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Example sentences for "mercuric"

Lexicographically close words:
merciless; mercilesse; mercilessly; mercurial; mercurials; mercurous; mercury; mercy; mercye; mercyfull
  1. Torald Sollmann of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association, we made a comparative study of several oily preparations of red mercuric iodid for intramuscular injections in syphilis.

  2. The nitric acid solution is boiled to oxidize all mercurous nitrate to mercuric nitrate.

  3. The manufacturer, in a letter addressed to the secretary of the Council, explains: “By straight solution, I mean that the solution of the red mercuric iodid is effected without the aid of any alkaline iodid or other chemicals.

  4. It is sold in the form of pills, each said to contain 1/20 grain of mercuric iodid and 5 grains of potassium iodid.

  5. It is well known that when a solution of mercuric chlorid in water is evaporated, mercuric chlorid passes off with the water vapors, but under any condition the amount is but a fraction of the whole.

  6. The entire second page of the circular is given over to the results of these bacteriologic tests which compare various strengths of Tyree’s Antiseptic Powder with “mercuric bichlorid,” phenol and formaldehyde.

  7. Mercuric chlorid does indeed produce some local irritation, but there is as yet no convincing evidence that its intravenous injection causes less injury than oral administration.

  8. It is marketed with the implication that it is new and superior to other oil solutions of mercuric iodid.

  9. A bright red pigment consisting of mercuric sulphide, obtained either from the mineral cinnabar or artificially.

  10. A polymeric modification of cyanogen, obtained as a brown or black amorphous residue by heating mercuric cyanide.

  11. To obtain mercury from, as mercuric minerals, which may be done by any application of intense heat that expels the mercury in fumes, which are afterward condensed.

  12. The process or operation of obtaining the mercury, in its fluid form, from mercuric minerals.

  13. The stools are dark green, containing calomel, mercuric sulphide and bile which, owing to the antiseptic action, has not been decomposed.

  14. Long continued boiling with water gives mercury and mercuric chloride; dilute hydrochloric acid or solutions of alkaline chlorides convert it into mercuric chloride on long boiling.

  15. It may be obtained by heating mercury in chlorine, or by reducing mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) with mercury or sulphurous acid.

  16. Calomel exerts remote actions in the form of mercuric chloride.

  17. The specific value of mercurous chloride is that it exerts the valuable properties of mercuric chloride in the safest and least irritant manner, as the active salt is continuously and freshly generated in small quantities.

  18. Nitric acid oxidizes it to mercuric nitrate, while potash or soda decomposes it into mercury and oxygen.

  19. The supporters of the formula Hg2Cl2 pointed out that dissociation into mercury and mercuric chloride would give this value, since mercury is a monatomic element.

  20. Other poisonous preparations are red precipitate, white precipitate, mercuric nitrate, the cyanide and potassio-mercuric iodide.

  21. Ordinary anæsthetics, like chloroform, and poisons, like mercuric chloride, are known to produce a profound depression or abolish all signs of response in the living tissue.

  22. In order to study the effect of poison, another set was placed in water containing a small quantity of mercuric chloride.

  23. Of these reagents, some are universal in their action, amongst which strong solutions of acids and alkalis, and salts like mercuric chloride, may be cited.

  24. Similarly a batch of three horse-chestnut leaf-stalks was put in water, another batch in chloroform-water, and a third batch in mercuric chloride solution.

  25. Substances which burn with difficulty may be mixed with mercuric oxide in addition to copper oxide.

  26. Mercuric oxide, sulphide and iodide; arsenic trioxide; titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide may be cited as examples.

  27. Any residue consists of black mercuric sulphide (and possibly white lead sulphate), in which mercury is confirmed by its usual tests.

  28. The compounds of mercury attracted considerable attention, mainly on account of their medicinal properties; mercuric oxide and corrosive sublimate were known to pseudo-Geber, and the nitrate and basic sulphate to "Basil Valentine.

  29. Mercuric bichlorid or corrosive sublimate is more destructive to protoplasm, and is used as a germicide or disinfectant.

  30. Mercuric sulphide forms the brilliant red pigment, vermilion, and mercuric oxide is becoming increasingly important in anti-fouling marine paint for ship-bottoms.

  31. Mercuric nitrate is used in the fabrication of felt hats from rabbits' fur.

  32. It precipitated the hydroxides of iron, gave a light blue precipitate with copper sulphate, and a white precipitate with mercuric chloride.

  33. On addition of a solution of mercuric chloride to the red filtrate, a brown flocculent precipitate was formed.

  34. Precipitated calcium carbonate may be used in place of the mercuric oxide, or a hypochlorite may be decomposed by a dilute mineral acid and the resulting solution distilled.

  35. Hypochlorous acid is formed when chlorine monoxide dissolves in water, and can be prepared (in dilute solution) by passing chlorine through water containing precipitated mercuric oxide in suspension.

  36. The iodide of potassium solution must be added before the water, and the relative proportions between this solution and the iodine-mercuric chloride solution must be 15 to 20 cubic centimeters.

  37. Fifty grammes iodine and 60 grammes of mercuric chloride in a liter of alcohol freed from fusel oil, and let stand for 12 hours.

  38. Silver iodide, mercurous iodide, and mercuric iodide are insoluble in water; lead iodide is sparingly soluble, whilst most of the other metallic iodides are soluble.

  39. Chem), mercuric oxide (HgO) a heavy red crystalline powder obtained by heating mercuric nitrate, or by heating mercury in the air.

  40. Defn: to intensify (a developed image), as by bleaching with mercuric chloride and subsequently subjecting anew to a developing agent.

  41. Defn: A compound of naphthalene or its radical with a metallic element; as, mercuric naphthide.

  42. Defn: The process or operation of obtaining the mercury, in its fluid form, from mercuric minerals.

  43. Defn: A polymeric modification of cyanogen, obtained as a brown or black amorphous residue by heating mercuric cyanide.

  44. Defn: A bright red pigment consisting of mercuric sulphide, obtained either from the mineral cinnabar or artificially.

  45. Iodine scarlet, a pigment of an intense scarlet color, consisting of mercuric iodide.

  46. Various oxychlorides are formed by digesting corrosive sublimate with mercuric oxide.

  47. If to a solution of HCN, potash be added in excess, and then a little very finely pulverised, or precipitated, mercuric oxide, the latter will dissolve.

  48. It dissolves mercuric oxide, giving a mercuric cyanide which may be obtained in white crystals on evaporation.

  49. Mercuric cyanide also gives off all its HCN when distilled with iron filings or zinc dust, sulphuric acid, and water.

  50. The reagent is added till no further precipitate is produced, which is known by filtering a small portion at intervals and testing with the potassio-mercuric iodide to see if finished.

  51. Mercuric cyanide is said to be an irritant poison, and to be similar in its action to corrosive sublimate.

  52. As to the question about the salts of prussic acid, it may be generally said that all poisonous cyanides would smell in the stomach, except, perhaps, mercuric cyanide.

  53. Mercuric oxide is soluble in alkaline fluids only in presence of HCN.

  54. Mercurous nitrate gives at once with HCN solutions, a black deposit of metallic mercury, and a solution of mercuric cyanide.

  55. Antimony trifluoride, SbF3, is obtained by dissolving the trioxide in aqueous hydrofluoric acid or by distilling antimony with mercuric fluoride.

  56. The negative is developed in the ordinary manner, intensified by mercuric chloride, and varnished.

  57. It is then immersed in mercuric chloride for half an hour, and again intensified with pyrogallic acid.

  58. Larger dose of red mercuric iodide could be administered in this form.

  59. Thoroughly mix the red mercuric iodide with the red fat sugar by trituration in a mortar; and compress in a tablet machine, using 5/16-inch die and punches, to make one hundred 0.

  60. Having thoroughly triturated the red mercuric iodide with the sugar, add the carmine and the spirit of cinnamon and triturate again.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mercuric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.