Eagerly he smoothed out the abused missive and evidently succeeded even in the failing light, in deciphering much of it, for the glimmer of a smile flashed over his thin features as he thrust the paper into his pocket.
In a sudden revulsion at his weakness he pulled himself together, crumpled the dirty missiveinto a ball, and flung it out upon the white rim of beach.
This last missive certainly comes from Madame de Lescombat," he grunted.
George looked at him in surprise, and was suddenly seized with the idea that the third missive must have been written by some one closely connected with his future brother-in-law.
Yes, madame, you cannot have forgotten that you once sent Pierre an impassioned missive in which you spoke of a terrible secret you had confided to him.
She saw, from a distant strand, A missive sent over the main: The letter was writ by a stranger's hand: And she sighed for her lover in vain.
Fred did as he was bidden, and sticking the folded missive on the point of the pike which carried the white flag, he held it up, and it was taken.
Take the cob round to the stables, and treat him well," said the colonel, sharply, as he tore open the missive and began to read.
Six months later I knew that it was the Duchess who had addressed this missive to her husband, and why she had done so.
But it would take at least four days, two there and two back, and a day more for Rotheisel to convey the missive to the Kaiser.
He read the missive to the "pope" before sealing it up, so that the good man might approve of it throughout, and carried it himself to post, so that it should pass through no strange hands.
When they at last rose from the table, the judge drew from under his dolman a little note that Fraulein Fruzsinka had slipped into his hand under the table--a missive that an onlooker might have taken perhaps for a love-letter.
His Excellency immediately dispatched thismissive to Vienna, and drove back home.
This importantmissive soon found its way to the governor.
Raby gave his missiveto him, and whispered, "This is worth a hundred ducats.
He was just in the act of dictating to his secretary, so put the imperial missive into a basket, which was filled with documents of all sorts, and went on with his dictation, pacing up and down the room the while.
During his last illness she had sent him an affectionate missive which it is said George "read eagerly.
This bedside missive meant that he had intended her dishonor and that he had looked upon her simply as a possible mistress.
Now he snatched the little missive up with a strangely impulsive ardour, and being quite alone, indulged himself in the pleasure of kissing the firm free pen- strokes with all the passion of a boy.
A note from Cicely Bourne had been brought to him that morning by one of the gardeners at the Manor--and he showed this missive to both Roxmouth and Longford with perfect frankness.
And he broke open the seal of the missive presented to him, and adjusted his gold-rimmed spectacles to read its contents.
And now, on reaching his home, Jacob found this brief missive awaiting him, and started forth again, wondering not a little whither it would lead him.
A soft red glow had stolen into her cheeks as she had spoken of the missive she could furnish, and Philip gave her a quick glance, a smile crossing his face.
Any missive delivered to my keeping by your hands shall be doubly precious.
To his great regret the missivecontained only some very vague information; and the professor was unable to conceal his disappointment from the young people who listened to the letter with tears in their eyes.
Though mailed on the 15th of March, the missive had not reached Dal until the 15th of April.
And he handed her the missive which Florent had confided to his care.
It was evident that the estimable lady was expecting this missiveby the eagerness with which she sprang out of bed and opened the door.
Coralth's wife and the missive sent to the baroness.
The missive read: Dear Unknown Friend:-- The letter you sent me came to me.
There was something about this old missive which sobered the bantering troop of scouts and made even Pee-wee quiet and thoughtful.
Such a missive proves that Richard and his Council kept to Oliver's rule of interference whenever there was persecution of Protestants, and also that they did not doubt their influence with Louis and Mazarin.
Her missive was filled with descriptions, reflecting the fears they had felt at Sim's disappearance and their resentment at the punishment inflicted by the dean.
He had never been the subject of an official missive before.
Fouchette had cleared away and washed the breakfast things and stood ready to deliver the missive of peace.
He knew where Julian had been, and he knew, too, by whom the missive had been written, and what it contained.
An astonishing missive came--a card inviting her to dine with Mr and Lady Flora Disney.
The Imp, in response to that official missive which had made such an impression on her, was compiling her reminiscences of Heidelberg and Addie Tristram.
Since the receipt of the missivein the morning, Boldwood had felt the symmetry of his existence to be slowly getting distorted in the direction of an ideal passion.
Bathsheba, a small yawn upon her mouth, took the pen, and with off-hand serenity directed the missive to Boldwood.
The first light was silvering the gloom above the river, the lamps were paling to the day, when George went out and dropped this missive in the letter-box.
Gyp opened the missive with the faint tremor she always felt when Summerhay was not with her.
Fisher minor, the only boy to whom a missive to the School hermit might safely be entrusted, was on his way to Rollitt's study with the captain's note in his hand, when he was met on the stairs by Cash.
Through a misapprehension of personalities his lordship addresses a love missive to the maid.
She arose and her hand was extended imploringly, begging Millar to return themissive to her, when Herman entered.
Does it require an hour to write a missive of ten lines?
Spreading themissive before her, she dipped the quill in the ink-well, and when she lifted it, a drop of ink fell upon the table within a hair's breadth of the parchment.
The missive must answer "yes" so emphatically as to leave no room for doubt in Burgundy's mind, yet it must show no eagerness on the part of Styria.
The Lord d'Hymbercourt said Your Grace wished the missive to be written in English, which language my scrivener knows but imperfectly.
Conversations of like nature had occurred on several occasions since the sending of the missive to Louis, and they offered the stormy duke opportunity to vent his boastfulness and spleen.
The biting insult in his missive is that he takes it for granted that we are so great a fool as to believe him.
She listlessly drew out the missive and began to read, when suddenly her face grew radiant with joy.
Go to your parlor and fetch ink and quill," said Charles, pointing with the folded missive toward Yolanda.
The bishop handed the letter to Byron, and father spoke commandingly: 'Deliver the missive to the French king before you sleep or eat, unless he has left Paris.
After examining the missive for the twentieth time, Yolanda placed it in its pouch and turned to the duchess.
Burgundy's missive produced several effects in the household of Castle Hapsburg, though none were shown on the surface.
Order him to fetch the missive immediately to the apartments of the duchess.
All the Roman remains in the world could not have counted at that moment against one little word of friendly regret, but that word was not forthcoming, and the effect of the missive was depressing, rather than the reverse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "missive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.