But the Princesse on the other part, felte a maruellous trouble in her minde, and almoste repented that she had so hardely made Alerane to come into a place vndecent for her honour, and at a time so inconuenient.
The honest and maruellous loue of a mayden of noble house, and of a gentleman that was base borne, and howe a Queene did impeche and let their mariage, with the wise aunswere of the mayde to the Queene.
I must to the Barbers Mounsieur, for me-thinkes I am maruelloushairy about the face.
No worse then they are bitten, sir: For they haue maruellous fowle linnen Shallow.
A maruellous witty fellow I assure you, but I will goe about with him: come you hither sirra, a word in your eare sir, I say to you, it is thought you are false knaues Bor.
With which words the king was in maruellous choler, and therewith said in anger: "Well then, get thee home, take that which is thine to thy selfe that which I haue of mine owne I trust will suffice me.
The king hearing the pope named, waxedmaruellous angrie: for they of Rome began alreadie to demand donations and contributions, more impudentlie than they were hitherto accustomed.
Wherefore being put in a maruellous feare, they withdrew themselues aside, but yet straightwaies they deuised a shift wherewith they had beene well acquainted before, as followeth.
Neuerthelesse, he vsed maruellous clemencie also in pardoning a great number of the rebels.
He was a maruellous contemner of monie, so that bribes might not mooue him to doo otherwise than dutie required.
Hungar and Vbba, men of maruellous strength and valiancie, but both of them passing cruell of nature.
Vpon this also sir John Thin had sometime a statelie house, with a maruellousprouision to inclose and reteine such fish as should come about the same.
The people then seeing the kings earnest desire in furthering the doctrine set foorth by Aidan, were the more inclined to heare it: so that it was a maruellous matter to note, what numbers of people [Sidenote: Hector Boet.
He was also beautifull and comelie of personage, liberall and bounteous, and of a maruellous strength.
Whereof the good olde man maruellous ioyfull, praysed God in heart, saying: "Wife this is not the firste good turne which we haue receiued of that holy man, vnto whom euery Cittizen of this Common wealth is dearely bounde.
Aloisio maruellous glad of those desired Newes, at the appoynted Nyght, about fyue or sixe of the Clocke, with a Ladder made of Roapes (bicause the Window was very high) went thyther alone.
Which his friend and Companion perceiuing, maruellous sorry for his affliction he ceased not to practise all that he could by Letters, gifts, promises and complaynts to procure Zilia to visite her pacient.
But yet he was not lifted vp in anie pride or presumption, but shewed himselfe maruellous courteous and gentle, and verie liberall to poore people and strangers.
And no doubt that a maruellous vent may be found out of them into Afrike by the way of Alexandria, and by Alcayer [Footnote: Cairo.
They say, that streight lieth not farre from the maine land of China, which the Spanyards account to be maruellous rich.
The men of this city are maruellous vicious; and in like maner the women are dishonest of their bodies, more then they are in other cities or townes in this countrey.
The pompe and liberalitie of the owners of the mines ismaruellous to beholde: the apparell both of them and of their wiues is more to be compared to the apparell of noble persons then otherwise.
There are neere about this city of Mexico many riuers and standing waters, which haue in them a monstrous kinde of fish, which is maruellous rauening, and a great deuourer of men and cattell.
There is in New Spaine a maruellous increase of cattle, which daily do increase, and they are of a greater growth then ours are.
Round about the towne there are very many gardens and orchards of the fruits of the countrey, maruellous faire, where the people haue great recreation.
There are also many other kinde of birds of purple colour, and small munkeys, maruellous proper.
These mines are commonly vpon great hilles and stony ground, maruellous hard to be laboured and wrought.
This Amapaia is also maruellous rich in golde (as both Berreo confessed and those of Guiana with whom I had most conference) and is situate vpon Orenoque also.
The greate store of sundry kyndes of fruytes is maruellous which are there solde, bothe gréene and ripe: there is one sorte as bigge as Almondes called Cacao, whiche is both meate and currant money.
The temple that stoode by the sea side was such a one, in the which was a maruellous straunge Idol, and differed muche from all the rest, although they haue manye and of diuerse fashions.
They vse other playes to passe the tyme, in such an order, that it séemed maruellous to the lookers on.
Maruellous signes and tokens of the destruction of Mexico.
The earth also brake open, out of the whiche issued a maruellous greate streame of water, with many greate fishes, which they iudged and held for a strange pronostication.
The enimies folowed our men, that séemed to flée with maruellous greate courage.
The Gentlewoman was receiued into hir house wyth maruellous ioye: And longe tyme after she was gazed vpon by the Citizens of Bologna, as a thing to their great wonder reuiued agayne.
I speake not of your commendable behauiour, of your excellent and maruellous vertues, which be such and of so great effect, as they would make the gods descend to contemplate the same.
Amongs the Sabines there chaunced an Oxe in the House of an Husbande Man to bee broughte forth, of an huge bignesse and maruellous shape (the hornes whereof were placed at the porche of Diana's temple for a monument long time after.
The old woman hearing those words, sayd: "O how maruellous is the liberality of Nathan, whose palace hath XXXII.
Sertorius also made very much of her, and of purpose appeared maruellous glad, shewing such tender affection to the hind, as it seemed the water stood in his eyes for joy.
All these iustices generally haue a maruellous morall vertue, and that is, they be all very patient in hearing any complaynt, although it be declared with choller and proude speech.
There is great aboundance of muske, the which they do make of a little beast that doth feede of nothing else but of a roote which is of a maruellous smell, that is called camarus, as big as a man's finger.
That which is thinne and cleere their masters drinke, and in very deede it is maruellous sweet and wholesome liquor.
All their houses ordinarily haue three doores, that in the middest is great, the other be lesser, but of a maruellous gallant proportion.
Also in the hall where the courts of iustice were kept, there was a maruellous great noise heard, with much laughing, and a sturre [Sidenote: Strange woonders.
In the first parte I shewe, that there are visions and spirits, and that they appeare vnto men sometimes, and that many & maruellous things happen besides the ordinarie course of nature.
But nowe as concerning other matters, as in case any straunge crackes and noyses be heard, or any rare and maruellous things happen before the alteration of kingdomes (which we speake of before) what shall we then doo?
Cicero= writeth of maruellousthings in his booke of diuination, or soothsaying.
Touching these and other suchmaruellous things, there might be many histories and testimonies alleaged.
The Indians of this kingdome are maruellous ingenious, and doo see nothing but they imitate the same, whereof commeth that they are very good singers and plaiers vpon all sorts of instruments, yet their voices doo heale[57] them nothing.
They gaue to vnderstand that in this place, after they had seene so many tokens, and comforted themselues with maruellous sweete smels, and aires of great delight, they thought verily that they had bin in the paradice terrenall.
Sidenote: A maruellous deuise to mooue the assemblie.
A maruellous case is it to heare either the warnings of that he should haue voided, or the tokens of that he could not void.
Ouer these as vpon a nest, was placed this maruellous vessell of Æthiopian Hyacints cleere and bright, Celso inimicus, Comiti gratiosus.
In which conceiuing capacitie, maruellous performance, incredible charge and high commendation of the most excellent Artificer, woorthily allowed in euerie partition and elegant conuention of exquisite Lineaments.
But in a maruellous sort considerately, shee transformeth her selfe against the haire, into diuers fashions, not manifesting her selfe, although desired.
I doe imagine (Poliphilus) that you doe not vnderstande the conditionate state of this maruellous seate, and therefore giue attendance to my wordes.
To conclude, his demands were esteemed vnreasonable, so that the bishops and abbats were in a maruellous perplexitie, perceiuing into what miserable state by reason of immoderate exactions the church of England was brought.
The moone suffered a maruellous eclipse on the night following the day of S.
In this yeare vpon the 14 of Maie, a maruellous eclipse of the sunne chanced immediatlie after the rising thereof, so that the earth seemed as it had beene couered againe with shade of night.
Hilarie, and so they departed euerie man to his home in a maruellous doubt what waie were best for them to take, sith they saw themselues in great distresse, if Ruscand did suspend or excommunicate any of them either iustlie or otherwise.
About the midst of Nouember, great thunder and lightning chanced, with a maruellous vntemperat season for the space of 15 daies togither, as a signe of some misfortune to succeed.
Ciricus, a maruelloussore tempest of wind, raine, haile, and thunder chanced, that did exceeding much hurt.
Moreouer on the 23 of March, was heard an other great and terrible tempest of thunder, and after followed a maruellous wet summer with manie flouds.
There followed a maruellous sore later end of a winter, through cold and ouersharpe weather, which continued till the feast of S.
Dunstans day there was a maruellous sore tempest of weather, the aire being darkened on euerie side from the foure corners thereof, and withall chanced such a thunder as few the like had beene heard of.
The sea rose with most high tides, riuers were so filled with abundance of water, by reason of the great continuall raine, that maruellous flouds followed therevpon.
English coasts an huge armie of the Danes, vnder the conduct of two renowmed capteins Hungar and Vbba, men of maruellousstrength and valiancie, but both of them passing cruell of nature.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maruellous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.