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Example sentences for "marke"

Lexicographically close words:
marito; maritus; marjoram; mark; marka; marked; markedly; marker; markers; markes
  1. Call we to minde, and marke but this for proofe: Was not the Duke of Orleance thy Foe?

  2. Every man thynke on hys trewe love, And marke hym to the Trenite; For to God I make myne avowe Thys day wyll I not fle.

  3. If you, my lord, have chosen mee Of a hundred gunners to be the head, 50 Then hang me up on your maine-mast tree, If I misse my marke one shilling bread.

  4. How is it become a marke of Honor to her Faith, to have converted Nations, and an obloquie cast upon us, that we, having the better Vine, should have worse dressers and husbanders of it?

  5. Marke at last learns the truth concerning the love potion, and has the two lovers buried side by side in Kurnewal.

  6. The story centres in the fatal voyage which Tristan, a vassal to the court of his uncle King Marke of Kurnewal (Cornwall), makes to Ireland to bring back Isolde as the king's bride.

  7. For he showed himself so diligent there, To make a marke and keepe it faire: It is worthie memorie to declare Through all the cittie of London.

  8. Stande thou on yonder rising hylle, Fulle safe I weene the syte: And from thence oh marke thee well my creste In all the thickeste fighte.

  9. I heard to-day that the Dutch have begun with us by granting letters of marke against us; but I believe it not.

  10. I believe also that this is the only book in which we are told of the interesting old custom of tying knots to the trees "in token and marke of ye highe waye," and of robbers deliberately removing them.

  11. Therefore ben ofte knottes made on trees and in busshes in bowes and in braunches of trees; in token and marke of ye highe waye; to shewe the certen and sure waye to wayefareynge men.

  12. Now is it not, a wonder to behold, Yonder gallant skarce twenty winter old, By might (marke ye) able to do more Than the mayne sea that batters on his shore?

  13. In these examples if ye marke there is no griefe or offence ministred as in those other before, and yet are very wittie, and spoken in plaine derision.

  14. Then where you will haue your rime or concord to fall, marke it with a compast stroke or semicircle passing ouer those lines, be they farre or neare in distance, as ye haue seene before described.

  15. If hee chaunce to be wounded, hee hath a marveilous eye to marke the partie that did it, and be the hunters never so many in number, upon him he runneth onely.

  16. Marke also how greate evelles folow of how litle an occasion Dina goeth but forth alone to se the doughters of the contre/ and how greate myscheve and troble folowed?

  17. And y^e LORde put * a marke vpo Cain that no ma y^t founde hym shulde kyll hym.

  18. And Iacob set vp a marke in the place where he talked with him: euen a pilloure of stone/ & powred drynkeoffringe theron and powred also oyle thereon/ and called the name of the place where God spake with him/ Bethell.

  19. Marke also the weake infirmites of the ma He loveth one wife more then a nother/ one sonne more then a nother.

  20. Firste note with stronge faith the power of god in creatinge all of nought Then marke the grevous fall of Adam and of vs all in him/ thorow the light regard[~i]ge of the commaundement of god.

  21. Marke the wisedome of Sophocles, in leauyng out the last sentence, because it was not cumlie for the sonne to vse it to his father.

  22. For the master nowe taketh double paynes: first, to marke what is amisse: againe, to inuent what may be sayd better.

  23. Howe can myne eies fayle when so fayre a marke As honor lyes before me?

  24. And there's one Sarlaboys to, as arrant a blood-sucker and as notable a coward as ever drew weapon in a bawdy house, he carryes my marke about him.

  25. See what a livelie piercing eye is here; Marke the conveiance of this lovelie hand; Where are the other parts of this rare cheeke?

  26. Him (when we are in conference) thou shalt marke And to the life set doune his counterfet.

  27. A shepherdess embarks: "Did you not marke how the windes whistled, and the seas danced for joy; how the sales did swell with pride, and all because they had Urania?

  28. Who is it that reding Bevis of Hampton, can forbeare laughing, if he marke what scambling shyft he makes to end his verses a like?

  29. Yee worthy wights that doo delighte To heare of Novels strange and rare, What valors, woone by a famous knight, May please you marke I shall declare.

  30. Than bespake good Adam Bell To Clym of the Clough so free, ‘Brother, se ye marke the justyce wel; Lo!

  31. He gave hym five marke for his wyne, There it lay on the molde, And bad it shulde be set a broche, Drynkë who so wolde.

  32. Have here foure hondred pounde,’ than sayd the knyght, ‘The whiche ye lent to me; And here is also twenty marke For your curteysy.

  33. And every yere I woll thee gyve Twenty marke to thy fee.

  34. The castle discharged some great shot at our boats, but shooting without marke by reason of the darknesse they did vs no hurt.

  35. If you, my lord, have chosen mee Of a hundred gunners to be the head, Then hang me up on your maine-mast tree, If I misse my marke one shilling bread.

  36. Marke your diuorce (yong sir) Whom sonne I dare not call: Thou art too base To be acknowledge.

  37. Come, come, he must not: Marke our Contract Pol.

  38. Now Thomas Mowbray do I turne to thee, And marke my greeting well: for what I speake, My body shall make good vpon this earth, Or my diuine soule answer it in heauen.

  39. March on, and marke King Richard how he lookes.

  40. Marke silent King, the Morall of this sport, How soone my Sorrow hath destroy'd my Face Bull.

  41. Didst thou not marke the King what words hee spake?

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    marked ability; marked beauty; marked contrast; marked degree; marked effect; marked increase; marked tendency; marked thus; marked tree; marked varieties; market economy; market price; market town; market value