The scheme of pantheistic omniscience so prevalent among the sequacious thinkers of the day.
Defn: A pantheistic eclectic school of philosophy, of which Plotinus was the chief (A.
A very striking illustration of the present insufficiency of the pantheistic conception of God and of the movement of educated India towards theism is to be found where one would least expect it--in connection with the Hindu Revival.
The Text-book, however, goes farther, and declares all the six systems of Hindu philosophy to be parts of one pantheistic system.
For, whatever its origin, an observer finds the pantheistic idea emerge all over educated India.
For example, bhakti practically implies a personal god, not the impersonal pantheistic Brahma.
Now, pantheistic in argument and polytheistic in domestic practices as educated Hindus still are, they never call themselves pantheists, and would resent being called polytheists; they call themselves theists.
Brahma is the name of the impersonalpantheistic deity.
It is upon this confusion that Powell charges Pantheistic theories in which physical speculations are mistakenly supposed to have their natural termination.
Like Lessing and Goethe, they were also attracted to the pantheistic teaching of Spinoza, though rejecting its rigid determinism so far as it might affect the human will.
Shown to rest on a pantheisticconception of the Divine Being.
We can only efface the distinction by reducing Christ to a mere man, or confounding God with man in a pantheistic manner.
Quite of another sort was thepantheistic mysticism of =Angelus Silesius=.
As Schelling to Fichte, so =Hegel= was attached to Schelling, and wrought his pantheistic naturalism into a pantheistic spiritualism.
The pantheistic deification of nature by Schelling, and the self-deification of the Hegelian school obtained poetic expression in Leop.
Döllinger describes the Ephesian goddess as "a kind of pantheistic deity, with more of an Asiatic than an Hellenic character.
But this view of the matter, as is very evident, is liable to lead to a pantheistic view of the universe, than which nothing could be more horrible.
And so men draw the veil of their pantheistic or monistic philosophy over their hearts, to hide them from His all-searching gaze.
He was one of those extreme realists whose teachings might bear pantheistic fruit in his disciples; he had also a Platonistic imagination, leading him to see in Nature a living organism.
Only in a pantheistic sense has Vico's formula any validity; and he never avows a pantheistic view, refusing even to go with Grotius in allowing that Hebrew law was akin to that of other nations.
But though Nanak objected to any adoration of himself, he and all his descendants have been virtually deified by his devotees, despite their profession of a theoretically pantheistic creed.
It was the surmised pantheism of Goethe's poem Prometheus that, according to Jacobi, drew from Lessing his avowal of a pantheistic leaning.
Newton's theory of colour); and the permanently interesting teaching of his Faust is precisely that which artistically utters the doubt through which he passed to a pantheistic Naturalism.
His personal and literary influence was probably most powerful in respect of his eager propaganda of the Copernican doctrine, which he of his own force vitally expanded and made part of a pantheistic conception of the universe.
Both in talk and in poetry he put forth a pantheistic doctrine.
The Spinozistic or pantheistic character of much of the Essay on Man was noted by various critics, in particular by the French Academician De Crousaz (Examen de l'Essay de M.
To show we do not wish to be unfair to this distinguished scholar, we will do him the justice to cite his condemnation of the pantheistic spirit of the times.
Aristotle's system may be called theistic and dualistic; Plotinus's is pantheistic and monistic.
The Pantheistic speculations which have been revived in modern times can scarcely be understood, and still less accounted for or answered, without reference to the system of Spinoza.
Even if there were no pantheisticdifferential at the foundation of these utterances, it would not be at all strange if exhortations to an all-embracing devotion should thus in each case be made to cover all the daily acts of life.
Bishma, lying upon his bed of spikes, edified him with a series of long and tedious discourses on pantheistic philosophy, after which he asked the tender-hearted Krishna for permission to depart.
It cannot be denied that defenders of the Bhagavad Gita, and of the whole Indo-pantheistic philosophy, might make out a somewhat plausible case along these lines.
The Indian philosophy partook far more of the pantheistic element than that of Greece.
But the pantheistic systems of the East destroy free will, by identifying God and man; and hence it is impossible to construct the doctrine of sin and atonement except by first refuting the pantheistic ethics.
From a pantheistic First Cause, Gnosticism traced the emanation of a series of æons--beings of Light.
Often he was inconsistent: his Hymn to Nature is in part a pantheistic rhapsody, in part a monotheistic Hebrew psalm.
Gray never deviates into a pantheistic faith, a belief in human perfection, a conception of poetry as instinctive imagination unrestrained, or any other essential tenet of sentimentalism.
They were not philosophy, they were not myths nor legends, but contained a mystic and pantheistic theology.
Like other pantheistic religions, the custom prevailed among the Semitic nations of promoting first one and then another deity to be the supreme object of worship.
No Pantheistic optimism, like that of India, could satisfy his thought.
Truth he placed in the heart rather than the understanding, but he also connected Christianity with Polytheism where the two religions touched, that is, on their pantheistic side.
They avoid the pantheistic indifference of Brahmanism, and the absence of enthusiasm in the systems of Confucius and the Buddha, by the doctrine of a present conflict between the powers of good and evil, of light and of darkness.
Personality, activity, or human nature rebel against the pantheistic idealism, the abstract spiritualism of this system.
This pantheistic doctrine was materialist; for it supposed that the great soul of the universe was the purest substance of the fire ether, and thereby man's soul was of the same nature.
From this pantheistic doctrine, it followed that man's soul is immortal though material.
The pantheistic Creator and the deified Egyptians of vulgar and prosaic history could not be harmonised together.
With the spread of the sun-worship of Heliopolis and the spirit of pantheistic syncretism which accompanied it, the individuality of the old god of Memphis became still further lost.
Unlike Mosaism, moreover, it was a pantheistic monotheism, and it failed accordingly in its struggle with the nebulous polytheism of Egypt.
The identification, therefore, of the abstract and the concrete, of ideas and substantial existence, made a pantheistic conception of the universe easy.
Amon of Thebes and his priesthood came victorious out of the struggle, and the pantheistic monotheism of Khu-n-Aten was never revived.
One by one the gods were identified with Ra; Amon himself became Amon-Ra, and the local deity of Thebes passed into a pantheistic sun-god.
From the expressions made use of by the Burmese translator, the writer is inclined to believe that a direct allusion is made to pantheistic opinions.
In this enchanted mood, thy spirit ebbs away to whence it came; becomes diffused through time and space; like Crammer's sprinkled Pantheistic ashes, forming at last a part of every shore the round globe over.
A sort of generic or Pantheistic vitality seemed to lurk in their very joints and bones, after what might be called the individual life had departed.
This philosophy is essentially pantheisticand idealistic.
We find everywhere in these treatises a restless striving to grasp the true nature of the pantheistic Self, now through one metaphor, now through another.
The Purusha hymn, then, may be regarded as the oldest product of the pantheistic literature of India.
Occasionally we even find shadowed forth the pantheistic idea of a deity representing not only all the gods, but Nature as well.
How generally accepted the pantheistic theory must have become by the time the disputations at the court of King Janaka took place, is indicated by the form in which questions are put.
The pantheistic groundwork of their doctrine was later developed into the Vedanta system, which is still the favourite philosophy of the modern Hindus.