Bacon was bracketed with another insubordinate brother, Jean d'Olive; and both were condemned.
They had seized the opportunity, and in the moment when the insubordinate garrison threw wide the gates, and leaped blindly from the parapets, they had swiftly occupied their places.
The seventeenth century, which ushered in the Baconian philosophy, was remarkable for its insubordinate spirit, especially in the country where that philosophy originated, and where it most flourished.
Some of his regiments showed a disorderly and insubordinate temper.
Finally he was soinsubordinate and violent to superior officers, that he was brought under hospital observation, having been excited and confused for a day.
Perhaps the majority of insubordinate cases are feebleminded or schizophrenic.
But General Stevens emphatically assured them that they must remain and do their duty as soldiers during the campaign, and took no further notice of their insubordinate and unsoldierly action.
As for the digression--well, I suppose even the most insubordinate reader is by this time educated up to my style.
His colonel, a very lukewarm constitutionalist, angry at the notoriety which his lieutenant was acquiring, had already sent in a complaint of Buonaparte's insubordinatespirit and of his inattention to duty.
Insubordinate to France it certainly is, and intemperate; turgid, too, as any youth of twenty could well make it.
Insubordinate native princes admitted only a nominal control over them.
We shall, therefore, do all that is possible to free ourselves from it in the course of the present study.
By the postmaster-generals' minute Palmer, the insubordinate Post Office servant, was dismissed.
Walsingham regarded Palmer, in so far as he withheld obedience from the postmaster-generals' orders, as simply an insubordinate servant.
In feudal times the kings had enfeoffed bishops with great fiefs in order to counterbalance the insubordinate secular lords, and because, in episcopal hands, these fiefs did not become hereditary.
Energetic and masterful, he set to work to consolidate the loose and insubordinate papal territories into a compact state.
It is little more than a couple of hours ago that your officers waited upon me in a body to make formal complaint of your idleness and insubordinate conduct.
He found his mother sick, and his little brother, Egbert, utterly insubordinate and unmanageable.
The people here are so insubordinate that if your Majesty does not send some one to chastise them and protect his servants, there will soon be no island of San Juan.
There was a body of Mobiles who had been sent away from the army by Marshal MacMahon because they were so insubordinate that he did not know what to do with them.
He hated such powerful andinsubordinate nobles, and after the destruction of the Mamelukes in 1811, he placed Egypt under the rule of the bold Macedonian soldier, Mehemet Ali, not as a pasha, but as viceroy.