The stereo was playing something soft and nostalgicas Kennon sank into the chair Alexander had vacated.
Grandfather was an Earthman and he used to get nostalgic for the homeworld.
As I toss on my pillow, I hear the cold, nostalgic sound of the water-clock.
As I toss on my pillow, I hear the cold, nostalgic sound of the water-clock: Shêng!
The eternity and transcendence of art, notions and expectations associated with the literate experience, become nostalgic references of a past pragmatics.
Disinheriting ourselves from all that was, we are nostalgic for our lost sense of continuity and security.
Some alumni might be nostalgic for the Gothic structures of their university days.
Such cases are not unusual on board labour-ships on their way to the Queensland and Fiji plantations, and they may be regarded as of the nature of nostalgic melancholy or home-sickness.
For the nature to which he would return, one cannot repeat too often, is nothing real, but a mere nostalgic straining of the imagination away from the real.
To say that the melancholy even of the decadent ancient is less nostalgic is perhaps only another way of saying what I have said about the melancholy of the ancients in general--that it is not so purely personal.
But does one become happy by being nostalgic and hyperæsthetic, by burning with infinite indeterminate desire?
The Ulysses of Tennyson, on the other hand, is nostalgic in the romantic sense when he leaves home “to sail beyond the sunset.
So, you are nostalgicfor your barracks; am I not just as nostalgic for mine?
Here is a combined nostalgic and surrender leaflet showing how surrender leads the Japanese soldier back to his wife and children.
When was he to be relieved of his duty ever to spur his horse on through this nostalgic territory, always to cut a way through ruins and through death, always to kill, always to be cursed!
She was like a nestling bird that, without realizing the obscure and nostalgic forces which drew it toward heaven of which it has no knowledge, crushes its head and maims its wings against the cage bars.