This is moreouer to be noted in our diuision of shires, that they be not alwaies counted or laid togither in one parcell, whereof I haue great maruell.
He wrote moreouer sundrie precepts and rules of religious doctrine, which among the Celts were reserued verie religiouslie, and had in great estimation of such as sought vnto them.
Moreouer they bite verie sore, and loue candles exceedinglie, as doo the men and women of their countrie: but I may saie no more of them, bicause they are not bred with vs.
Somewhat moreouer aboue Kingswere towne goeth a little creeke vp into the land from the maine streame of the hauen called Waterhead, and this is a verie fit place for vessels to be made in.
Moreouer I read this note hereof gathered out of Robertus Montanus or Montensis that liued in those daies, and was (as I take it) "confessor to king Henrie.
Moreouer the sheepe of this countrie are exceeding huge, well woolled, and their tailes of such [Sidenote: Hogs.
From hence moreouer it goeth by Howden house, Darwent chappell, Yorkeshire bridge, and at [Sidenote: Neue.
Moreouer he vsed them so courteouslie, gaue them so faire words, and made such large promises, that they beleeued him with all their harts.
Moreouer the said Lewes wrote to the barons, that he purposed by Gods assistance to be at Calice by day appointed, with an armie redie to passe ouer with all speed vnto their succours.
Moreouer (as authors write) the said earle of Shrewesburie made a kenell of the church of Saint Fridancus, laieng his hounds within it for the night time, but in the morning he found them all raging wood.
Moreouer he commanded all vniust imposts, tolles and tallages to be laid downe, and granted frée hunting in the woods, chases and forrests.
And moreouer they besoughte hys maiestie to graunte them aunswere with breuity, and good dispatch of theyr attourneys, who departed from the porte of Aguiahuistlan in a reasonable shippe the twenty sixe day of July, Anno .
Moreouer that they should visite the officers, and royall Treasorie there.
They slewe also many women slaues, and frée maydens for to attende vpon the Gentlewomen, and moreouerone of euery occupation within the citie.
The slaues when they went to their sacrifice, were apparelled in the habite or deuise of the Idol vnto whom ech of them did commende himselfe: and moreouer they decked them with feathers, garlands and floures.
Moreouer he brought a great number of mantels made of feathers & Conny heare, Targets, bushes or tuffes of galant feathers, and looking glasses of stone.
Moreouer of these creatures there are sometimes found some of an incredible bignesse, that is to say, of fourtie foot about.
Moreouer I trauelled with a certaine company of Carauans toward vpper India: and in the way, after many days iourney, I came vnto the citie of the three wise men called Cassan [Marginal Note: Or Cassibin.
Moreouer I traueled on further by the ocean-sea towards the south, and passed through many countries and islands, whereof one is called Moumoran, and it containeth in compasse ii.
Moreouer he hartily thanketh the Frier for the great benefit of his deliuerance, giuing him to vnderstand, that he was now admitted into the eight degrée of Angels, and that he should say Masse there for his benefactors.
These Doctors moreouer moue this question, whether we may request without offence, that the soules of such as are departed, may shewe themselues to be beheld and séene of the liuing.
Moreouer that God doth licence soules to return from those two places, partly for the comfort and warning of the liuing, and partly to pray aide of them.
And therefore not only in publike, but also priuate affaires, if they séemed to be any thing hard vnto them, they consulted with Magitians and Sorcerers, and had moreouer recourse sometimes vnto Oracles.
Moreouer those things whiche these counterfeite soules doo speake, eyther agrée with the holy Scriptures, or else are contrary vnto them.
Moreouer the same time, the pope gaue vnto Thomas Langlie the bishoprike of Durham, which by the death of Walter Skirlow was then void.
Moreouer they demanded to haue the statute either reuoked or qualified, which had béene established by authoritie of parlement, in the second yeare of this kings reigne, against such as were reputed to be heretiks, or Lollards.
They ad moreouer that Thomas archbishop of London preached, read, and ministred the sacraments there to such as made resort vnto him.
Moreouer (as some writers thinke) the bishops tooke it, that they should doo God good seruice in prouiding for the wealth of the realme, and the aduancement of the church by their periurie.
And moreouer the castell and towne of Peuensey, and the seruice of Faremouth, beside the castell and towne of Douer, and whatsoeuer apperteineth to the honour of Douer.
He foundmoreouer 22 of them wounded, which with much adoe he caused to be brought vnto the boates.
Moreouer that the Paracoussies which were sprinkled with a part of that water, might returne with the heads of their enemies, which is the onely and chiefe triumph of their victories.
Moreouer they liue by fishing and fowling, which they take with ginnes, and bowes made of hard wood, the arrowes of Canes, being headed with the bones of fish, and other beasts.
They told him moreouer that they had seen three Spanish ships enter into the riuer of Dolphins, and the other three remained in the rode; farther that they had put their souldiers, their victuals and munition on land.
M115) Moreouer I beleeue that there were neuer so many Whales seen as wee saw that day about the sayd Cape.
Moreouer this drinke hath such a vertue, that assoone as they haue drunke it, they become all in a sweate, which sweate, being past, it taketh away hunger and thirst for foure and twenty houres after.
Moreouer the place where the king tooke his rest was couered with white Couerlettes embroydered with deuises of very wittie and fine workemanship, and fringed round about with a Fringe dyed in the colour of Skarlet.
Moreouer it seemed they were content that they had gotten the sonne, and that they cared not greatly for the father.
Moreouer in this summer season the two kings met againe at Fert Bernard to treat of peace, but they departed without concluding any agréement at all.
England, and as much in Normandie, and made him moreouer lord chancellor.
Moreouer at the same time the king caused all his subiects within the realme of England, from the child of twelue yeares old vnto the aged person, to forsweare all obedience that might be pretended as due to the same pope Alexander.
Moreouer at this councell, king Henrie restored vnto Robert earle of Leicester all his lands, both on this side the sea, and beyond, in maner as he held the same fiftéene daies before the warre.
Richard had receiued of him: moreouer to resigne and acquite vnto the French king, all that which either he or his predecessours held or possessed within Aluergue.
Moreouer when he perceiued present death at hand, he first confessed his sinnes secretlie, and after openly before sundrie bishops and men of religion, and receiued absolution in most humble wise.
Moreouer he required of the king the kéeping of Rochester castell, & the custodie of the tower of London.
Moreouer the king commandeth you to absolue those bishops that are excommunicated by you without his licence.
They haue moreouer an other sorte of temples, wherein both uppon the altars and also on the walles do stande many idoles well proportioned, but bare headed.
I haue hearde moreouer that in the citie Nanquim remayneth a table of golde, and in it written a kyng his name, as a memory of that residence the kynges were wont to keepe there.
Moreouer king Richard gaue and by his deed confirmed vnto sundrie princes of the empire for their homage and fealtie, [Sidenote: Yéerelie pensions giuen by the king to certeine princes of the empire.
Moreouer they had no forren prince to intercept or molest them, but their owne Townes, Islands and maine lands to succour them.
Moreouer of Scotland the commodities Are Felles, Hides, and of Wooll the Fleese.
And moreouer that there are sudden fires at some times, euen vpon waters, as namely that the lake of Thrasumenus in the field of Perugi, was all on fire, as the same Strabo witnesseth.
Moreouer the same yeere there was a battel fought betweene the inhabitants of Man at Santwat [Footnote: In the parish of Jurby.
Moreouer he did not onelie shew himselfe wise in words, but desired also to excell in staiednesse of maners, and continencie of life.
Moreouer she boldlie assalted hir enimies which went about to trouble the state of the countrie, as the Welshmen and Danes.
Moreouer by the same witnes it is testified, that the sayd Frier dyed immediatly before the sayd day came, without remorse of conscience, that he had persecuted the Innocent.
Moreouer I am enformed that a noble man of France called The earle of Villa Dorca doth intend to come vpon this coast with a great fleete from Rochel.
He told me moreouer many other names of Lords, and other people, which I haue written downe in a booke of mine, which I will bring myselfe vnto your Lordship.
Moreouer a better sight it was to beholde the Satire Bucks, with dysplayed throte, and theyr fyngers poynting at the hast of those pore fearfull runawayes, as though they mocked theyr sodaine flyghte.
And moreouer shewed them the schedule or bill of renouncement, signed with king Richards owne hand, which they caused to be read first in Latine, as it was written, and after in English.
Moreouer they were compelled to put their hands and seales to certeine blankes, wherof ye haue heard before, in the which, when it pleased him he might write what he thought good.
Moreouer there was a tenth granted by the clergie to be paied to the kings vse at two seuerall termes in that present yeare.
And moreouer the common people vse to carie in their hands one of their red egs, not onely vpon Easter day, but also three or foure dayes after, and gentlemen and gentlewomen haue egs gilded which they cary in like maner.
Moreouer they are enioined to haue these weapons following.
Moreouer they are angrie and of a disdainfull nature vnto other people, and beyond all measure deceitfull, and treacherous towards them.
Moreouer towards the South, standeth the citie of Trapesunda, [Footnote: Trebizond.
The pond will moreouer keepe Shote, Peale, Trought, and Sammon, in seasonable plight, but not in their wonted reddish graine.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moreouer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.