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Example sentences for "immediatlie"

Lexicographically close words:
immediacy; immediate; immediatelie; immediately; immediateness; immediatly; immegiately; immemor; immemorial; immemorially
  1. Immediatlie vpon his arriuall at Rochell, the barons of Poictow reuolted from the French king, and comming in to king John, did homage vnto him, as to their king and souereigne lord.

  2. The French king at the same time lieng in siege before Arques, immediatlie vpon the newes of this ouerthrow, raised from thence, and returned homewards, destroieng all that came in his waie, till he was entred into his owne countrie.

  3. The duke of Clarence immediatlie vpon knowlege had of his father king Henrie the fourth his death, returned out of Guien into England, with the earle of Angolesme, and other prisoners.

  4. And immediatlie it seimis a voman, besyd our husbandis.

  5. And immediatlie herevpon, the king sent his ambassadors into France to certifie the French king what the estates assembled in parlement here in England had decreed.

  6. Immediatlie after came to the French king the lord Bernard Daubeneie a Scot borne, which on the French kings behalfe required K.

  7. Item, indyttit and accusit, for being att ane Conventioun haldin at the New Heaven callit the Fayrie-hoillis, att Lambmes last wes, to the effect immediatlie aboue writtin.

  8. The Essexmen satisfied with the kings promises, immediatlie departed homeward; howbeit they appointed certeine of their companie to remaine still and tarie for the kings charters.

  9. The esquier immediatlie after he was brought to his lodging, and laid in bed, began to wax raging wood, and so continuing still out of his wits, about nine of the clocke the next day he yéelded vp the ghost.

  10. In this fourth yeare of king Richards reigne, immediatlie after Christmasse, Thomas Brantingham bishop of Exeter and lord treasuror, was discharged of his office of treasurorship, and sir Robert Hales lord of S.

  11. But when the peoples furie was not so quenched, the bishop himselfe casting the skirts of his gowne ouer his face, came likewise foorth, and was immediatlie slaine of the people.

  12. If a continuaunce of Gods procreacion were not, immediatlie a ruine and ende would ensue of thinges.

  13. But immediatlie after came the said Coniers againe, with the like tale and information as he had brought before.

  14. And furthermore, the said earle would, that immediatlie (when it pleased the king of England) his people should doo homage and fealtie to the king of Englands sonne, reseruing the fealtie due to him so long as he liued.

  15. Diuerse other places which belonged to the same earle were also immediatlie deliuered into the enimies hands, which increased the suspicion.

  16. Immediatlie after he was aduertised of the death of king Stephan, he came ouer into England, landing at Ostreham about the seuenth day of December.

  17. Of Kimarus and his sudden end, of Elanius and his short regiment, of Morindus and his beastlie crueltie, all thrée immediatlie succeeding each other in the monarchie of Britaine, with the exploits of the last.

  18. Now so it was, that Maximianus, immediatlie after that his sonne Maxentius had taken the rule vpon him, sought meanes to haue deposed him, and to haue resumed and taken eftsoones into his owne hands the gouernment of the empire.

  19. Romane empire in great stéed, and was therefore highlie beloued of the souldiers, insomuch that immediatlie after his deceasse, they proclaimed his sonne Constantine emperour.

  20. Wherevpon immediatlie a legion of souldiers was sent thither in the [Sidenote: 414.

  21. Cadwallo then aduertised hereof, immediatlie after his arriuall hasted to Excester, and diuiding his people in 4 parts, set vpon his enimies, tooke Penda, and ouerthrew his whole armie.

  22. King Edmund with those woords of his aduersarie was so pacified, that immediatlie he cast awaie his swoord, and comming to Cnute, ioined hands with him.

  23. Of Kimarus and his sudden end, of Elanius and his short regiment, of Morindus and his beastlie crueltie, all thrée immediatlie succeeding each other in the monarchie of Britaine, with the exploits of the last.

  24. But some which suppose that he was consecrated king immediatlie vpon the death of Edridus, affirme that [Sidenote: Polydor.

  25. Herevpon fleeing home to his house, he tooke his wife, and a sonne which he had, and fled with them into France, so forsaking his countrie which was now gouerned by Iaques van Arteueld, as though he had beene immediatlie lord thereof.

  26. But this Siger being immediatlie after apprehended by the earle of Flanders, was put to death.

  27. Immediatlie after Easter he called a parlement, in which diuerse good statutes, and wholesome ordinances, for the preseruation and aduancement of the common-wealth were deuised and established.

  28. The king went vnto Beuerlie, to visit the shrine of saint Iohn, and immediatlie vpon his departure from thence, the sorowfull newes of his brother the duke of Clarences death, came to him, for which he was right pensife.

  29. And so immediatlie they were had to execution.

  30. Thus when the king was possessed of the towne, he incontinentlie commanded all armours & weapons of the vanquished, to be brought into one place, which was immediatlie doone.

  31. And immediatlie after the deceasse of our souereigne lord king Charles, we shall be faithfull liegemen vnto the said king Henrie, and to his successors for euer.

  32. Also, that he would so prouide, that no bishop sees nor other benefices should remaine void, but immediatlie after vpon their first vacation, they should be againe bestowed vpon some conuenient person meet to supplie the roome.

  33. The tower that duke Henrie had hardlie besieged immediatlie herewith was surrendred vnto him, & then making prouision for vittels and other things, [Sidenote: The castell of Wallingford.

  34. This siege continued almost two moneths, in maner from his deliuerie in the beginning of Nouember, vntill Christmasse immediatlie following: in somuch that through lacke of vittels they within the towne began to raise mutinies.

  35. This being knowne, the empresse tooke vnto hir Dauid king of Scotland that was hir vncle, who immediatlie ioining their armies togither, went to Winchester and besieged the castell.

  36. For I heard saie, that the duke of Britaine restored him to libertie, immediatlie after the death of king Edward, by whose means he was restreined.

  37. In this yeare vpon the 14 of Maie, a maruellous eclipse of the sunne chanced immediatlie after the rising thereof, so that the earth seemed as it had beene couered againe with shade of night.

  38. The said friers building them a church with all speed, and setting vp an altar, immediatlie began to celebrate diuine seruice, not once staieng for the purchase of anie licence.

  39. The citie of Xainctes was likewise rendred to him immediatlie vpon king Henries departure from thence.

  40. And immediatlie herevpon, by consent of the king and the barons, sir Hugh Spenser was made cheefe iustice and keeper of the tower.

  41. But some which suppose that he was consecrated king immediatlie vpon the death of Edridus, [Sidenote: Polydor.

  42. And this was the first time that they remained héere all the winter, vsing afore time but to come and make an inuasion in one place or other, and immediatlie to returne home with the prey.

  43. Odo, Dunstane as then remaining in exile, from whence he was immediatlie reuoked by Edgar, and first made bishop of Worcester (as hath beene said) and after the decease of Odo was aduanced to be archbishop of Canturburie.

  44. For they regarding it little or nothing, immediatlie as the truce was expired, got them abroad into the field, [Sidenote: Isoldune.

  45. But immediatlie after, there arose matter of new displeasure betwixt these two kings to kéepe their minds in vre with secret grudges, though by reason of the truce they outwardlie absteined from declaring it by force of armes.

  46. Wherefore he tooke the oth, and the Nobles of his countrie with him, and therewithall released the English pledges, remitted the monie that yet remained behind of his portion aforesaid, and immediatlie therewith died.

  47. But this Wighart comming vnto Rome, and declaring his message vnto Vitalianus then gouerning the church of Rome, immediatlie after he died of the pestilence (that then reigned in that citie) with all those that came with him.

  48. This dooing so much displeased the people, that if politike prouision had not beene, great mischeefe had immediatlie insued.

  49. And sa thai departit; and the tumult (as said is) immediatlie thairefter did aryse.

  50. Yf any be noted with curiositie, or bringyng in any strange doctrine, he must be admonished by the Moderatouris, the Ministeris and Eldaris, immediatlie after that the interpretatioun is ended.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "immediatlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.