantern.

  37. It means only letting up a bit on the movies or drinking water instead of limeade when one is thirsty.

  38. In the last talk that I had with him, he was enthusiastic over the future of the movies as a world force.

  39. Nothing was more natural than that the movies should seek such an actor, and they set the trap with attractive bait.

  40. How do you like the movies as compared to the speaking drama?

  41. I wish you could get over to Rosemont for the movies next week," he added.

  42. When did you say those church movies were?

  43. Below, he could see a camp that looked much like the camps he had seen in the same movies from which all his clothes had been copied.

  44. He hadn't seen even pictures of such things since the few silent movies run in some of the little art theaters.

  45. He met her at the movies in the morning; he drove out to her flat in the late afternoon or on evenings when he was believed to be at the Elks.

  46. These Yapville sports think they're all-get-out if they have one change of bill a week, where here in the city you got your choice of a dozen diff'rent movies any evening you want to name!

  47. With a hundred variations, a hundred guffaws, they said that he had gone to the movies during business-hours.

  48. Paul returned four days later, and the Babbitts and Rieslings went festively to the movies and had chop suey at a Chinese restaurant.

  49. First, I would like to take some movies of the place.

  50. Rander, however, had not protested to the youths' taking movies of the region they were passing through, even though there might be danger of someone from the United States coming in search of other ruins and treasure hideouts.

  51. More movies were taken, and then they set about to devise a means to cross the river.

  52. For one thing, we're going to take movies of the country," said Joe, and then explained this in full to the old man.

  53. Just once since movies were has the town been taken by storm, and that was while I was there.

  54. The head gardener had gone to the movies with the other Grasslands servants, and the under gardeners had been in their own homes in the village as I had taken pains to find out.

  55. Fifteen minutes later he was at the movies with the Grasslands help.

  56. Willitts had gone to the movies with the Grasslands servants and if he had been with them the whole evening he was as innocent as Dixon or Isaac.

  57. He lives in that "quiet despair" that Thoreau so aptly describes as the life of the average man, and he seeks escape from it in smoking, in belonging to a variety of fraternal organizations, in the movies and the detective story.

  58. In the theater and the movies one seeks also the interest we take in the lives of others, the awakening of emotions and the happy ending.

  59. Dancing, music, the theater and the movies offer outlets both for the artistic impulses and the seeking of excitement.

  60. Too bad I was too scared to take movies of that charge," moaned Joe.

  61. We haven't taken any movies since we started, you know.

  62. I'd like to take movies of the animals when they come here tonight to drink," went on Joe.

  63. There'll be another opportunity to make money taking movies of Africa--if we can go.

  64. If we're going to take movies of Africa, we'll have to telegraph them at once and maybe go to Philadelphia to see them.

  65. Honest, I do think the movies turn our heads when--when we least expect it.

  66. This sort of thing was done in the movies successfully, why not in actual life?

  67. And so, if you can't send the little fellow to college, won't you take him in the movies with you like you did Jackie Coogan?

  68. And he can imitate you so well that we don't have to go to the movies any more.

  69. Our talk drifts to the movies and Barrie tells me of the plans for filming "Peter Pan.

  70. I am inclined to think that the part played by the movies in causing irritation between the United States and Allied countries is inadvertent.

  71. As the movies play so important a part in making trouble I shall devote a separate chapter to them.

  72. They educate them to patronize the movies and follow the fashions.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "movies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.