But in the early days of the Western Railroad it was far otherwise, and the locomotive which should successfully and economically operate the hitherto unheard of grade of over 80 feet to the mile was yet to be seen.
Those companies, however, whose works are yet under construction I can advise with the fullest conviction to procure all their locomotive engines and tenders from America, and to construct their cars after the American model.
Some of the physical characteristics of chilled iron, as well as the surprising locomotive properties of carbon present in heated iron, were noticed.
The steep grades west of the Connecticut presented not only a difficult problem in location and construction, but in locomotive engineering as well.
This position gave him among other things the direction of the machine shops, which had been made principally for the construction of locomotive engines.
Far away he heard the whistle of a locomotive as it came around the bottom of the hill.
Then the whistle of the locomotive broke upon his ears and he turned pale.
The locomotive whistled, the train moved slowly on, and the miller hastened back to his cart.
A few minutes later there was the shriek of an engine, and a locomotive and one carriage steamed up and stopped close by them.
Swinging their Mausers behind their backs, Jack and Guy coolly walked through the gates of the station, and mounted the platform, against which a locomotive and carriages were standing on the point of moving off.
In a vivid manner it describes the inception and incidents of that most daring and brilliant exploit known as The Great Locomotive Chase.
A history of the great Raid and Locomotivechase in Georgia in 1862.
A History of the great Raid and Locomotive Chase in Georgia in 1862.
The Great Locomotive Chase (the most thrilling and unique story of the war).
What has been said of printing, can be extended to every agent for the advancement of labor--from the nail and the mallet, up to the locomotive and the electric telegraph.
They are not the less carried along by the locomotive and the steamboat through their faith in the engineer and the pilot.
Why he no more dares to be up to our Refreshmenting games, than he dares to jump atop of a locomotive with her steam at full pressure, and cut away upon her alone, driving himself, at limited-mail speed.
James George had also suggested the practicability of Wooden Railways or Tramways, with horses as locomotive power, forty years before the Civil Engineer Hulburt built the Gosford Wooden Railway, with steam as locomotive power.
The action of the glacier appeared to resemble that of the break of a locomotive upon rails, both being cases of exfoliation brought about by pressure and friction.
About five o'clock that afternoon, the big locomotive drew us safely into Sanford.
It was not long before I heard the whistle of a locomotive in the still distance.
Great advances have been made within the last few years, and I propose now to offer a few facts and figures relating to the present state of the subject with reference to the application of storage batteries to locomotive purposes.
The firstlocomotive actuated by storage batteries was used at a bleaching works in France in 1882.
Across the clanging of the locomotivebells and the roll of trolley cars at the bottom of the hill he heard sweet voices.
You can command a locomotive and Winnipeg's not very far from your camp.
One heard whistles, the rumble of heavy wheels, and the tolling of locomotive bells.
The explosive snorts indicated that the locomotive labored up the last steep pitch, and Lister sat down by the rails.
I will not forget--" Somebody waved a lantern, a whistle shrieked, and the locomotive bell began to toll.
The snorting of the locomotive broke in a measured beat through the roll of wheels; the rocks threw back confused echoes about the clanging cars.
The locomotive had crossed the divide and was running furiously down grade.
Now, however, the road was good and the engineer drove his big locomotive with throttle wide open.
When I put you on board the locomotive I knew Roberts would see you out.
The locomotive pump throbbed noisily and Lister could not hear their talk, but he thought they argued.
He got the locomotive back to the line, and being rewarded by a better post, stubbornly pushed himself nearer the front.
He remembered the pluck with which she had struggled against the fear she obviously felt, her impulsive trust when he offered help, and her relief when she got into the locomotive cab.
When he last saw the girl, her face was lighted like that by the blaze of a locomotive head-lamp.
Unless he made good speed, he would meet the train on the bridge and the cylinders of the locomotive projected beyond the edge.
But "there are five rails in sight, all at equal distances apart, though the railway gauge is four feet eight inches and a half, and the locomotive is running on the six-foot way.
The Flying Dutchman was running when Sir John's locomotive still had the odour of Puffing Bilfy about it.
There is a capital story in Mr. Le Fanu's "Seventy Years of Irish Life," in which the author tells of a man who was accidentally knocked down by the buffer of a locomotive near Bray Station.
The reason is that the drivers slip and the locomotive shoots ahead as if she were on skates.
With the old trains running forty miles an hour, seven hundred and sixty feet of track was necessary to bring the locomotive and six cars to a dead stop from full speed.
Wright had been so indefatigable, that the Newbern Railroad was done, and a locomotive arrived in Goldsboro' on the 25th of March.
We camped our troops on high, healthy ground to the south of Chewalla, and after I had personally reconnoitred the country, details of men were made and volunteer locomotive engineers obtained to superintend the repairs.
The country was so level that a single locomotive could haul twenty-five and thirty cars to a train, instead of only ten, as was the case in Tennessee and Upper Georgia.
With their artillery they knocked to pieces our locomotive and several of the cars, and set fire to the train; but we managed to get possession again, and extinguished the fire.
I can only hear of one locomotive (besides the four old ones) on the Newbern road, and two damaged locomotives (found by General Terry) on the Wilmington road.
I ordered a car and locomotive to be prepared to convey me up to Durham's at eight o'clock of the morning of April 17th.
They are known by such names as suction, cylinder, rotary, oscillating, locomotive and centrifugal machines.
The meaning of it all was that the stranger represented a firm that had put up the money to build a locomotive with a patent boiler for burning a patent fuel--she had an improved valve motion, too--and they had asked our G.
They hunted mine and looked at me and asked me questions and made me forget things, and made me think and dream and speculate; all of which are sheer suicide for a locomotive engineer.
The passenger locomotive was very speedy and hauled as many as ninety persons at a time.
Before long he had his locomotive running regularly, hauling the three cars with freight and passengers back and forth over the full length of the track.
Edison suggested using the steam whistle of a locomotive to give the long and short signals of the Morse code.
Things went well for a while, but presently a weakness developed and it became necessary to return the locomotive to the shop to make changes in the mechanism.
The freight locomotivewas not so speedy, but could pull heavy trains at a good speed.
Whenever he could get the chance he would ride with the engineer in the cab, and he liked nothing better than to handle the locomotive himself during the run.
The early railroad at Menlo Park has gone to ruin and decay, but the crude locomotive built by Edison has become the property of the Pratt Institute, of Brooklyn, New York, to whose students it is a constant example and incentive.
The locomotivewas an ordinary flat dump-car on a four-wheeled iron truck.
The boy who was to have much to do with the evolution of the modern electric locomotive in later years was fascinated with the mechanism of the steam locomotive.
Once a dripping servant brought him food, but he could not eat; and once he thought that he heard a faint toot from a locomotive across the river, and then he smiled.
It is not true that, as they changed engines at Fort Madison, Cheyne passed over to the Amalgamated Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers an endowment sufficient to enable them to fight him and his fellows on equal terms for evermore.
The jar of a locomotive makes the toughest iron brittle at last; and the wear and tear of a restless wife are beyond the strongest man's endurance.
Pray, whom should we write for, in this age which makes its own epic upon sounding anvils, and whose lyric is yelled from the locomotive running a muck through forest and field and beside the waters no longer still?
Easily might he have measured three miles over the Waltham hills, in the bracing morning-air, with his own locomotive apparatus, while he had been looking in vain for artificial conveyance.
Of course, you will understand that a ½-inch gas-pipe will not supply heat enough to make a locomotive tire red hot, and that for large work a large gas supply is necessary.
I will now, with a blowpipe and small foot blower, heat a short length of locomotive boiler tube to a brazing heat on the table; and, in conclusion, will convert the table into a small foundry.
Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; William F.
The latter negotiated through the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
One of locomotive appendages of an animal; a limb; a leg or an arm of man.
A clamp for holding a locomotive frame to the boiler while allowing lengthwise motion.
A bar of iron with an eye at each end, or a heavy link, for coupling a locomotive to a tender or car.
The internal or principal branch of the locomotive appendages of Crustacea.