The missions of the American Board to the Minnesota Sioux were maintained until that nation was removed to the Missouri in 1863.
Rumors were multiplying of great openings for trade and missionsalong and beyond the great lakes.
It was not till after the war of the Spanish Succession was closed by the treaty of Utrecht, in 1713, that any thought could be taken for the revival of trade and missions in the Mississippi valley.
Ten years passed before the effort to plant French trade and missions was renewed on the upper Mississippi.
The missions to the Sioux were begun in the spring of 1834 by two young laymen from Connecticut, who appeared at Fort Snelling without credentials from any synod or conference, but with abundant faith and zeal.
All the Churches having Missions in that great land have availed themselves, more or less, of Mr Evans' invention.
To keep down expenses, which in those Northern Missions are very heavy, I had started out on this long trip with only this young Indian lad as my companion.
So steady and severe is the frost at Norway House, and at all the Missions north of it, that the fish caught in October and the early part of November, keep frozen solid until April.
The Missions among the Indians of North America have not been failures.
We admired their substantial church and comfortable homes, and saw in them, and in the farms, tangible evidence of the power of Christian Missionsto elevate and bless those who come under their ennobling influences.
He has also established flourishing Missions at Fort Simpson and elsewhere in the north of that land, and through his labours a blessed work began among the Indians in Alaska.
It has been, and still is, one of the most successful Indian Missions in America.
And we send missions to nasty, brutal Fantees who run away from enemies, and we leave our own splendid creatures far worse off than dogs.
His prejudice against missions to the lower tribes was derived solely from men who had lived and worked among the negroes, and, like all his other prejudices, it was violently strong.
Passionately devoted to the republic, he was indefatigable in the committees, intrepid on his missions to the armies, where he set an example of courage, sharing the marches and dangers of the soldiers.
It contains rich agricultural districts and extensive open plains where cattle-raising has been successfully followed since the days of the Jesuit missions in that region.
Sylvestri et Martini), he was entrusted with many diplomatic missions and became very influential in the Sacred College.
Where is the true-hearted American whose cheek does not tingle with shame and mortification to see our highest and most coveted foreign missions filled by men of foreign birth to the exclusion of native-born?
He raised recruits in the Missionsof Coroni, re-organized the divisions of Saraza and Monagas, while Bermudez recruited his forces in Guayana.
These "reductions," ravaged by the Mamelukes of Brazil, were replaced by missions established on either bank of the Paraguay River, and on the Uruguay to the south of Yguassu.
It has been known since the time of the Jesuits, who were the first to plant and cultivate it, as is proved by the plantations which to this day exist in the territory of the Argentine Missions (Misiones).
One of these two missions had as its object the establishment of an office for the exchange of paper into gold and vice versa, at the rate of 2.
When Hamilton and Jefferson declined diplomatic missions in order to further their ambitious ends at home, who of the statesmen remaining were superior to Marshall, Pinckney, and Gerry?
I know all that, but missions are not the seed: all that we look for is to come out of that corn of wheat which fell into the ground and died: this is to bring forth much fruit.
It is too much to expect," says one; "missions make very slow progress.
Are the missions of the churches of Great Britain always to be such poor, feeble things as they are?
He goes through many stirring adventures, successfully carries out dangerousmissions in Spain, saves a large portion of the French army at Oudenarde, and even has the audacity to kidnap the Prime Minister of England.
In carrying out various special missions with which he is entrusted the hero displays so much dash and enterprise that he soon attains an exceptionally high rank for his age.
She had always felt it to be a duty to support missions and to subscribe to missionary societies, to attend meetings, and to make clothes for the native children in India.
And are you as much interested in the Karawayo missions as my young folks?
It was a special service to-night, for a sermon was to be preached in aid of foreign missions by the Bishop of Karawayo.
The missions of Denmark and Venezuela at this capital have been raised in grade.
It is probable that permanent missions of those countries will ere long be maintained in the United States.
Our Armed Forces are capable of carrying out the variety of missions assigned to them.
And this October, a true American hero, a veteran pilot of 149 combat missions and one five-hour space flight that changed the world, will return to the heavens.
Of the nineteen missions in Latin America, where our relations are close and our interest is great, fifteen chiefs of mission are service men, three having entered the service during this administration.
It is my desire to establish more firmly our understanding and relationships with the Latin American countries by strengthening the diplomaticmissions to those countries.
Certain missions were so elevated by the last Congress with happy effect, and I recommend the completion of the reform thus begun, with the inclusion also of Hawaii and Hayti, in view of their relations to the American system of states.
Our relations with the Turkish Government remain friendly; our claims rounded on inequitable treatment of some of our schools and missions appear to be in process of amicable adjustment.
It is my hope to secure men long experienced in our Diplomatic Service, who speak the languages of the peoples to whom they are accredited, as chiefs of our diplomatic missions in these States.
Our enemies send other people's children on missions of suicide and murder.
It may be interesting to add, that the "pilgrim fathers" of the New England States were, indirectly, the cause of the Protestant missions of the Dutch.
Matters were not improved by the antagonism between the Roman Catholic and Presbyterian missions and the traders; each worked against the others, offering the natives the best of opportunities to fish in troubled waters.
The brilliant results of the missions in Tanna are due, apart from the splendid work of the two Presbyterian missionaries, chiefly to this fact.
Paton, the founder of the Presbyterian missions in the New Hebrides.
Still, the missions have had one bad effect: they have undermined the old native authorities and thus created general anarchy to complete the destruction begun by European civilization.
A refusal to conform, although no refusal to undertake missions to the Saxons, came from the Irish-Scottish Church.
Such missions and others he might accomplish with holy strenuousness; his more spontaneous zeal, however, was set upon the task of cleansing the immoralities of monks and clergy.
We asked them to explain to us this operation, which we had already seen practised in the missions of the Cataracts.
The missions of the Carony, by the configuration of their soil* and the mixture of savannahs and arable lands, unite the advantages of the Llanos of Calabozo and the valleys of Aragua.
The town of Barcelona has not, like Cumana, an Indian suburb; and the only natives who are seen there are inhabitants of the neighbouring missions or of huts scattered in the plain.
It is difficult to fix them to the soil; and the three most modern missions in which they have been collected, those of Cura, Curucuy, and Arechica, are already destroyed.
In some missions these diseases have swept away nearly half of the inhabitants.
This practice, so common heretofore in the islands and among several tribes of the Caribs of Parima and French Guiana, is not observed in the missions which we visited.
All the men of this race whom we saw either during our voyage on the Lower Orinoco, or in the missions of Piritu, differ from the other Indians not only in the tallness of their stature, but also in the regularity of their features.
In the missions of the Catalonian Capuchins this chain, which is not 300 toises high, separates the tributary streams of the Orinoco and those of the Rio Cuyuni, between the town of Upata, Cupapui and Santa Marta.
Ravago sent a confidential person to the missions of Carony, to procure for us, by favour of the Capuchins of Upata, branches of the tree in flower which we wished to be able to describe.
We did not arrive until the third day at the Caribbee missions of Cari.
It is, however, by this river only, or by the Cuyuni and the Essequibo, that the missions of Carony can export their productions.
The populous missions of the Caribbee and Guiana Indians, governed by the Catalonian Capuchins, lie near the sources of the Imataca and the Aquire.
The savannahs to the east and south are almost uninhabited; we find there only the solitary missions of Belem, Tumuremo, Tupuquen, Puedpa, and Santa Clara.
The general purport of these three missions of Cromwell in 1657 requires explanation.
From this letter it will be seen that the missions of Meadows and Jephson, but especially that of Meadows, had been of use.
B-29s of the Far East Air Force ferried leaflet bombs on night missions deep into strategic areas.
News services were maintained by means of a news bureau in Washington that fed material to the commercial press and processed other material to publicity missions abroad.
Officers and men picked up British slang for leaflet operations, and called such missions "nickelling.
I, for my part, have found honest and earnest men both in the Scottish missions in Morocco and in the ranks of the Franciscan Friars from Spain.
In The Confidence Man he makes one of the characters say: “Missions I would quicken with the Wall Street spirit.
After a famine the number of Christian adherents to missions is always multiplied, and the supply of pupils creates new demand for teachers.
What may be expected when medical and women's missionsare combined?
Henry Martyn Clark, of Amritsar, once asked a friendly Hindu what department of foreign missions his people considered most dangerous.
In that year and the next, five new missions were founded, and in 1676 Father Moral took to Florida twenty-four additional missionaries.
Owing to an Indian uprising in 1597 the missionswere abandoned for a time, but were soon restored as a check against the English, who now entered Virginia.
No new missionswere founded in the fifteen years' interval, but the friars improved their buildings and farms, and sought new neophytes in regions constantly more remote from the mission centers.
By the Asinai Indians they were given a warm welcome, and four missions were at once founded near the Neches and Angelina Rivers.
Most of the missions had been secularized, the Indians had become assimilated, and there was a considerable white population.
Advance was interrupted by two savage Indian wars, in the decade following 1644, in the course of which most of the missions in Chihuahua were destroyed.
The missions on the mainland being destroyed by the Iroquois, and the Hurons having been greatly reduced in numbers, in 1650 the Jesuits abandoned that region.
Proceeding east, between August and November Aguayo reestablished the six abandoned missions and the presidio of Dolores, and added a presidio at Los Adaes, facing Natchitoches, and garrisoned it with one hundred men.
Attempts to establish missions among the Iroquois also failed completely at this time.
Of the missions of the former, Father Espinosa, later known as the historian, was made president; of the latter the president appointed was the still more renowned Father Antonio Margil.
The initial success of these missions was remarkable, but it was followed by apostasy, revolts, an increase of military forces, and wars of subjugation.
After the massacre of 1597, the Florida missions seem to have been practically abandoned for a time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "missions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.