To wytnes draw I that ilk God, quod he, With frendly eyn quhilk dois ws heir and se, And in my mynd first movit this consait.
Eneas standis byttyrly chidand, Lenand apon a bustuus speir in hand, Amyd gret confluens of thir childer Èyng, And eik his son Ascanyus fair wepyng; 10 Bot he na thing hym movit at thar terys.
We hartlie prayse God, quha movit the hart of the Erle of Arrane to joyne him selff with us, his persecuteit brethren; bot how maliciouse ane ley it is, that we have promesit to sett him up in authoratie, the ischew sall declair.
And albeit ye knaw the Appointment was maid be our avise,[910] yitt we acceptit the samin at your desyre, and hes sensyne maid na cause quhairby thay mycht be movit to cum in the contrair thairof.
And as the hors beris grete charge of the armyt Knycht, and sadill and harnais, sa beris the Knycht, be vertu of his Ordre, grete charge, the quhilk he suld nocht lychtly be movit fra.
And quhen the Squyere saw him fall in syk a thocht, be manere of ane extasy, he sperit at him, Quhat movit him to muse sa mekle on his wordis?
Than wer thay movit owt of mynd Far mair than of beforne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "movit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.