It is no hard thing to reason with reasoning men, and be intelligible to the intelligent; to talk acceptably and even movingly to scholars and men well read, is no hard thing if you are yourself well read and a scholar.
It was movingly wonderful--though awful in a way--to feel this tonic answering of slack chords to the full, resonant notes struck from the blazing lyre of youth.
Portrayals of hypocrites, for instance, so truthfully and movingly artistic as to arouse an ecstatic state in the reader, become poetry.
While it is true that often poets of the second order have expressed strongly and movingly just the common sentiments of everybody, on the whole the original poets rank higher.
The girl wept, and very movingly fell down by the door, on her knees, praying to God to preserve her dear lady, and she should be happy for ever!
Young Spaniard movingly but vainly pleads for death instead of whipping.
So movingly these lines he did express, And to a tune so full of heaviness; As if, indeed, his purpose had been past To live no longer than the Song did last.
Though the cancer had robbed her of her speech, her wonderful patience served to preach to others moremovingly than words could have done.
He loved also music, and played movingly upon the violoncello; and he could make pictures with pen, pencil, or brush.
It happened one evening that there passed through the village a man with a pipe and tabor, on which he played so movingly that all the people turned out to listen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "movingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.