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Example sentences for "gelt"

Lexicographically close words:
geliebten; gelling; gells; gelly; gels; gelu; gem; gemacht; gemeine; gemination
  1. Howbeit his brother Godred, within foure dayes after comming out of Norway with a great power of armed men, apprehended his brother Reginald, gelt him, and put out his eyes.

  2. Howbeit Harald his brother rebelled against him a long time, but being at length taken by Lagman, hee was gelt and had his eyes put out.

  3. So would he that first gelt religion or Churchliuings had bin first gelt himselfe or neuer liued, Cardinall Wolsey is the man I aime at, Qui in suas ponas ingeniosus erat, first gaue others a light to his owne ouerthrow.

  4. Unlike the ancient Dane Gelt and the modern dole, it achieved its object.

  5. An Anglo-Saxon king gave Dane Gelt to the invaders of the land.

  6. Go on my ways with master mein, with my havresac on mein horse--poor teufel was I--but there was gelt in it.

  7. A rigs-gelt dollar, I may remark, is equivalent to 13½d.

  8. Laying down rigs-gelt dollars and skillings, I had to take up with specie dollars and marks.

  9. I mean to make these Antrim farmers as tame as gelt cats before I've done with them.

  10. The general was still bent on teaching the Irish to know their masters and making good his boast of reducing them to the tameness of "gelt cats.

  11. A bridge is always a good point of vantage for meeting an enemy, especially when the river runs, as the Gelt does, through a deep and wooded gorge.

  12. A wicket gate by Geltbridge leads us to the path through Gelt woods.

  13. The banking-house of Van Gelt and Van Stopper, in Amsterdam, had dealt largely in securities issued by the Emperor for the support of his wars.

  14. There was much question, on the Exchange, concerning the probable loss of Van Gelt and Van Stopper in consequence.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gelt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.