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Example sentences for "maruelled"

Lexicographically close words:
martyrum; maruaile; marueilous; marueilously; maruell; maruellous; maruellouslie; maruellously; maruelous; maruelously
  1. Richard, he greatlie maruelled at the first, but after commended the abbats in their dooings, and cheeflie for shewing that they were void of the accustomed gréedinesse of hauing, which most men supposed them to be much infected withall.

  2. It might be maruelled at, whie they attempted not the winning of Glocester indeed, considering the freends which they knew they had within it.

  3. Fryer Laurence whych knew the certayne tyme of the pouder's operation, maruelled that he had no answere of the Letter which he sent to Rhomeo by his fellowe Fryer Anselme, departed from S.

  4. If Anselmo were abashed at the Montanines arriuall, and astonned at the Oration of Charles, his sodain departure was more to be maruelled at, and therwithal to see the effect of a thing which he neuer hoped, nor thought vpon.

  5. Suerlie the inconstancie of this woman were much to be maruelled at, if all women had beene found constant; but let men speake, yet women of the verie bond of nature will follow their owne sex.

  6. In this troublous season, nothing was more maruelled at, than that the lord Stanleie had not beene taken, and reputed as an enimie to the king; considering the working of the ladie Margaret his wife, moother to the earle of Richmond.

  7. They were in number eight hundred horsses, so well appointed and furnished, as well the men as horsses, that all nations maruelled to see such an honorable companie come from a countrie so far distant.

  8. It is also much to be maruelled at, that whereas they doo yeerelie mew and cast their horns; yet in fighting they neuer breake off where they doo grife or mew.

  9. Howbeit, because it is much maruelled at as a rare thing, I doo not thinke it to be vnmeet to be placed amongst our woonders.

  10. When this carcase was thus found, euerie man maruelled at it, & good cause why.

  11. Cortez gaue them thankes, and went with them to a certaine place where the Lord was abydyng their comming wel accompanyed: he shewed vnto the Christians great good wil, and maruelled to sée those straungers with their long beardes.

  12. They through great ioy could not beléeue it, but maruelled at it.

  13. He practised so many and diuers deceites, that all men maruelled and were astonished out of measure.

  14. That it is no maruell if vaine sightes haue bene in olde time, neither yet that it is to be maruelled at, if there be any at this day.

  15. That it is no maruell if vaine sightes haue bene in old time, neither yet that it is to be maruelled at, if there be any at this day.

  16. They maruelled very much when that it was told them, that comming from Mexico vnto Philippinas, they were three monethes at the sea and neuer sawe land.

  17. And although Florinda maruelled to see him without aunswere, yet she imputed it rather to bashfulnesse than to any force of loue, and departed without further talke.

  18. These yonge roisters assembled in the palace, euery of them maruelled wherefore the Duke had caused them to come thether.

  19. At which wordes all the yong men maruelled and therefore durste not attempt to goe vnto her, but said one to another: "Surely this commaundement of the Duke hath some secrete misterie in it.

  20. Afterwards she maruelled why sutch a king as he was, would in hir husband's absence, come to hir house: and in that maruel and consideration she was no whit deceyued, coniecturinge that the fame of hir beauty was the cause of hys comminge.

  21. Elisa hearing hir say so, greatly maruelled and sayd: "Why then I perceiue thou art a woman and not a man.

  22. Which she did in such comelie and decent maner, as she that knew how to doo it well inough, so as the king maruelled greatlie thereat, and not vnderstanding what she ment by that salutation, demanded what it signified.

  23. Howbeit, because it is much maruelled at as a rare thing, I doo not thinke it to be vnméet to be placed amongst our woonders.

  24. It is also much to be maruelled at, that whereas they doo yéerelie mew and cast their horns; yet in fighting they neuer breake off where they doo grife or mew.

  25. All the lords were much dismaid and sore maruelled at this maner of sudden change, and what thing should him aile.

  26. I found other Indians which maruelled to see me, because they had no knowledge of any Christians, hauing no traffike nor conuersation with those Indians which I had passed, in regard of the great desert which was between them.

  27. When we had rowed three houres, we maruelled we saw no signe of any dwelling, and asked the pilot where the towne was: he tolde vs a little further.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maruelled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.