There were, too, women and children, many of the latter suspended to the pommels of the saddles, while the former were dragged mercilessly along the road on foot, or driven forward as if they were animals.
They could not speak the Tartar language, and their assistance was mercilessly refused.
I had mercilessly bruised that tender plant, and there was nothing in my hands to heal the wounds I had made!
Protestantism was rigorously andmercilessly punished with imprisonment, torture, the galleys, the scaffold, and the stake.
Many were banished, some were mercilessly drowned.
It is better to mercilessly cut off one member rather than lose the entire body through fire or plague.
The young Protestant faith would have been mercilessly extirpated by Rome, which was gathering the secular powers around her to fight her battles with material weapons against Protestants.
Once driven from the direct passage, men struggled in vain to climb the sides of the bridge; they were mercilessly forced back into the river: even women, their infants in their arms, shared this fate.
The young Cardinal Riario, rather an instrument than an accomplice in the conspiracy, was with difficulty saved by Lorenzo from being torn to pieces by the fury of the Florentine mob; but his attendants were mercilessly butchered by them.
Then with her little scissors, by the aid of a pocket looking-glass, she mercilessly nipped her eyebrows off, and thus insured against aggressive admiration, she went on her uneven way.
They took refuge in a street car, from which, however, they were soon driven and mercilessly beaten, and a subordinate officer named Riggen fell, apparently lifeless.
The frightful slaughter was mercilessly avenged by the infuriated soldiers on the people of Cawnpore and on the prisoners they had taken.
This procedure exasperated the people, upon which Berlin openly announced that any exhibition of revolt would be at once put down mercilessly by bayonet and cannon.
So he began to be curt, crisp and mercilesslycompelling to Freddie; and after the first few sentences he had that youth gasping for air.
They let her go and Vane sat at the helm hour after hour, drenched with spray, hammering her mercilessly into the frothy seas.
The loads were heavy; fatigue seized the shrinking flesh, but the unrelenting will, trained in such adventures, mercilessly spurred it on.
The vine must be mercilesslypruned in tendrils, leaves, and branches even, though the rich sap may seem to bleed away to waste, if we are to grow precious grapes out of which may be expressed the wine of the Kingdom.
There is another reason, as I take it, for which this separation of the new disciple from Jesus was so apparently mercilessly and perpetually enforced.
The sight of the two wounded men being mercilessly pelted by the enemy aroused the fiercest indignation in the British trench, and only with the greatest difficulty were the men restrained from dashing out against the cowardly foe.
By eleven o'clock the Seydlitz and the Derfflinger were on fire; the Bluecher had fallen behind, and was being mercilessly pounded by the Indomitable.
The men, more stupid always than beasts, were sweating and swearing freely, and thumped mercilessly on the rumps of the tired animals with the butts and muzzles of their rifles in order to urge them along.
Amidst it I saw my faithful canoe being dashed mercilessly by the waves time after time against some sharp rocks, until she broke in two and foundered.
Soon after he came to Kentucky his son was slain by Indians while out boiling sugar from the maples; and he mercilessly persecuted all redskins for ever after.
The history of the border wars, both in the ways they were begun and in the ways they were waged, make a long tale of injuries inflicted, suffered, and mercilessly revenged.
The tale was rehearsed in saloon and cafe with every conceivable addition and exaggeration, and the queen hardly knew which way to turn from the invectives which were so mercilessly showered upon her.
BALKH, "the mother of cities," suffered mercilessly from Chinghiz.
And this was the way in which he was put to death: he was wrapt in a carpet, and tossed to and fro so mercilessly that he died.
Three hundred men of his garrison were mercilessly butchered, and a scene of carnage and pillage ensued which lasted three days.
Resin and pitch are marketable articles, and to obtain these the trees have been mercilessly destroyed.
He held the office three years, during which he mercilessly sacrificed some of his former comrades.
The advantage thus gained was mercilessly pressed by the Rojas family, with the purpose of compelling the retirement of Montalvo.
Moody, and taciturn, she refused all aid from any but Regina, and mercilessly exacted her continual presence.
If she does, and I am permitted to underline this phase of the crisis with all possible emphasis, the full strength of Germany's and Italy's armed forces are ready to be mercilessly hurled against her, and will be.
He hammered homemercilessly the theory that England must hold to accountability the man whom the country had entrusted with practically autocratic control of the War Office.
On the day on which Oates was pilloried in Palace Yard, he was mercilessly pelted, and ran some risk of being pulled in pieces; but in the city his partisans mustered in great force, raised a riot, and upset the pillory.
By his advice, a new tax was laid on cards, and all who refused to pay it he mercilessly prosecuted in the Court of Exchequer, where his will was law.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mercilessly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.