That dim little noise his breathless fellows could just hear was the wild hullabaloo the foolish Crows had set up to drown out the voices of Tug and History, as they gave the Lakerim yell.
In course there'll be a hullabaloo at once, and back they'll come after us.
Seems to me they'll send a party forward and one along this way, and in a bit we shall hear a hullabaloo that'll be loud enough to scare the moose this side of the big lakes.
But Diane had caught the clatter of the music-machine up the road where Philip was good-humoredly unwinding the hullabaloo for a crowd of gleeful young darkies, and suddenly she turned very white and stern.
A man can't unwind all that hullabaloo without feeling the strain.
At night he smoked comfortably by his camp fire, unwound the hullabaloo upon request or lent it to Sho-caw.
Never in all its history was there such a hullabaloo in the Land We Live In.
Now what in thunderation does thishullabaloo mean, I want to know.
There was a great hullabaloo in my ward when the matron came in and found my bed empty.
So between his yells and the heathen's jabber and grunts the hullabaloo was worse than a cat in a hen yard.
That cat had been asleep on the sofy, and the noise and hullabaloo had stirred him up till he was as crazy as the rest of 'em.
Well, now you shall hear what a hullabaloo there was at the saeter that afternoon.
He made such a hullabaloo with his screaming that I had to stop and wait for him.
One night we heard a terrible hullabaloo and Mrs. Godfrey called, "For the Lord's sake come down, the Indians are here.
Such a hullabaloo as there was--such a big tar barrel fire.
The next moment the hullabaloo of the cattle themselves made human voices unbearable.
She is practically the hostess at Wynn Cottage where the hullabaloowill occur.
We knew there was a hullabaloo about him somewheres, and that Mamma, and Uncle Harry, and Aunt Jane, and the Chief of Police were hot after finding his trail, but not another word would he tell us.
There sounded a great hullabaloo from the ballroom.
The hullabalooof the dogs and children brought the mothers to the cabin doors, or around from their washtubs at the rear of the cabins.