I trust you will not allow yourself to be in any way disgusted or annoyed by the considerable abuse and misrepresentation which, unless I greatly mistake, is in store for you.
If your personal convictions bring you to a breach, let it be an open breach, let there be no misrepresentation of attitudes, no meanness, no deception of honourable friends.
Misrepresentation must ever be expected by God's true servants.
Let us only take good heed lest our own self-love and vanity should lead us to annoy ourselves too much about the slander or the evil report, remembering that misrepresentation and slander is ever the portion of God's servants.
Angry with disappointment the editor of the Iowa Capital Reporter declared that its defeat was due to "the pertinacious and wilful misrepresentation of the Whig press relative to the boundaries.
What is to be gained by such transparent, palpable misrepresentation as this?
Both are movements against the ancient life, and nothing is more absurd than the misrepresentation which presents either as a conservative force.
Even the pulpit hath not been free from the misrepresentationof these informers; of whom the clergy have not wanted occasions to complain with holy David: "They daily mistake my words, all they imagine is to do me evil.
All which is nothing but misrepresentationand mistake.
As a matter of fact, every line of the work protests against such a misrepresentation of the author and his prophetic mysticism, and no one can read the pamphlet without being struck by the entire seriousness which it breathes.
It is simply an example of Luther’s habitualmisrepresentation when we read in one of his sermons dating from 1524 (“Werke,” Weim.
Ruble, Baron de, his remarks respecting La Huguerye's misrepresentation of the character of the Queen of Navarre, ii.
The only other peculiarity of La Huguerye to which I shall allude is his studied misrepresentation of the character of Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre.
Fox and Sheridan replied, that the minister, instead of meeting, had only shifted the question; that if the state of the country had been misrepresented, the means of refuting this misrepresentation lay in a fair investigation of conduct.
The scale of misrepresentation and calumny had been too long on one side, and there wanted a thumping weight to restore the balance.
Yet, here I am, just as sound as if no misrepresentation of me had ever been made.
But that it is as receptive of prejudice andmisrepresentation as of truth and knowledge is evidenced by its present attitude toward Christianity.
The present attitude of opposition is the result of prejudice, instilled in part by past experience with Christianity, and in part by the misrepresentation of its enemies; it is not the result of natural intolerance.
She might be somewhat apt to betray the real state of the district and thus render laborious misrepresentation of little avail.
A little sympathy is due to the father, who relied on his patron to protect him from slanderous misrepresentation of his parental character and conduct.
They will only smile, and repeat themisrepresentation more authoritatively.
Enthusiasts in the new social philosophy, the sisters were prepared for the misrepresentation and calumny, ever poured upon social reformers by the slaves of prejudice and ignorance.
If, on the contrary, the allegation of the poet was a wilful untruth, this additional misrepresentation must lead us to conclude that he was the author of a fraud from which he defended himself by falsehood.
The whole of this passage is an egregious specimen of misrepresentation and hypocrisy.
This concurrence of misrepresentation between the letter of the poet, and P.
And even so, the misrepresentation must, by the very nature of the case, be practically insignificant.
As a means of obscuring truths which it is important to realise, of creating by misrepresentation a moral repulsion to a thesis, and thus depriving it of consideration, this second line of attack is even more important than the first.
What is a writer to do, however, in the face of persistent misrepresentation such as this?
The general sense in which the word is used is a gross misrepresentation of its accurate meaning.
The Pulpit Weakening There was a time when a falsehood, fulminated from the pulpit, smote like a sword; but, the supply having greatly exceeded the demand, clerical misrepresentation has at last become almost an innocent amusement.
The protestant divines did their cause no good bymisrepresentation of their adversaries, and by their propensity to rudeness and scurrility.