Large 8vo, 2 50 Pupin's Thermodynamicsof Reversible Cycles in Gases and Saturated Vapors.
Thermodynamics of the Steam-engine and Other Heat-engines.
But if the principle thus enunciated by Helmholtz as a consequence of the laws of thermodynamics is at bottom identical with that discovered by Gibbs, it is more difficult of application and is presented under a more mysterious aspect.
The question, moreover, has had a new light thrown upon it by the application of the principles of thermodynamics and of the phase rule.
Yet ordinary thermodynamics could not account for experimentally realizable states of equilibrium in the phenomena of viscosity and friction, since this science declares them to be impossible.
Thermodynamics indeed establishes relations between those properties and other constants, but does not allow everything to be foreseen.
Thermodynamics will furnish us, in addition, with the expression of the heat of vaporization and of, the specific heats of the two saturated fluids.
The problem of solution may be approached by way of thermodynamics and of the hypotheses of kinetics.
If we reject this hypothesis, it will then be allowable to introduce into thermodynamics laws previously excluded, and it will be possible to construct, as M.
Further, by the study of solutions, of dissociation, in fact generally of phenomena which present a continuum of cases, the methods of thermodynamics have found entrance into chemistry.
Carnot led to the remarkable development from which thermodynamics flowed.
Thus the primary energy relations of the vegetable organism are represented in these engines, and no violation of the second law of thermodynamics involved.
Thermodynamics shows that at very low temperatures, i.
Thermodynamics teaches that the maximum work A may be expressed as A = RT log K, when R denotes the gas-constant, T the absolute temperature.
The Law of Thermodynamics is based on two fundamental truths which have reference to the conversion of Heat into Work, and Work into Heat.
Therefore, from the second law of thermodynamics we have another proof of this repulsive power of heat already indicated and referred to in Art.
At the close of this chapter, therefore, the mathematical deduction of the generalization will be given, but in brief outline only, the reader being referred to works on Thermodynamics for a fuller treatment of the subject.
The second law of thermodynamics is a title often used to denote Carnot's principle or some equivalent mathematical expression.
Helmholtz gives an admirable statement of the fundamental principle as applied to heat, but makes no attempt to formulate the correct equations of thermodynamics on the mechanical theory.
The credit for showing that it is a consequence of the existence of radiation pressure combined with the principles of thermodynamics is due to Bartoli and Boltzmann.
The reasoning in this article being somewhat condensed the reader must necessarily be referred to treatises on thermodynamics for further information on points of detail connected with the argument.
This is a consequence of an important axiom in thermodynamics according to which "any small change in the neighbourhood of a state of equilibrium is to a first approximation reversible.
Ogg (1903), also in treatises on thermodynamics by W.
Abandoning the ambitious theories of forty years ago, which were encumbered by molecular hypotheses, we are trying to-day to erect upon thermodynamics alone the entire edifice of mathematical physics.
The rĂ´le of the two fundamental principles of thermodynamics in all branches of natural philosophy becomes daily more important.
Long did thermodynamics confine itself to the study of the dilatation of bodies and their changes of state.
Modern thermodynamics is based on this principle and on the so-called Second Law of Thermodynamics; which is, however, variously stated by different authors.
His claims were absurd, and the absurdity is readily apparent to anyone versed in thermodynamics or familiar with the principles of Conservation of Energy.
Many versed in the science of thermodynamics (heat power) shook their heads in doubt.
This is a fundamental question, as well as a very difficult one, and to a student of thermodynamics and physiology it prompts all sorts of speculation.
Such a result must be regarded as impossible of attainment, as it would imply the possibility of heat passing from one body to another at a higher temperature, contrary to the second law of thermodynamics (q.