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Example sentences for "profanation"

Lexicographically close words:
produits; proelia; proelio; proelium; proem; profanations; profane; profaned; profanely; profaneness
  1. These sacred animals, destined for the service of the palace and the Imperial games, were protected by the laws from the profanation of a vulgar master.

  2. This prudent and even pious measure was represented as a wicked profanation by the whole party which adhered to the Homoousian doctrine.

  3. This very profanation has been the cause of our disasters in times past.

  4. For Sabbath profanation leads to forgetfulness of God; and God left out, what becomes of man?

  5. The believing women turned away; some of the younger tittered hysterically at a droll profanation of their idol's name, and then one of the ruffians applauded.

  6. Aye, a Roman citizen Paul has devised some scheme of fraud to be-- Gross profanation of a sacred right Perverted to asylum thus from crime!

  7. In this city Whitelocke observed the inhabitants very orderly to frequent their parish churches, and not so much profanation of this day in this place as he had seen at Upsal, and other places in the country.

  8. But by what state of religion is the profanation of the Lord's Day, and of images and crucifixes in churches, permitted?

  9. The legend says that the profanation was prevented by an outburst of flames which killed two of the men.

  10. Pompey took Jerusalem, after a siege of three months, and entered the “Holy of holies” in the Temple, with a profanation before unheard of in Jewish history.

  11. Antiochus Epiphanes, one of the sons and successors of the great Antiochus, drove the Jews to rebellion by persecution and profanation of their Temple and religion.

  12. Any profanation of the day was severely punished by fine or whipping.

  13. And all the more if the profanation is made real by the moral irregularities or the social shortcomings which give some colour of justification to the appellation "degenerate"!

  14. The shining gilt edges were preserved from the profanation of a casual opening by two or three immense brass clasps which imprisoned the poet's thoughts within.

  15. The authors of this disgraceful profanation have, naturally, been silent on the matter.

  16. Calvinists allowed these to communicate in the species of bread only, touching the cup with their lip; a course which was deemed a profanation by the Lutherans.

  17. Often there is a reredos behind it; it is also fenced in by rails to preserve it from profanation of various kinds.

  18. Profanation of a sacred place is a disregard for the religious respect or immunity due to it which in some way materially contaminates it (e.

  19. Easter duty), or notoriously under censure and therefore a person to whom the Sacraments must be denied, the pastor is confronted with the law that one may not cooperate formally, even by assistance, in the profanation of a Sacrament.

  20. Some understand this of the profanation of the temple by the crimes of the Jews, and by the bloody faction of the zealots.

  21. This psalm manifestly foretells the time of the Machabees, and the profanation of the temple by Antiochus.

  22. The greatest public crimes were violation of temples and profanation of sacred things; one must leave the images alone even if he did not believe in the Gods they represented.

  23. These precautions came probably from a fear of profanation of the dead, perhaps of their being eaten by a victorious enemy.

  24. No thought of profanation had entered their minds; it was convenient to lay the pig over the imposing monument, with a man on either side holding the beast and the butcher free-handed.

  25. For so current was the report, that Clodius had found access to her disguised as a woman, during the celebration of a religious solemnity [19], that the senate instituted an enquiry respecting the profanation of the sacred rites.

  26. I trembled upon putting this into execution; but at last my love prevailed over the vague fear with which such a profanation filled me, and with skillful cunning I succeeded in pulling away the glass and exposing the ivory plate.

  27. They suppose there is a certain veneration due to his old language, and that it is little less than profanation and sacrilege to alter it.

  28. I have, and I will again," he said desperately; "and yet it seems like profanation to describe such a scene to you.

  29. You are in no respect like me, Mrs. Arnot, and it seems profanation even to suggest the thought.

  30. We regard such profanation as the natural result of their secrecy.

  31. This profanation of the word, name, and titles of God is certainly sinful in itself, and very injurious in its effects.

  32. In regard to the profanation of holy things, the difference between most of the secret associations in our land is one merely of degree.

  33. Another serious objection to secret associations is the profanation by them of the oath of God.

  34. It is mainly to their secrecy, oaths, and promises, their profanation of holy things, their exclusiveness and their setting up of false claims, to which we object.

  35. To make an appeal to the God of heaven on some trifling occasion is a profanation of his oath and name.

  36. The Odd-fellows in profanation of holy things go about as far as the Masons.

  37. Here then God punished the Israelites, not for any strange worship, but for a profanation of His own; an indiscreet curiosity, a disobedience of His precepts, and perhaps an inward rebellious spirit.

  38. Was it a tempting demon that said to him, "Lorenzo Sforza might have shielded this treasure from the profanation of lawless violence, from the brute grasp of an inappreciative peasant, but Father Francesco cannot"?

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "profanation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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