Your force has been magnified, and the movements of an army have been measured by the capacity for locomotion of an individual.
It is as if forts, with armaments, garrison, and stores, were endowed with locomotion more swift and enduring than that of cavalry.
The defects of the Sumter had been avoided, so that he found his new ship "a perfect steamer and a perfect sailing-ship, at the same time neither of her two modes of locomotionbeing at all dependent upon the other.
History and Development of Steam Locomotionon Common Roads.
Four times at least the resistance in the case of aerial locomotion has to be overcome to that obtained from ordinary locomotion on land.
Having given you all the information that I can collect with respect to the motions of perfect insects in the air, I must next say something concerning their modes of locomotion in or upon the water.
The next species of locomotionexhibited by perfect insects is flying.
Many apodous larvae inhabit the water, and therefore must be furnished with means of locomotion proper to that element.
But it is not only by steam that the standard of speed in locomotion has been displaced.
The adult might become fitted for sites or habits, in which organs of locomotion or of the senses, &c.
In those days the principal purpose of easy locomotion was booty: and there was no easy locomotion for bodies of men, except by ships.
The facility of travelling by railway has excited a spirit of locomotion before undreamed of.
No invention of the present century has produced so great a social change as Steam Locomotion on railways.
Nor must we, in noticing the grand invention of locomotion on railways, omit to mention some of the many subsidiary works which have been created during its progress towards perfection, and which have contributed to its success.
The progress of railway locomotion has not only given rise to the construction of new kinds of bridges, but it has directed mechanical science to devise better means of applying the strength of materials.
The stipulations proposed, and the conditions which the required engines were to fulfil, may be regarded as a curious exposition of the limited views then taken of the capabilities of Steam Locomotion on railways.
The directors, before finally determining on the system of locomotion to be adopted, offered a premium of L500 for the best locomotive engine to run on that line.
In the same manner, the invention of Steam locomotion on railways was either not contemplated in the first instance, or was considered very subordinate to the construction of carriages to be propelled by steam power on common roads.
In extreme cases locomotion becomes impossible, the patient is unable to bring the hand to the mouth, and the speech may become impaired, articulation being difficult and imperfect.
But he had calculated without taking into account the immense distance from Asia to Europe and his slender means, which permitted him only the slowlocomotion of a pedestrian and conveyance in a sailing vessel.
Having thrown away the crutch, I walked, or I should rather say, I jumped, upon one leg a few paces, in order to try locomotionwithout a wooden support.
The constant locomotion from one centre, or from one country seat to another, began, as has been already seen, with the Prince Consort.
Yes, he has most thoroughly enjoyed these and other modes of locomotion in the four corners of the world; but the pleasure in the canoe was far better than all.
Among the odd modes oflocomotion adopted by Englishmen, we have already mentioned that of the gentleman travelling in Germany with a four-in-hand and two spare horses.
But the nourishment of the organs concerned in locomotion is less active, and that of the cellular and adipose substance is generally more active, than in man.
The reader may easily conceive what the result of such a locomotion must be to a poor traveller: he is doubly wearied on account of the creeping pace accompanying the usual fatigue.
It contained, therefore, some aristocratic personage; for in China such a mode of locomotion is permitted only to persons enjoying a certain dignity or holding a certain rank in the hierarchy.
Fatigued by the exciting emotions of the preceding night, and especially by thirty-six hours’ duration of a kind of locomotion to which I was not yet accustomed, I had fallen into a sound sleep.
Locomotion was rendered difficult to such an extent that even the aid of two stout canes did not enable him to dispense with additional help in mounting my doorsteps.
Locomotion was very painful, and could be accomplished only with the aid of a cane.
This increased employment in transport is by no means confined to the new services of steamlocomotion by land and sea.
But some savages, other than they, did make progress in the matter of locomotion by water, and the next step was the raft, of which the earliest type known is the sanpan, three pieces of buoyant wood tied together.
The disuse of the wherry for locomotion destroyed this nursery; we have already shown that our later professionals are as a rule neither London watermen nor Tyne keelmen.
In the case of locomotion and other motor functions a preliminary feeling of need may not be so imperative, but it is none the less constant.
It is only after several years of volitional effort that such acts as locomotion or the expulsion from the throat of an irritant particle become really automatic.