However, with their mismanagement Wogan is not here concerned, for this is not a story of Kings and Queens and high politics but of the private fortunes of Parson Kelly.
This he combatted by showing that not lack of natural advantages but gross mismanagement had been responsible for the fate of these enterprises.
Peridot carried Mrs. Carmac off the boat, and by some mismanagement the light from a lantern fell on her husband's face.
But it's absolute rot that you should blame yourself for her mismanagementof her own affairs.
France were it not for the mismanagement that followed Faidherbe's rule in commercial and financial matters.
Nevertheless, following decades of mismanagement and statist policies, the economy in the late 1980s was plagued with huge external debts and recurring bouts of hyperinflation.
In recent years, drought and economic mismanagement have resulted in a substantial buildup of foreign debt.
Gingens was not a strong officer, and by gross mismanagement he allowed the French to get the better of him.
I suppose you have turned off your clerk for his mismanagement in relation to the letter about which so much trouble was made in our office.
A large part of these failures have been caused by withdrawals for hoarding, as distinguished from the failures early in the depression where weakness due to mismanagement was the larger cause of failure.
In recent years, the droughts, the endemic conflict with Senegal, rising energy costs, and economic mismanagement have resulted in a substantial buildup of foreign debt.
Plunging oil and gas prices, combined with themismanagement of Algeria's highly centralized economy, has brought the nation to its most serious social and economic crisis since full independence in 1988.
Grenville showed, as easily as any party newspaper in our own day, that Rockingham and his friends had ruined the country by mismanagementof the war and of the finances.
Thus, in the course of a few months, did I become an adept of vice, from the mismanagement of those into whose hands I was intrusted to be strengthened in religion and virtue.
Here was a great mismanagement on the part of my father, and still greater on mine.
Now, with the whole country enraged and dissatisfied at the mismanagement of the wars both in Cuba and the Philippines, Don Carlos is once more gathering his followers together.
Sometimes poverty, misfortune andmismanagement reduced the nuns to begging alms.
But more specific information is often given; and though it is clear that financial mismanagement was often as much to blame as poverty, the sufferings of the nuns were not for that reason any less real.
The immorality, bad temper and financial mismanagement revealed at some houses would be reprehensible in all communities at all ages; but in themselves boarders, pretty clothes, pet dogs and attendance at christenings are not heinous crimes.
Besides cases of incompetence and cases of misappropriation of revenues by an unscrupulous prioress, the mismanagement of the nuns may usually be traced to a desperate desire to obtain ready money.
Campsey was another flourishing house, but in 1532 a chorus of complaint greeted the ears of the visitor, and (as in so many cases) the ills were all put down to the mismanagement of the Prioress, Ela Buttry.
Financial mismanagement was, indeed, the most frequent of all charges brought against superiors at the episcopal visitations.
But the prodigal expenditure and mismanagement of Henry kept on increasing.
Never was man placed in so deplorable and humiliating a position as John Russell, and nothing can exceed his folly and mismanagement in getting himself into such a scrape.
Grey's idea is that there has been much mismanagement here and still greater on the spot, and that Raglan is quite incompetent and, as far as we can see, nobody else any better.
Everybody imagined that the Government would go to pieces, that when Parliament met there would be prodigious revelations, and that the Eastern Question with its supposed mismanagement would prove fatal to the Coalition Cabinet.
It is a composition to stay inquiry; it is a fine paid by mismanagement for the renewal of its lease; what is worse, it is a fine paid by industry and merit for an indemnity to the idle and the worthless.
In that case it was the mismanagement of the hash, by a new hand, when "dished out," which would have been prevented had I been there to oversee it.
The care is altogether too much, and themismanagement of the place makes it intolerable.
Phillimore tells me that he hears that he has refused to connect himself with the Administration, from disapprobation of their gross mismanagement during the late business.
Surely, notwithstanding all the absurdity and mismanagement which we have seen, this must be impossible.
Then, surely, father, some great and sudden pecuniary misfortune must have befallen you; or there has been grievous mismanagement of some kind or other, to reduce you to this unhappy state.
In the past, drought and economic mismanagementresulted in a buildup of foreign debt.
Complaints of the grossest mismanagement were sent home and were unheeded; while the predatory, heartless scoundrels who had contracts were allowed to amass wealth by shamelessly robbing poor Tommy of his food and clothes.
The captain had many opportunities of hearing from this voluble person of the magnificent mismanagement shown by the way the transports were kicking about in different parts of the Bosphorus and in the Black Sea.
The story of the mismanagement of Indian Affairs is only a chapter in the history of the mismanagement of corporate trusts.