With the introduction of mobility it will borrow something from the arts of succession and especially from music.
Certainly it has already served on a higher level in some of the artistic lighting effects in which mobility has featured to some extent.
Superior mobility alone enabled Frederick the Great to move 'like a panther round an ox' so as to place his army across the enemy's flank.
In spite of the established superiority of the Boers in mobility and vigilance the most elementary precautions against surprise were frequently neglected.
Under favourable conditions cyclists possess greater mobility than cavalry, and they can develop greater fire-power, as no horse-holders are required.
The mobility of infantry is often the deciding factor in battle, and campaigns have been won by the legs of soldiers as much as by their arms.
Although inferior in mobility to Pack or Horse Artillery, they have greater shell-power and afford the principal support to infantry in closing with or repelling the enemy.
Against these natural limits to mobility are the compensating advantages of the power of infantry to move into and over almost any ground by day or by night, and the rapidity with which trained infantrymen can find or improvise cover.
Time is often a supreme factor in warfare, and the superior mobility of troops will gain for their commander a great strategical advantage.
It is, however, obvious that the closest support can be given by the guns that are weakest in shell-power, on account of the superiority in mobility possessed by the lighter guns.
Prejudices," he says, "are unmade and remade without ceasing: they have the eternal mobility of the clouds.
Every civilization has maintained a greater or lesser degree of mobility between the classes.
Mobility makes it possible for those with greater ability and energy to leave the countryside, settle near the market-place and climb the ladder of success.
The socialmobility of a bourgeois society gives them opportunity to climb high on the ladder of preferment.
If the variety and mobility of the features embellish the domain of animated nature, we must admit also, that both increase by civilization, without being solely produced by it.
Strange mobility of the imagination of man, eternal source of our enjoyments and our pains!
Bugeaud resolutely adopted the offensive, reduced the weight carried by the soldiers in order to increase the mobility of his troops, and carried the war into the province of Oran, from which Abd-el-Kader drew his principal resources.
If temperature is increased to fusion, welding is practically perfect; if to plasticity and mobility of surfaces, welding should be nearly perfect.
The inference is, that imperfect welding is not the result of a change in molecular motions due to impurities, but of imperfect mobility of the mass--of not giving the molecules a chance to get together.
While high temperature is thus the first cause of that mobility which promotes welding, it is also the cause, in an oxidizing atmosphere, of that 'burning' which injures both the weld and the iron.
Hence, welding in an oxidizing atmosphere must be done at a heat which gives a compromise between imperfect contact due to want of mobility on the one hand, and imperfect contact due to oxidation on the other hand.
Hence copper and carbon cannot impair the welding power of iron in any greater degree than by their interposition, provided the welding has the benefit of that perfect mobility which is due to the fusion.
It is but a memory of Arlecchino that our children see, a poor statue or image endowed with mobility rather than with life.
That this capacity is dependent upon a special mobility of the atoms of the brain, is shown by the speedy cessation of intelligence which follows great reduction of temperature, as in hibernation, or during exposure to severe frost.
But this preternatural mobility may display itself in other departments besides those of mere sense-perception.
The need, because of the increasing mobility of peoples, of effectual controls of health everywhere.
While sections of the Aryans were moving south and acquiring and developing civilization, these other Aryan peoples were developing mobility and nomadism; they were learning the life of the tent, the wagon, and the herd.
By this mobility her forces were multiplied, those of her enemies distracted.
When the animal is put to the walk the toe of the foot is elevated, and the extreme mobility of the foot gives one the idea of fracture.
On manipulating the pastern slight crepitation could be discovered, and there was abnormalmobility in the corono-pedal articulation.
Notwithstanding the extreme mobility of their particles, liquids contain, in fact, vestiges of the property which we formerly wished to consider the special characteristic of solids.
The extreme tenacity and the surprising mobility of its molecules are manifestly shown by the ease with which it penetrates into the most compact bodies and by its tendency to put itself in equilibrium throughout all bodies near to it.
The mobilityof our institutions, the richness of our resources, and the abilities of our people enable us to meet them unafraid.
A principal need of the 1980's will be maintaining mobility for all segments of the population in the face of severely increasing transportation costs and uncertainty of fuel supplies.
Its mobility factor wasn't supposed to do anything more than move him around on the hull to wherever he had to go.
The tentacles of the conduit were still wrapped around his arms and the mobility gadget's rocket was naturally working almost as well under water as it had in space.
On the bank lay his mobility unit, which apparently had been detached before they trucked him into the city originally.
She reproached him for a mobility of ideas, an inconstancy of resolution, and feared that the influence of the Duchesse de Castries had not been good for him.
This mobility comes from an imagination which can conceive all and remain vague, like glass which is soiled by none of its reflections.
And when we reach the mind and soul, thismobility is found in its most developed form.
The possibility of it depends upon the mobility of the organism; the result, on the extent and frequency of certain correspondences.
Both in men and animals the emotions of the soul are reflected in the features; and the features acquire the habit of mobility in proportion as the emotions of the mind are more frequent, more varied, and more durable.
How great is the difference with respect to mobility of feature and variety of physiognomy between dogs again become savage in the New World, and those whose slightest caprices are indulged in the houses of the opulent.
If the variety and mobility of the features embellish the domain of animated nature, we must admit also that both increase by civilization without being produced by it alone.
This mobility of cancer-nodules of the liver with the inspiratory and expiratory changes serves to distinguish them from tumors of the abdominal walls.
If the attack is confined to a single joint, a week may elapse before the inflammatory signs subside, and it may be a fortnight before pressure can be borne or the mobility of the joint is restored.
The fact that the meso-rectum limits the mobility of the upper and more narrow part of the rectum has led some to locate a third sphincter at this point, but the existence of such an organ has not been generally admitted.
Mobility of the tumor, however, does not exclude the presence of adhesions.
This solution of continuity results in a characteristic pseudo-paralysis, with curvatures, abnormal twistings, and preternatural mobility of the bones, with loss of the power of locomotion.
In the late 1960s there was some evidence that social mobility was slowing down and that the society was beginning to stabilize into self-perpetuating social groups.
The theses also deplored the "degenerate influences" of capitalist society that were evident in conspicuous material consumption in food and beverages, dress, music and dance, and social mobility brought about by bourgeois affluence.
Because education has traditionally been the main determinant of status, social mobility has been directed by the state through strict control over educational opportunities.
The society has been very mobile since World War II with rapid upward mobility based mainly on the expanding economy, industrialization, and modernization.
This mobility has been aided by the government's determined effort to reshuffle society by improving the social status and opportunities of the formerly underprivileged groups and by denying them to the formerly privileged ones.
Education has been the key to upward mobility and, since coming to power, the Communists have given preference in educational opportunity to formerly underprivileged groups.
Students from the lower income groups have not competed favorably against those from more advantaged backgrounds and, although upward mobility is not blocked, it has been becoming more difficult.
The mobility of his disposition counteracted his tendency to exaggerations of feeling.
I pass from one to another of these three existences, which are equally known to me; but this very mobility deprives me of the advantages of each.
The symptoms are mobility at seat of fracture, crepitus, or crackling, shortening, usually present when fracture is oblique, as in fig.
Battles will be, as they always have been, won by strategy, but for modern strategy and modern tactics the great necessity will be the greatestmobility of the greatest force.
Moreover, there are no better marksmen in the world than the Afridis, who are born soldiers, and the mobility of hardy mountaineers in their native hills necessarily exceeds that of regular troops encumbered with baggage and supplies.
Mobility of force is essential, forces operating at great distances but under one central head are a sine qua non, and in long-range artillery lies the preponderancy of power.
This would give us an uniform artillery, in which the mobility of the Field guns would be increased and the range of Horse guns improved.